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Easter Daisies milik keluarga Asteraceae, dengan nama yang berasal dari

Latin for aster, meaning star. Latin untuk aster, yang berarti bintang. This is an apt description of these
flowers, Ini adalah deskripsi yang tepat dari bunga-bunga ini,
which have many elliptical petals surrounding a round yellow flower centre. yang memiliki banyak elips
mengelilingi kelopak bunga kuning bulat pusat.
The flower centres contain the anthers and pollen, so can look a little Pusat bunga berisi kepala putik dan
serbuk sari, sehingga dapat terlihat sedikit
shaggy in older flowers. kusut di bunga yang lebih tua. Petal colours are white, pink or mauve. Petal
warna putih, merah muda atau lembayung muda. They are Mereka
popular during Easter time for traditional arrangements. populer pada waktu Paskah pengaturan

The garden strawberry is a common plant of the genus Fragaria which is cultivated worldwide for its
fruit , the (common) strawberry . Taman strawberry adalah tanaman umum dari genus Fragaria yang
dibudidayakan di seluruh dunia untuk buah, yang (umum) stroberi. The fruit is widely appreciated,
mainly for its characteristic aroma but also for its bright red color, and it is consumed in large quantities
—either fresh, or in prepared foods such as preserves , fruit juice , pies , ice creams , milk shake , etc.
Artificial strawberry aroma is also widely used in all sorts of industrialized food products. Buah dihargai
secara luas, terutama karena aromanya yang khas, tetapi juga karena warna merah cerah, dan dikonsumsi
dalam jumlah besar-baik segar, atau dalam makanan olahan seperti manisan, jus buah, kue, es krim, milk
shake, etc . Artificial strawberry aroma juga banyak digunakan dalam berbagai macam produk makanan
industri. Strawberry cultivars vary remarkably in size, color, flavor, shape, degree of fertility, season of
ripening, liability to disease and constitution of plant. [ 4 ] Some vary in foliage, and some vary materially
in the relative development of their sexual organs. Kultivar stroberi sangat bervariasi dalam ukuran,
warna, rasa, bentuk, tingkat kesuburan, musim pematangan, kewajiban terhadap penyakit dan tanaman

Ginger plants can grow to about 1 m tall. The upright shoots sprout from the rhizome at the base
of the plant.
Rhizomes - knobbly and fleshy, covered in ring-like scars. This is the important part for food and
medicine. Although the rhizomes grow underground, they are swollen stems, not roots. This is
why fresh ginger is often referred to as 'stem ginger'.
Flowers - the flowering spikes sprout directly from the rhizomes and are about 30 cm long. The
flowers are purple with a cream-blotched base.
Fruits - red in colour. Each has three chambers containing several small black seeds. Ginger
plants that are cultivated in commercial plantations don't usually bear fruit.

Compost (pronounced /ˈkɒmpɒst/ or US /ˈkɒmpoʊst/) is a combination of decomposed plant and animal materials
and other organic materials that are being decomposed largely through aerobic decomposition into a rich black soil.
The process of composting is simple and practiced by individuals in their homes, farmers on their land, and
industrially by industries and cities.Compost soil is very rich soil and used for many purposes. A few of the places
that it is used are in gardens, landscaping, horticulture, and agriculture. The compost soil itself is beneficial for the
land in many ways, including as a soil conditioner, a fertilizer to add vital

humus or humic acids, and as a natural pesticide for soil. In ecosystems, compost soil is useful for erosion control,
land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and as landfill cover.

nurseryman - someone who takes care of a garden, a gardener who moves plants to new locations, a person who
owns or works in a nursery in which plants are grown

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