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April 2010

See inside:

Top Nluslim vet s6ys

battery farmlng 13 '3ln'
SA Council of Churches
denounces our trcatmant

Appeal to supermarkets by
poverty NGO:
'ltake uB llterate shoppers'
Wldllte ln confllct
with farmed animaq


CAPE lowN h.. nBt chy ln Aiib! to o cl.lly .id6. d. n.dt nl. .Ly r IIk.
b.c6. rn
ln . un.nlmou. vob ld(.n ln collncll oh.m!€r lrb o. T{l..&y, aU Apdl 2010, !x Cltyl lb.lth Por6olto Commu..
.g6d ro.ndoF. rh. ell by CNp..d@ tn vvotfl F.nhg (Sddnrtt .,lor on. m..l.lrx dry. s.k,
S.ld Torl. ZofoL, Sdrrh Alrloln 6p6l.nlrltw lbr Cdnp.gror ln lVoicl F.nnng: "nb . dtmth. !l,o .bri.d
n golrrlln! srth o. clty Ho.lth cohmuoo r.!t lr€c.nb€i lt rr to *orft sth !. on thb b1x Ir nat only r
trlumph ld hum.n hqlth, b.n dto fo. th. pl.Bt .nd .nlm.l str r 0oo,
'1Vr b.ll.v. ihrl C.p. Toln mry b. tn. ...ond oi9, globdt, ro h$/. oficldly €ndorxd on. mort ln€ &y . lro.t,
folhd,hg o. th h{b o, B.lglum."
Th. d.i. ot lh. o cl.l Lunch ol c.D. ldn Clttl on.fft-n .a.y{.ry.h ln c@Fndon w[h Conrp.../br tt
Wo.Ll hml,E $ouo, Alrlc.), ,lll b. .nrcunod .6n.

CoFp...i.. ln lbrld HQ

aninrlvoie P,o t x425 sm.rdw.n7129 hnFr'/Irginin da.o
ld.rn.tloDl +27i1.452.4160 arck Oy.horE
Transforming Culture
Global culture of excess is biggest threat to planet - Worldwatch lnstitute
"lfw€ are to survive, human civilization must make a seirmic transformation away from
conrum€rism, and towardr a culture center€d on rurtainability." Thir stark warnins comer from
the renowned Worldwatch lnstitute, a waehinglon Dc-based organiration regarded ar the
world s pre-emin€nt environmentalthink tank.
ln o|he Wo,d 2O1O reporr pub shed n
s Slare the ecoog ca dses th.l threale.lo wash over
llanu..y2OrO rhelrsr'ruresiaresth.rlheqobrl
cutLre ol excess s emergng as the bqgesl lhreat to
The reporl goes o. the say lhal overthe lasl50 years.
a consumer cu ture oiexcess has spread.fioss the
'Prevenlng lhe co apse oi human c v l2al o. requ res panet What staded as a lrend i ity years ago rn the USA
nolh nq less than a who esa e tr.nsiorhatro. ol domrna.l as pan ot lhe Anercan Dream. corsrmersD has.ow
cutLra patler.s Th s lra.slomalion would rc]ecl been adopted as a symbo oisuccess n deveopng
.onsumersm and es(ab shin ls pace a new cLllural colnlres fiofr Bdzr 10 lnd a to Ch'na iueled by
lramework .enlered on susta nab ilv bL's'nesrei n rhe refforls low

Unt we rccognze thal ourenvtronmenta probems Yet slales .olh'no sho ofa sh'fi . olr Clllure tsei
from clm.le change 10 deforesl.lon lo species oss .re 'l
wl resolve the dne p.oblems iacl.a huma.rlv
driven by lnsusla fabe habls we wl nol be abe lo sove
n the preface 10 the reporl. Wordwatch nsltules
presdent Chnslopher Flavin says As lhe world
slrlggles lo re.over tom lhe most serous g oba
"The sustainability econohiccrsrs s nce lhe Great DepressD. we have an
unprecedented opporlunty to lurn away lrom
consumersm ln the end the human rnsl n.t for s!frva
more.hallenging mlstlrumph overlhe ! lo conslme at any cosl'

