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Level 3 Questions


1. equivocal
2. reticent
3. silent
4. laconic
5. mute

Answer : 2

Don’t fall for: 3,5. Garrulous is talking in excess! You could ask me why not silent?
Lemme explain

Talk opposite = ? silent?

Talk much opposite? Silent? Think twice! Mute is silencing of someone! So 3, 5 are
Explanation :

Garrulous is being excessively talkative. Reticent means being unwilling to talk

much. Laconic means using very few words. Equivocal means being open to more
than one interpretation.


1. generous
2. indulgent
3. abstemious
4. thrifty
5. miserly

Answer : 3

Don’t fall for: 4,5. Excessive spending is our question! So isn’t heaping the money
without spending the opposite? :O aren’t you shocked?

Well, you shouldn’t! The word given means something done for pleasure! And hence
something does in control must be the option! Watch out pals!

Explanation :

Self-indulgent is being given to excessive spending and pleasure-seeking.

Abstemious is being controlled in one's instincts and impulses for pleasure. Thrifty
means a money saving tendency.

1. supported
2. protected
3. strong
4. fortified
5. indomitable

Answer : 2

Don’t fall for: 1. You can’t rely that something supported is not vulnerable! Watch

Vulnerable is being susceptible to outside influence or attack. Invulnerable is being

'protected'. Indomitable means impossible to subdue or defeat. Fortify is to
strengthen or invigorate someone mentally or physically.


1. incomplete
2. divided
3. peripheral
4. incoherent
5. remote

Answer : 3

Don’t fall for: Is there anything to fall for!

Explanation :
Integral is being central and essential. Peripheral refers to something like an add-on
and therefore not so important. Remote is something distant or faraway.


1. venerate
2. abuse
3. respect
4. servile
5. obsequious

Answer : 1

Don’t fall for: 3 and at times 4. You might as well make a tick mark on 3 in case
the question was disrespect or hatred!

It’s execrate, which is an too extreme form of hate, and hence it must be too
extreme form of respect! Hence 1.

A few do think being a slave does mean giving an undermining quantity of respect,
think for a while is that so?
Explanation :

Execrate is to hate intensely. The opposite of hate is love. When you love someone
you also respect him or her. But since execrate is an intensive form of hate or
loathing, venerate which is an intensive form of respect is the answer. Abuse: scold
or use foul language servile: slavle-like; obsequious: having a self-degrading
tendency to please someone;

1. tidy
2. systematic
3. hapless
4. neat
5. reticent

Answer : 2

Don’t fall for: 4. Haphazard never means ugly, it just means disorderly! Watch out!
Explanation :

Haphazard is working in random, disorderly fashion. Systematic is doing a task with

method and regularity. Hapless means unlucky or unfortunate.


1. ordinary
2. uninviting
3. difficult
4. trying
5. unimposing

Answer : 2

Don’t fall for: no alternative is alluring enough!


Alluring means attractive and charming. Ordinary means normal and usual.
Uninviting is not attractive and it is opposite of alluring. Options trying, difficult,
unimposing have nothing do with attraction.


1. authentic
2. disloyal
3. fictional
4. spurious
5. imaginative

Answer : 4

Don’t fall for: Nothing impressive to fall for

Explanation :

Genuine means real and authentic. Authentic means something that is of undisputed
origin or genuine. Disloyal means failing to be loyal to a country or person or body to
which one has obligations. Spurious means duplicate and fake.

1. craven
2. worthless
3. irredeemable
4. imperturbable
5. incompatible

Answer : 1

Don’t fall for: No!


Dauntless indicates the unbuckling spirit of a courageous person. Craven is indicated

of shameless cowards who sink in abject fear. This is the right answer. Worthless
means something or someone having no value or good qualities. Irredeemable is one
that cannot be corrected or saved. Imperturbable means not easily troubled or
worried. Two people are said to be incompatible when they are not able to live or
work happily.

1. stimulated
2. provoked
3. activated
4. reciprocated
5. invigorated

Answer : 4

Don’t fall for:3. Provoke is something negative in connotation, in general! So

provoking can it be an antonym of not reciprocated love? Watch out!
Explanation :

Unrequited is a feeling of love not being reciprocated or returned. When a

man loves a woman and the woman too loves the man then it is reciprocated love.
Therefore the option reciprocated is the right answer. When stimulated or activated
someone or something will become more active or alert. Provoked is used to evoke
negative emotions such as anger or irritation. Activate is to make something active.
Invigorate is to energize something.

Thanks for reading! Do comment!

all the best! any queries feel free to mail me

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