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Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amlie Poulain Film Review by Juan Ortiz

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amlie Poulain, a french film, is a movie

about a quirky girl who sees the world differently than the rest. The
movie is about a girl who has always been isolated from others, ever
since childhood. The movie begins with a list. A list of every character
in Amelies life when she was a child and list of their likes and dislikes a
very unusual way to start a film, but it was funny. It goes on to show
why she was alone as a child and how the death of her mother affected
her. The movie quickly moves foward to when Amelie is in her
twenties, living alone and wroking as a waitress. Audrey Tautou of a
quirky, whimsical girl was so enuine, you believed her because of her
look and her posture. The movie was almost like a breathe of fresh air,
to see exactly how an imagination can make life better. Amelie tries to
better the lives of those around her while not dealing with her
unsuccesful personal life.
A movie like this focused more on the acting then on anything
else. But first, the camera angles used in the film were not alot. Most
of the film was done in a middle shot form. Most of the close ups were
done mostly on Amelies face when she comes up with an idea or is
thinking. Most of the wide shots were done in the train station, and
some other wide shots were used while she was running following the
motorcycle guy.
The film was very tight when it came to actors. There wasnt
a big cast nor big elaborate settings beside the train station. Extras,
according to Lous Giannetti author of Understanding Movies, provide a
sense of a crowd and often function as landscape or set rather than
characters Not alot of extras were used in the film only extras were
used were in Amelies job, the restaurant, the train station was where
most of the extras were used.
During the time of the movies release, 2001, America was going
through a hard time. Months before the movies release in December
the United States suffered the worst terrorist attack in American soil in
history, and the movie served as a good refresh for the American
public. It was a very good comedy, and although it had a limited
release the American public opented to it warmly. It even increased
tourist trips to France.

After years of battling American "cultural imperialism" and its

advance guard of Hollywood movies, France's filmmakers have staged
a coup: French films in 2001 claimed 41% of the nation's ticket sales,
up from 28.5% in 2000, thanks to Amelie French films have become
more popular (Crumley, 2002). And I can see why. The scenery in
Amelie is beautiful. It makes one want to go to France and see the
beautiful scenery for ones self. Not only has Amelie had a profound
effect on French films in America but also tourism in France after the
movie has increased since the movies release. And the real-life
places that she frequented have profited from her magic, creating a
cult of Amlie, particularly among foreign tourists who seek to follow in
her footsteps. (Sciolino, 2003) Tourist have gone to France to see the
places where Amelie worked or traveled or even the grocery store she
went to. People want to follow Amelie.
Forget the plot, the real delight is the army of oddballs that
rotate around the gamine Miss Tautou, says Neil Smith about Le
Fabuleux Destin d'Amlie Poulain. The movie does not have a solid
plot, but the odd characters and storylines make up for it. The way the
movie just rolls on with no clear disctinction of where its actually going
is fun, like a roller coaster. The movie isnt touching, it doesnt seem to
have a deep message the movie is just fun! Although the movie is
confusing at first and you dont really know what is the purpose of the
movie or why she does the things she does, or why she goes on
adventures that dont seem necessary but this movie is guaranteed to
put a smile on your face (Smith, 2001).
For being my first french film, I enjoyed it. At first I thought that
the movie was pointless and I would not like it, but I actually got into
the movie. I always wondered why she involved herself in silly
situations but that is how Amelie is. The way her mind works is bery
unusual, she sees the world differently. While others see the world as
a business venture, she sees it as a roller coaster, she seed the world
fun. She may be in her twenties and be mature but her mindset is still
like a little kid. She is looking for fun and to be accepted. The movie
takes you around France with Amelie and her adventures. The move is
fun, and whimsicle and just a great watch.
Amelie [Theater]. (2001).
Crumley, B. (2002, February 4). The french steals the show. Time
Europe, 159(5), p. 63.
Smith, N. (2001, October 4). Amelie (2001). Retrieved from films/ 2001/09/19/amelie_2001_review.shtml
Sciolino, E. (2003, August 10). Cinematography meets geography in
montmartre. 159,

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