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V For Vendetta: The Unraveling of a New Beginning

In my opinion ,as citizens of a democratic system ,we dont always agree

with the decisions our government enforces. Yet, we have learned to be
content with our system because of its long-lived history and our insecurities
in other forms of government. However, it is intriguing to visualize a masked
man, which we will soon identify as V, taking matters into his own hands by
dismantling the established yet corrupt government, in hopes of a new
beginning for the people.
First of all, in the film V for Vendetta, Vs action illustrates the history
of Guy Fawkess bulletproof idea, which contributes to the good of the
people. In the year of 1605 Guy Fawkes became known as Londons
conspirator in a plot to blow up the Parliament. During this time period
Fawkess Gunpowder Plot was the response to England official Protestant
religion. Fawkess and companions were passionate Catholics who thought
that by overthrowing the government they would be able to bring in a new
era of Catholicism. Though Guy Fawkes lost his life in the process of trying to
carry out his plan, his idea lived on through the actions of V.
Secondly, the scene from the film that was intended for the good of
the people, yet contributed to such detrimental confusion was the
distribution of the Guy Fawkes masks. The reasoning behind Vs decision to
supply the people of the city with the masks was to cause chaos amongst
the government officials and show them how corrupt the system really was.
Throughout the mist of all the chaos, V knew that the government officials
had the right to enforce the maximum penalty on those who wore the mask,
which was violence with deadly weapons. This all worked in Vs favor
because it revealed to the people the extent that the government, that they
were under, would take in order to keep them under strict jurisdiction. An
example, that proves that the government didnt have the peoples best
interest at heart, is when the police officer intentionally murdered the little
girl on the bridge. The police officer tried to justify shooting the little girl by
showing his badge and informing the people that he was a police officer. The
officer figured that since he had authority the people would listen and spare
his life, however they became acknowledging the corruption of the
government. At this point the people came to a realization of how the
government was not working to contribute to their betterment, so it was time
for a change. Vs selfless acts to implement the ideas of Guy Fawkes would in
time lead to the demolishment of the old government, in hopes of a better
one. Another segment in the movie that explains how Vs actions contributed
Capraru Adriana Raluca
Class 12 C

to the betterment of the people was through the torturing of Evey. V chose to
torture Evey within the proximity of his home, in which he developed to
resemble the facility that he was tortured in during a government
experiment. Prior to the persecution V encountered, Evey had expressed to V
that she wanted to live without fear of the ruthless government. Therefore, V
felt the need to take matters into his own hands by granting her that desire.
While the girl was being tortured she was unaware that her tormentor was V,
but instead presumed that it was a government official because it was the
only way, V knew, to ensure that she would rid herself of fear. It was
important for her to learn to live life without fear, so that she could one day
However ,according to a scholarly source, Evey enters the
narrative as a possible sidekick for V, the you to his I, but throughout the text
she is pushed through the painful process of becoming an I. The processes
that Evey endured consist of having her head shaved, being submerged in
water, and eating the food of the government. After such harsh treatment, V
knew that he had accomplished his goal when Evey told him, while he was in
disguise of a government official, that she would rather face death then tell
the location of V. This scene marked the beginning of new a hope for the
people through Eveys new founded leadership. In the final scenes of the
film, Vs manipulative plan allowed him to complete his mission of defeating
the corrupt government by agreeing to turn himself in if Chancellor Sutler
was killed. As planned, they met in an underground subway with the
intentions of Creedy killing Chancellor and capturing V. However, due to the
protection of the bulletproof vest, V was able to shield himself from the
bullets fired at him during the intended capture. The bulletproof vest
symbolizes the bulletproof idea of Guy Fawkes. In this particular scene the
Chancellor asks V, Why wont you die? (V for Vendetta) He responds by
saying, Beneath this mask there is more than flesh, behind this mask is an
idea Mr. Creedy and ideas are bullet proof. (V for Vendetta). At this point, V
is referring to himself as an idea not a human being, and as Creedy opened
fire V didnt die because the idea was bulletproof. Because the idea was able
to survive, even after V brought down the old government, there was a sense
of hope for a new beginning that surrounded the people. And although the
man V was dead, the idea would live on forever through Evey.
The last scene of the movie, that shows the explosion of the
parliament, is one that reflects great symbolism. According to a scholarly
source, V destroys it as a way of symbolizing the fact that it has already
been hollowed out of it original purpose, making the point that ideas cannot
Capraru Adriana Raluca
Class 12 C

be housed in a building, but must instead capture the minds of people. This
source suggests that when Londons rgime started to suppress the people
of its society, it began to deprive them of the ability to construct their own
ideas so they become complacent and blind to the corruption within their
government. As the government tightened their control on the freedom of
the people, V began to initiate his plan in order to expose the corruption of
the government. Therefore, it was extremely important that V destroy the
Parliament. Once the Parliament was demolished, from Vs explosives, the
scene shows the people taking off their mask as they looked forward to the
new beginning. The movie starts out telling the background of an idea that
originated from a man named Guy Fawkes. However, the man gives caught
and is killed when trying to carry out his plan, but the idea endures
throughout the entire movie. It is the main character, a man named V that
devotes his life to ensuring that the idea of Guy Fawkes was lived out to its
fullest potential. The idea that was so highly regarded was that, the people of
London would someday be allowed a chance at hope and the freedom to live
life abundantly. V was so willing to do whatever it took to make sure the
people were able to overthrow such a corrupt government, that he was even
prepared to lay down his own life. As the man V died, so did the power of the
government officials.
At the end of the movie it is evident that Vs actions cause all of
the people to experience a rebirth and regain their hope for a better
tomorrow. As the people took off their mask they began to realize how their
world had been changed for the better. The established sense of hope and
freedom was gained through the efforts of V and continued through Evey,
who we know now as a profound leader that V helped create. Therefore, it is
safe to say that had V been selfish and not devoted to the Guy Fawkes
bulletproof idea, the people of London would have remained under the
fraudulent government. However, one masked mans dedication to a
bulletproof idea is the hope that the people needed in order to inhabit a
better life.
To conclude, the movie depict the message of a political action and
tells the audience to never allow their government to take control over their
life (People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be
afraid of their people.-V for Vendetta) and that we should stand up for our
rights and make a change in society because everyone is part of a change ,
from a child to a high class government official.

Capraru Adriana Raluca

Class 12 C

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