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Study Questions for The Old Man and the Sea by

Ernest Hemingway
Day One
1. How long had it been since Santiago had caught a fish? 84 days
2. How did the other fishermen react to Santiago? They made fun of him.
3. What was on the walls of Santiago's shack? What used to hang there? Sacred heart of
jesus and the virgin of the code; picture of him and his wife
4. How did Santiago get his dinner that night, and what was it? Manolin brought it to
him and fish
5. In his dreams, how did the lions play? Like young cats
Day Two
1. How did Santiago and Manolin meet in the morning? What did they eat for breakfast?
Santiago goes to Marolins house and wake him up; coffee
2. Did Santiago realize that he was going "far out"? (give page reference) yes (pg. 28)
3. Did Santiago speak of the sea as feminine or masculine? Feminine; la mar
4. When did Santiago think he would catch 'the big one'? (give page reference) dawn
5. What did Santiago use for bait? Tuna and sardines
6. Did Santiago like the Portuguese man of war? What did he refer to it as? No; poor
9. What did Santiago like to watch eat the Portuguese man of war? Sea turtles
10. Use one word to describe how Santiago 'works' his big fish. Patiently
11. The lights of what city are visible on the horizon? Havannah
Day Three
1. Who did Santiago wish was with him? Manolin
2. In what direction was the fish pulling? At first east but then north

3. What did Santiago hope the fish would do? Why ? jump so it could not dive deep and
break his line
4. What added drag to the line, and pleased Santiago? Yellow seaweed
5. What did Santiago eat for breakfast? tuna
6. Santiago considered the fish his _______? Friend, brother
7. What was the biggest fish that Santiago had ever caught? Was he alone those times?
1000 punds and no he was not alone
8. What did Santiago promise to do if God allowed him to catch the fish? Say 10 our
fathers and 10 hail marys
9. What did Santiago do to convince God to allow him to catch the fish? Promised to
make a pilgrimage
10. What had happened in Casablanca? Santiago won an arm wrestling competition
11. What did he dream about that night? lions
Day Four
1. What woke him up? Jerk of the fish pulling on the line
2. How many times had the fish jumped? More than a dozen times
3. What did Santiago eat for breakfast? Dolphin and flying fish
4. When was Santiago going to say 100 Our Fathers and Hail Marys? When he brought
the fish in
5. What was on Santiago's head? A small bird
6. What was the fish doing all this day? Circling the boat
7. What did Santiago kill the fish with? What time was it? Harpoon and around noon
8. What did he do with the fish? Tied it to the side of the boat
9. What did Santiago drink throughout this ordeal? water
10. What attacked his fish enroute? shark
11. What did Santiago taste on his return trip? Coppers sweet taste

Day Five
1. Who met him in the morning? What did he do when he saw the old man? Marolin and
he cried when he saw the old man
2.How big was the fish? Did the fish beat Santiago? 18 feet; no but the sharks did
3. What is Manolin determined to do now? Bring Santiago good uck
4. Who did Santiago give the fish head to? Why? Pedrico because hes been watching
over him

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