lays Ethics lnstitute. EDITORIAL

! Recenly receved photographs ofa wedd ng

t. ceremonylhal look pace n Nelspru I twas a lavrsh

aiiar, costnq upwards oi R50m accordrng lo lhe Ma I
& Guard a. Jusl a few klomelres flom lhe venle
Profe$or Willem Landman, CEO of thc fth 6 there is a commun ly that s experie.cno a serous
lack ofservce delivery The qlestion arises: whalrs
L.rr (ure of 5or(h Afri.i believes (h:( rhe
e,.ess//e .onsune4sml
n rrn r iiry rcvo rtio r i5 r.lirabl. Ilrcory To my m nd. we are now erperenc ng a cu lure lhat
5er or s quenio. ir vhelher rhe eade6 of (he v/on,:l is our oicontor Accord ng to the Readers Digesr
ri rrii5. soorcrr.rr.rthii itcr tlrc r..dfoiard lvarch 2410) qenentian alpha - the chidre. born
the fuo e .. thn r€vo !rio.. he iJrt behvee.2010 a.d 2025 wlbe more maleralLsl
lha. a.y olher Oe.eralon berore them liwe are
l(.",r I r€{t!re a nore D'olo!.d nefr;l Darlr{|!.r
ras ng oureyebrows al todays consumerism. shou d
nr It by hrnark id tri r aiy otlrcr najor so.ia we nol lhen be lery alrad ior the iulure?
'evo !( o r n h 5{or\r €re;(€r Lhi. Lhe ahol Lio. of Theword clrrently consumes 60 bi ion an mals and
sh!.r! or thc ndr(rh rclo rtiol il is esl maled thar by 2050 we wilconslme 120
b lion a.ima si I personal y think th s w lrhappen
The nr\ra .ah ir! r€lo rrio r nrLrn be pre.r sed o l
vr !e\ ol inreg'.iLea ,e!pe(L for rhe br\ ( .eedi of Lel us.evive ourold value syslems and denoLnce
runiis. ailira s. afd rhe iiturnl envirotrnrenr. the clltLre ol more s belter' We cannol eve.lellhe
There ! drurh perslr\ on to be d.,.e ro r i over d fierenceany more betwee. necessty and uxury Let
rearts ar.l m nds ro rre ry revolut oi 8!r us r ng in a new cu lure thal befts the o d adage
WASTE NOI WANT NOT Ths is ajoLrney that
rherc hJ' .e!e'been.r be(er ri re ro rlo 5.r b€.,rure
stans wth llre food on olr Iab es
oot ' \'o
.ontc.rplit. h. si d rozie Zokula lDepru Editat)
I! :: r.
Eating less meat .A
is part of the Sustainability Revolution,
says Compassron s CEO, Philip Lym be ry
((C early the debale around susla nabe d els s
heztng up and iarm anmalwelfare has an
ncreas ngy centra parito play n iulurc food polcy. 'Th s cal by S r L am Dona dson Chrei l\,ledical Ofi cer
especaly when it comes tolhe carefu use oflmiled lorlhe UK governmenl. addsfudherfue to cals lo.a
resources. says Lymbery ' gc 11o . looo \
'The qlobal mpacl oftaclory farm'ng s hlge
'An area ol and equ vaenl tolhe sr2e oflhe European
wlh decenl. quallylood. slslainabry prodlced rt
Unon is used to qrow feed ior farm an mals Yellhese
crops coud prov'de va uabe iood drecly rorlhe I bL lon
From a health point of view...
peopre who go to bed hlngry ea.1i .'ghr o. alerage ro "Our diet is warming lh€ planet. lt is
produce 1kq oia. ma protern requires neany 6kg oi also damaging our health. Changing
protern n the iorh of feed gra ns ou.diel is difiicult, bui doing so would bolh
Lymbery sad thal g oba ly. vestock podu.t'on w.s help slow climale change and bring
escalalng and was pred cted lo doube to 120 bi ion farm signlliqnl health benefits,' says sir Liah
an a year by m d cenl!ry Oo.ald3on, Chiei Mediel Offierfor lhe
'Large numbers ofan mals n sma spaces on factory
larms can lead lo envronmenta degradalon and llrreals Quoled reently in The Daily Mail, he
to olr hea lh as wel as lnrmag nab e a. ma s!fierng. he said reducing meal@nsumption by 30'/",
6uld save 18 000 h0man lives tbm
premature disease every year

Cape Town's famous restaurant, Catharina's,

starts the ball rolling for Tozie Zokufa. depury ed,ror ot
/Armdl vorce and his liance Fundr Lud d
Meat Free Mondays enloyed vegelarian curs ne recenly as pad
of Meat Free l,londays al Catharnas
','tv reslalranl on Steenberg Eslale. the oldesl
,j farm n the Conslantia Valley. about20
minules irom Cape Town
Chef Garth Almaza n beleves
catharna s s lhe lrst restaurant nsouth
Afrca to supportone meal free day a week
He said Asusla nabe lutlre demands lhal
we cLl down by makrng a smpe lleslyle
change such as makng lust one day a week

Thecofcepl Eal less m€al iora betler

panet was a wo.derfu opporlunlyto
nspre meal lovers to explore and
expermenl a ltle wlh vegelanan iood. he

Comme.led Toz'e The iood was d v.el

Fund. my fance. co.cured and sad I was
ap y lhat vegetaran optio.s were nol more
ava abe al the popu ar lranchised lood

Wi Cape Town become the first city in Africa

to suppotl one meat-free day a week? Keep watching thrs space!
ood a;ft
The South African Council of Churches (SACC) suggests that our Consumer
Culture is at the root of Climate Change. Reverend Siyabulela Gidi, Director
of the SACC agreed to speak to us about how to propel ourselves away from
consumerism and into a Culture of Good Earth-keeping.

