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Bier, Nils. "The Content Blog." Six Reasons Why I Use JIRA in My Role as a Technical Writer.
K15t, 1 Apr. 2014. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.
JIRA is a platform for managing development connected to distributed source code
repositories. It is a tool for software developers. The author of this article is not a
software developer, yet he and his technical writing team use JIRA. He describes a
number of reasons why. He is able to use the information placed in JIRA by the
development team to track which features need documentation written. It allows him to
track statistics and information related to the software and to the documentation to better
inform his work. It allows the team to stay on track by keeping up with release deadlines.
Integration with Confluence allows the development team to quickly give feedback about
the documentation that is written.
This source demonstrates unexpected added value by showcasing the softwares benefit
to even non developers.
Fisher, J., D. Koning, and A. P. Ludwigsen. "Utilizing Atlassian Jira For Large-Scale Software
Development Management*." Lawrence Livermore National Labratory, 24 Sept. 2013.
Web. 2 Dec. 2015.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a test nuclear fusion reactor laboratory. A
government agency conducting important proprietary research, the National Ignition
Facilitys software developers are entrusted with sensitive information, must carefully
track issues, and must maintain a stable workflow. To enable their workflow process, the
National Ignition Facility utilizes JIRA to manage issues in their software development.
Between 2004 and 2013, JIRA has been used to handle more than 80,000 issues. The
report details how the National Ignition Facility has used JIRAs extensibility to customize
their workflow to increase efficiency.
This source explains that JIRA is mature and sufficiently secure to be used even by
government agencies. This is important in our business where we have to deal with
sensitive client information and often bid for government contracts.
Graves, Amy. "The Benefits of Using Confluence for Team Collaboration." Roar The Benefits of
Using Confluence for Team Collaboration Comments. White Lion, 11 Dec. 2014. Web. 2
Dec. 2015.
In this editorial, Graves describes the way that her web development team uses
Confluence. She describes how prior to using Confluence, her team had to combine
shared folders, a proprietary knowledge base, Outlook contacts, and an internal forum to
accomplish internal and client communication needs. She then explains how Confluence
has replaced all of these other technologies. Spaces in Confluence allow easy
organization of data and provide safe separation between internal information and client
communication. Confluence template feature allows for lower overhead for
documentation, note taking, and collaboration. Additionally, the integration of Confluence
with Jira makes communication about specific bugs, features, or code commits easy.

This source will be useful in explaining the features and benefits of Confluence. The
section explaining the technologies that Confluence has replaced will aid in explaining
potential cost savings.

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