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********** Command & Conquer Generals: Rise of the Reds Beta Rel

ease 1.85 *********

*****Introduction and Features*****
Hello and thank you for downloading Rise of the Reds 1.85
This is our sixth release of Rise of the Reds. We have brought you a lot of new
visual goodies aswell as new units, upgrades,
gameplay improvements and balance.

*****List of Content in this Package*****

- Installation file
- The file you're reading right now
- Contains all changes since the previous version

*****Installing, Uninstalling and playing the Mod*****
Below is a step by step instruction on how to install ROTR properly onto your Ze
ro Hour.
-Double click on the ROTRBeta_185.exe file in this archive. An installation proc
edure should begin
-Follow the instructions in the installation carefully and make sure you have pa
tched your ZH installation to the latest version (1.04)
(Note: In case you are using the "First Decade" version of Zero Hour you do not
need to patch the game as this was included within that version already)
***Installing on Origin***
Below is a step by step instruction on how to install ROTR properly onto your Or
igin version of Zero Hour.
-Double click on the ROTRBeta_185.exe file in this archive. An installation proc
edure should begin
-Follow the instructions in the installation carefully and make sure that you in
stall the game in the Second Zerohour folder not the main one.
-Example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Generals Zero
Hour\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\"
Below is a step by step instruction on how to uninstall ROTR properly.
-Go to your start menu
-Look for a folder called Rise of the Reds Beta 1.8 in the Programs area

-Click on the Uninstall Rise of the Reds icon and the uninstallation procedure w
ill begin uninstalling the mod.
-If you choose to install the map pack and/or you can also uninstall the
se from the same menu

For those of you who are new to ROTR here is a nice list of its main features an
d gameplay changes compared to the original Zero Hour game.
New Faction: Russian Federation.
Fight or join the Russian Federation, a nation whose history has been beset by b
etrayal, upheaval and economic strife. In Rise of the Reds
the Russians will have some of the most expensive and powerful vehicles in the g
ame. Infantry are cheaply trained and are
most effective in numbers and their versatility with their own specializations w
ill help you and your forces to march onward to a
great victory! Upgrades are plentiful and will substantially reduce costs and in
crease firepower for your units and aircraft.
Close helicopter support and aircraft are also available. While hard to master,
they are invaluable in your effort to control the field.
New Faction: European Continental Alliance.
Fight or join the ECA, a powerful military alliance born out of the ashes of the
European Union in the aftermath of the GLA attack. In Rise
Of the Reds, the Europeans rely heavily on defenses and impenetrable fortificati
ons, allowing them to cling to their ground more effectively
than any other faction. Even though their aircraft technologies are limited, the
European VTOLs and helicopters excel at providing close air support
and their units can hold their ground against overwhelming odds. Deploy cutting
edge experimental weapons, including the Manticore super-heavy tank
and the devastating Pandora artillery platform and use advanced micro-management
to get the best out of some of the most versatile units in the game.
Updated Factions: USA, China and GLA.
These three factions have been given new units, upgrades and gameplay tweaks to
better prepare them for a new age of warfare.
New units like the Chinese Hopper Tank, American Bradley IFVs and GLA Demo Track
will substantially enhance the gameplay elements for these factions.
There are more units and upgrades to explore, learn them and use them against yo
ur foes!
New Tier Based Tech tree.
We have added a new Tech tree structure for all factions in which you have a pri
mary and secondary "Tech" structure
such as the Weapons Bunker (Russia) and Detention Camp (USA) as primary tech str
uctures which unlock the more standard vehicles like tanks
and better infantry and secondary Tech structures such as the Breeder Reactor (C
hina) and Industrial Plant (Russia) which unlock the highest
and most advanced tech.
New Scout System.
We have made many gameplay tweaks but this is one of the more memorable and impo
rtant changes. We've reduced the sight range
for a lot of ground units to encourage the use of Scout units. These units will
be available from your Command Center for

minimal cost and each of them have their own unique features that will aid your
advancements in the field. Use these Scouts to
spot for your artillery and venture into unknown territory without risking more
costly forces.
New Anti-Aircraft Tier System.
We gave also changed a big deal on how aircraft should work in Rise of the Reds
1.8 . In this mod, jet aircraft will
have better survivability due to this change. Allow us to explain:
Tier 1:
AA Infantry, Low Tier AA vehicles (Tunguska, Gattling Tank, Gepard Tank, Quad Ca
nnon & Avenger). These units will be more effective against helicopters.
They are able to hit jets but are not as effective as higher Tier anti-air.
Tier 2:
Heavy Anti-Air Vehicles. We've included new Anti Air units which are able to tak
e down aircraft quicker than Tier 1 units can.
Units of this caliber are the Grumble, Chaparral,Twin-Fang, Wotan Array and Ural
Trucks. These units are meant to
take down Fighters and Bombers with ease, can take down helicopters but are not
as effective due to the ammunition limits
these units carry. Each of these units have a limited amount of salvos. After ea
ch salvo is shot, the unit must spend time reloading.
With this, a smart player would spam helicopters and send them towards your unit
where it would not be able to take them out
effectively. They can however annihilate Fighters and Jets with one or two shots
and have incredible splash damage.
Finally, Tier 3:
Self explanatory, Fighter Jets that can engage other aircraft are your best coun
ter against these units.
This sums up the new Anti-Aircraft Tier system. This will allow for more interes
ting gameplay from what you knew from Zero
Hour, making aircraft deadlier and helicopters a vital role in strategy.
New Maps: We have added a plentiful amount of maps to ROTR themed around the sto
ryline. We will add more maps as patches will
become available shortly after the release. Stay tuned for more information.
We've included new AI for every faction in Rise of the Reds, the Russians includ
ed, so you can fight it out against the computer with a new challenging
level of difficulty. The new Hard Mode has been overhauled and will be a new thr
eat to you with the new units and strategies added to the game.
Players expecting a quick fight against the hard AI are in for a nasty surprise!
This sums up this version of ROTR 1.85 We hope you will enjoy it as we have and
stay tuned for more information
on the next version as we continue to develop it!
And special thanks to all the other people that supported and helped this mod!
That will be all drop a line at our forums (
dex.php?showforum=22) and enjoy the mod.
Thanks again and stay safe!
~SWR Productions

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