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Operation Game Change: Students Exchange of Outreach Program

HANOI, October 30, 2015 -- Wildlife champions and founders of One More
Generation from the United States and young Rhino Ambassadors from South Africa
arrived in Hanoi on October 24 for a weeklong outreach exchange with Vietnamese
youth to address the rhino poaching crisis in South Africa, and present for signing
the World Youth Wildlife Declaration, a world-wide call to action from young people
against rhino poaching, illegal wildlife trade and help give them a voice to support
conservation and safeguard their own futures.

On Sunday 25 October, the eight Rhino Ambassadors were joined by U.S.

Ambassador Ted Osius for the Rally for Rhinos, a bike ride tour around West Lake,
with local cycling enthusiasts. Supported by Freeland, Fusion BodyWorks, Tour De
Fun and Vietjet, the Rally for Rhinos brought much needed public attention to South
Africas rhino poaching crisis and initiated a groundswell of support and a growing
voice to end illegal trade and consumption of rhino horn and other endangered
animal species that put many species on the brink of extinction.

The Rhino Ambassadors met with leaders of Biodiversity Conservation Agency (BCA)
to discuss South Africas poaching crisis and the illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam. In
addition to signing the Declaration book that calls for an end to rhino poaching and
wildlife crime, they shared ideas about ways in which Vietnam and South Africa can
work together under their Memorandum of Understanding to end illegal wildlife
trade and keep the money out of the hands of international terrorists and crime

The Rhino Ambassadors also met with Hanoi University of Pharmacy and Nguyen
Binh Khiem School students who, together, pledged not to 1) use, 2) gift and 3)
accept rhino horn. Taking concrete action to save the planet, they put their feet in
paint and imprinted footprints on cloth as part of the One Million Footprints to Save

The trips highlight occurred when the Rhino Ambassadors handed the Declaration
book to Mr. Vu Minh Ly, Director of National Volunteer Center, Ho Chi Minh
Communist Youth Union with Ambassador Osius and South African Ambassador
Kgomotso Ruth Magau as witnesses. The Rhino Ambassadors will speak about their
experiences in South Africa, in the U.S. and visiting Hanoi at American Center on
Thursday, October 29 and at ENVs rhino exhibit at Cau Giay park on October 31
from 10:00 to 11:00.

This student exchange outreach program is one of many activities that Operation
Game Change supports in the lead-up to WildFest, an outdoor film and music
festival that takes place at the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long on November 8, 2015.
WildFest will also serve as a platform for high level government representatives,
celebrities, business leaders, NGO partners and the media to come together to show
their public and collective joint commitment to ending the illegal trade of wildlife.

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