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Well, to make a battle formation I think it depends on the situation we have.

But this is my battle formation with my own heroes I have, and I almost use this set of
formation and sometimes modify it depend on the situation.
1. Angel Trial
[Nightblade] [Rose Knight]
[Pyrona] [Elder Dwarf]
Angel: Nyssa/Alecta
This is my battle formation I actually use on Angel Trial. My current level now is 72, and
I realize I'm a bit late to develop 80 Angels like Athena/Styx/Mikaela. But with this
formation I can finish Angel Trial but not all I do in HARD mode. Since Nightblade is
shining, I play to finish off ASAP the row she face.. I combine my Nightblade with Rose
Knight, and it works when I used their main skill. Sometimes if we luck Rose Knight
main skill will stun his row, and it helps the situation if Nightblade bladerazor is active. I
have Elder Dwarf and I think we must have this tanker to tank Pyrona or Night Sentinel
enemy or other nuker heroes. The best part of Elder Dwarf is his shield. I pump up my
AGI rune on him so his shield can set up ASAP when battle begins. Then Pyrona, I
always use this hero since the 1st time I played. Her fireball is awesome, and for Angel
Trial, her 4th skill help us to make sure she will unleashed her fireball every floor we
stand. Last I use Djinni just to make sure my team HP is under control since I don't have
better Athena (still in progress), and I find my Nyssa can't handle it. So, this is why
sometimes I use Nyssa and Djinni at the time. But depend on the enemy I face. When I
think I have in rush mode to finish them off before they touch me, I use my Alecta.
If I have Athena, I will change my Djinni out and switch her to my Night
Sentinel/Headless Horseman/Berserker Claw. Cause high level of Athena is enough to
cover our team HP, or still stick with Djinni and use Damage/Control Angel like Styx or
Mikaela. And last Alecta can switch with Mikaela. I don't use Styx for now, cause my
team composition here is not Crowd Control type. So, I skipped her for a while. And for
last battle (floor 49), I set my team all out attack, so I leave my Djinni out and get my
DPS hero in, and use Alecta.
Good news in Angel Trial is you can restart the battle by pause it then restart the battle.
Sometimes I do this when the battle starts is not as I plan. For example, when use Night
Sentinel and his 2nd skill is MISS. Angel Trial is more flexible. So, learn our enemy
formation and set ours by knowing each other hero skill, angel and etc.
2. Gold Trial
Gold Trial is very different from Angel Trial. More damage, more gold u gained. We need
to see what formation does the Gold Trial serves us. Is it only one enemy? Three front?
Three back? Or full row?
I think we can see the recommended heroes on each condition we have. Then set it up
like what recommended are. I think no need battle formation here.
For me, I always use Atalanta and Nightblade on each condition. Sometimes Berserker
Claw I add in to stun lock the enemy in the backrow. On other point, we also see if the
hero enemy can do crowd control or not. So, we can add 1-2 crowd control too. (in my
condition, sometimes I add Headless Horseman/Berserker Claw).
Angel: Damage angel like Alecta/Mikaela is suit for this trial I think.
3. Guild Wharf Defense.

Actually, I'm not best of this part. In my opinion, there are two option to handle it. And
almost of wharf battle depend on the 1st or 2nd fight. So I think to prepare the best for the
1st fight or 2nd fight. Except, you can make all of your 3 team awesome.
1. Set the formation that really tank to survive all the way battle to time out the battle for
the 1st battle, or
2. Set the best battle team to fight the enemy for the 1st and/or 2nd battle.
Why I said in my opinion that wharf battle depend from the 1st fight of battle?
Because, once we failed on our 1st team, the enemy party gained rage from the 1st battle,
and ready to crush your 2nd team ASAP. So, I think it's not wise to set weak team on the
1st place. It will feed enemy team rage.
Well, this is 3 of my battle formation in Wharf Battle Defense base on heroes I have of
1st place:
(I focus on attack the enemy from the start. Because we start from 0 rage, it's fair for me.
Two tank, Three DPS. I choose Nether Knight here because of his shield, good defend
and dodge, and I don't use any healer here. So I need tank that can survive and regenerate
their HP like Dwarf and Nether. For DPS, I just worried about Night Sentinel hit rate
only. Pyrona and Nightblade will give their best skill here. One polymorph, another one
Front: Elder Dwarf, Nether Knight
Back: Pyrona, Night Sentinel, Nightblade
Angel: Alecta/Mikaela
2nd place:
(I focus on control the enemy if I failed on my 1st team. We already know, once we failed
that enemy team already gain rage from the 1st battle. So, I prepare to control the battle
Front: Earthshaker, Rose Knight
Back: Headless Horseman, Soul Slinger/Berserker Claw, Nereida
Angel: Styx/Amora
3rd place:
(Last, I just focus to accept my fate here. LOL. I set full defend base on the rest of the
heroes I have, since I'm not prepare for the 3rd until now.)
Front: Guardian, Zwei, Mermaid
Back: Djinni, Exorcist
Angel: Athena/Nyssa
4. Arena Defense
For Arena Defense, it's 1 time battle. So, it's like my 1st Wharf Battle's opinion before.
My battle formation here is the same as the 1st place Wharf Battle formation.
But I realize that we don't have any benefit as a defender because enemy will see our
formation before and set their formation to counter ours.
I ever see other formation that inspire me to set defense arena formation like him. But I
still miss 1 on his heroes so I can't set it up til now. Here are his formation defense arena:
Front: Elder Dwarf, Earthshaker, Rose Knight
Back: Summoner, Nightblade
Angel: Athena

I found that summoner is really great on defense and offense. I still don't have her so I
don't have any experience right now. (Credit to Hihaos)
5. Ancient Arena
Ancient Arena is actually the same like Wharf Battle. The different here is that Ancient
Arena is 3 single matches not continually like Wharf Battle. My formation actually is the
same as Wharf Battle formation, and I don't change anything on my 3rd team. I just focus
on 1st and 2nd team because in Ancient Arena we only need 2 WIN. So, my 3rd team in
Ancient Arena is not my concern right now.
Well, actually this is not a guide. Just a reference of my play style and heroes I have.
I do many mistakes and still in progress to fix it and makes my two fix teams til now.
You can see here I still don't have Lumia, Light Envoy or any rare heroes. These heroes I
have is common for every people play here and many of them is easy to get 5 stars on
them (some is not).
The important thing is that play this game is depend on the situation you get. Sometimes
I'm sure I can win but the situation tell different. For example, my Berserker Claw didn't
unleashed his 2nd skill anymore (stun) or get stun by other Berserker Claw, or Night
Sentinel miss his precious Double Shot Range, or you get crowd control by your enemy
before your chance. That's why I think crowd control team/composition is important right
now. Learn by understand the heroes skill, angel purpose, formation set up and etc.
Hope it can be helpful for new comer of this game and other players.
Cheers and keep enjoy playing.
IGN: Seyren
Server: S26 Glacia

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