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Jorge Martinez

Enrique Wong
ENG 0100
October 17th, 2015
Don't Run Away from The World
Migration could lead different kind of problems. For example, in the case
of the U.S., it led the rise of different kind of mafias which killed and
endangered thousand of U.S. citizens. The increase of crime is just the top of
the iceberg, migrants can also encroach public infrastructure, dirtying parks
and sidewalks. Furthermore, the host country has to manage to cover the
necessities of the migrant population because they need a place to live,
education, health care, security, and so on. Without a visa Ecuador is exposed
to all the problems of migration; even though, being a visa free country can
help our economy to increase the number of tourist that visit Ecuador each
year which is rising our economy; it also will lead to a interesting exchange of
ideas that can indeed develop the country; and finally, it could help thousands
of migrants that are seeking for a place with better life conditions, which is a
human right.
While supporters may say that people from other countries are leaving a
lot of Ecuadorians without a job, destroying our society's economy, Tourism
represents a lot of Ecuador's economy. Nowadays, Ecuador is emerging as a
new interesting, cheap, and easy-to-go destiny for all around the world.
Foreigns prefer Ecuador not only because of the Galapagos Islands, the
exuberant nature of the Amazon Region, or because to visit the first cultural
heritage site, Quito, but also because you don't need a visa to go, which avoids
the devilish paperwork of getting it. Settling a visa will lead potential tourists

to visit other countries that could be easier to go. For example, U.S. citizens
could prefer to visit Europe or our neighbors Colombia and Peru, which are
also visa free countries for them.
One of the most important ingredients for civilization development is the
exchange of ideas. If something was special about the Italian Renaissance, it
was the fact that Italy was the center of the exchange of ideas of the fourteen
and fifteen century. All the new findings that the Arabs got in different areas
such as mathematics, medicine, astronomy, navigation, ans so fort, ended up
in Italy. Moreover, this exchange of ideas lead Italians to develop arts and
science, as anyones in their time. Setting a visa could only slow down this
fundamental process. Ecuador needs people from all around the world for the
development of our country. We do need of this process in order to get a
different society. If we don't face different things, we might believe that our
society is good right now. So, we will remain stuck, making the same mistakes
until we get a different point of view.
Requiring a visa will not only be bad for our economy and the
development of our country, but it also will endanger people from our
neighbors, specially Colombia and Venezuela. Ecuador has represent for
several years a place of peace for Colombians that have run away from their
country because of F.A.R.C.S. Closing the frontier will represent the end of
thousands of Colombians that still live with fear and in danger. In addition, a
lot of Venezuelans have emigrated to Ecuador in order to get better life
conditions because of the bad moments that Venezuela is living today. It is the
right of any person to live in good conditions of peace and justice. If their
country can't give them these conditions, any people should be in their right
to seek another place to stay. Besides any social or political problem that

could arise from migration, the most important and fundamental human right
is the right of living, and fundamentally living in human conditions. Setting a
visa could only delay this process; and therefore, endanger thousands of
In conclusion, being a free visa country is profitable because it increases
the economics of our country by a direct way that is tourism, and by a indirect
way speeding up the exchange of ideas. Moreover and besides any economical
advantage, Ecuador is helping to thousands of migrants from Latin America
that are seeking for a better place to live, so Ecuador is defending the most
fundamental of the humans rights, the right of live in humane conditions.
Maybe, Ecuador is facing a lot of problems because being a free visa country,
but with time the rewarding will appear; and even better, we are working to
have a united Latin America.

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