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SAT Question of the



a One of the northernmost countries b of Europe, c Finland's borders are Russia on the east,
Sweden on the west, d and the tip of Norway on the north. e No error
My Answer: (C) Finlands borders are

Correct Answer: C

The sum, product, and average (arithmetic mean) of three integers are equal. If two of the
integers are


My Answer: (D) 5

, the third integer is

Correct Answer: D

Always ready to ------- achievement, Miller was as eager to praise a new production as the more
mean-spirited critics were to ------- it.
My Answer: (C) recognize..deride

Correct Answer: C

With the 1977 publication of Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison both received popular and critical
My Answer: (D) received popular as well as

Correct Answer: D

A right circular cylinder has height
My Answer: (C)

and volume

. What is the circumference of its base?

Correct Answer: C

Their conversation was unsettling, for the gravity of their topic contrasted so oddly with the
------- of their tone. My Answer: (C) lightness Correct Answer: C
Audio recordings, and the equipment a used to make and play them, b comes in c many forms, d
including records, CDs, and analog and digital tape recorders. e No error
My Answer: (B) comes

Correct Answer: B


Which of the following could be the equation of the function graphed in the xy-plane above?
My Answer: (C) y=|x^2+1|

Correct Answer: (D) y=|x^2-1|

Dahntays ------- over winning the prestigious prize was ------- only by the fact that his father was unable
to attend the ceremony.
My Answer: (B) ebullience . . tempered

Correct Answer: B

Digital technology, like every marketer knows, it is synonymous with speed, precision, and the future.
My Answer: (C) technology, as every marketer knows, is

Correct Answer: C

The price of
pounds of apples is dollars. If the apples weigh an average of pound for every
apples, which of the following is the average price, in cents, of a dozen such apples?

My Answer: (A) 20d

Correct Answer: (A)

Professor Chen believes that the universal character of art refutes the prevailing notion that art is a ------of civilization, a cultural frill, a social veneer
My Answer: (D) luxury

Correct Answer: (D)

The Sun has been shining for a nearly five billion years and is thought b that it has sufficient
thermonuclear fuel in its core c to shine d for about another five billion. e No error
My Answer: (B)

Correct Answer: (B)

For how many positive two-digit integers is the ones digit greater than twice the tens digit?
My Answer: (A) 16

Correct Answer: (A)


A judgment made before all the facts are known must be called ------- .
My Answer: (D) premature Correct Answer: D

In Costa Rica, coffee, from the highlands, and bananas, produced mainly in the Caribbean
lowlands, as the most important crops, they account for nearly half the total value of all exports
My Answer: (C) are the most important crops, accounting

Correct Answer: C

The bar graph above shows the number of people in attendance at each of the four meetings of the Maple Street
Block Association that were held in 2011. Only members of the Block Association can attend the meetings, and no
members joined or left the Block Association during 2011. Based on the bar graph, what is the least number of
members the Maple Street Block Association could have had in 2011?

My Answer: (A) 61

Correct Answer: (D)72


Samantha tends to behave -------, rarely considering the consequences of her reckless actions.
My Answer: (E) impetuously

Correct Answer: E


aWhen people gave up the hunter-gatherer way of life and began to cultivate the soil and grow
their food, they often b became less mobile, built more substantial residences, and c they
developed d more effective means of storage. e No error
My Answer: C

Correct Answer:C

In the figure above,
, what is the length of

is the center of the circle and


is equilateral. If the sides of

are of length

My Answer: (C)

Correct Answer: (C)

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