AnlmalVolc.: R6v6€nd Gidi, th6 lhal $€ b€liev€ ulat oul happinoss consumff apalhsld that
$\CC has €centy published a 104- and success depends on whal we 'rpholdslh€
affuonl bins€ habils but d€ni€s
page d@urenl eniided Climat eal, wear, oM and us. We arc pod a d@nl si.ndard ol living. li is A to tho lrapp3d in lh€ logic ol consumerism ironic iiat some of us have only
Churcho. ln South Atrlca. lt is a whicn aFays emphasls€s vttEl w€ l€cenuy €joic€d in hs momenl
compelling assessment of the lack W6 are €minded daily of our when we could swilch on a lisht bulb
6hall6n94 re fac6 and how io b6gin untu[illod n6ds ' pulting forthend m6 in our n hom6.
lo rcsdE lhem. What @mpdled ihe Cdsumedsm at the hean of Cuhure. Now w€ arc told !o switch it ofi-
SACC lo prcduc€ lhls docom€nl? Cllmats change is oflen s€en as a
AnimslVoic.: Th6 S,{CC d@uhenl Eurcpoan, wnib, niddle dass Gldl: The eadh and allits also refeB to lhe €gular @n@m and p@ple are deply
inhabitanis - human and non-human consumprion of animal producls' as angorod and ombinar€d by lho
- als cunsndy facing an pan of lhas culture ol consumsism.
unp€cedenred ecological cdsis, Would ,ou ag€e lhat the cultural lnjuslice is not suslainable.
b.inging us lo the bnnk ol mass exp6cl.tion lo eat moat every day
sufiedng and dsslruclion ior many. has givon ris€ io the missry of billions
Th€ c'isis ls humaninduced, c€us€d ofanimals who spend lheir lav€s ln
by lh6 asrc-induslial€conomic iactory f6rms and di€ wilhoul sver
omplex and lhe culturc ol having @n the sun, soil
d exercised any of their
Animal Volce: So wh€r€ do we slad
io iry and eclit the quagmirc rele SiyabuLla Gida:

Slyabuleb Gldl:Ihe challenge to

our suruival is not moEly .l an
eologi€l de
level. The challenge siet/s p@r people -
liss an lis human hean. Chats
d'ans€ €quir€s nothins less than a
r6di6l change of dircction, a change @nsumer dass, will be
ol hoarl and mind, a lransfomation ol
our soci€ty d |ne l€vel ot cutu€ Change.

Anlmal Volc.: Cullure is an

imm€ns€ly €nlrenched dim€nsion ol
any soci6ty. Any chang€ would
requie a deep undeBtandins ofwhal oly be sustained al the
is wDng and why we need to

sly.bul.l. Gldl: Yes indeed. We other living b€ings. Our

n66d lo e@gnize thai wo hav6 b66n
captur€d by lt'e lwe or consum€nsmi
eprng ti€ologic€l l66pon$baliv to sel asid6
such affoganc€ snd slupldlly and !o
embE@ ils rcl€ of stewardship to . @nfession that rehave not
Anlmsl Volca: Ihe SACC also
led ihe way in €.ing for de.tion; allowed the earth and ils dEtures to
suggesls thst consunsism is ba€€d
We n€6d our ongrogations lo
on an inwrect interp€lalion of
b€com€ €co-conglegalions. This is . an smbraclnS ofth€ rols of
G6.esis 1 :27 !o slbdua th6'
on€ of rh€ ways iorwad.
slowadship ro individually and
colleclivsly promole ths w€llb€ing of
AnlDal Vole: You said 6t tt'e Gldl: This 'Maslar lh6 land and all its @aluEs in 6ll that
b6ginning thal re n€€d 1o iranslorm
heology sugg€sls that God has
our arllur€. To rsach inlo oor hsarls
cEai6d the €nti€ univ6rs6 for lh6 . an lndeGianding lhal ln od€r lo
and fnd h€aling ior our exploilalion ot
eke ol human beings, atdbuting €nsure suslainabiliv, e€ must
Earth, and its innocont inhabitants.
immsns€ pows and aulhoily io
What is the nR Cu[u€ !o be?
humans. W€ €nliu€d ouls€l!€s lo rul€
ov.l oth€6. ssp€cially ou'€r sp€ci€s. Slyabulel. Gldl: The.M Cullure
w€ alr loo oasily iuslit it to ouB6lv6s Psalm 2a
as 1o why re may kill and eal other
animals or use th€m for our
. a th@losy ot huFility; The cartbx t eLo \,ad
. a denlnciation of the philosophy of
e{erytbing in tt, tbe uord, a"d
Th6 chuch h*, no6l and
all uto koc in it.

The most impoftant human endeavour is the striving lor morality in our aclions.
Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it, Only morality in our
actlons can glve beauty and dlgnhy ao fe. Albert Einstein.
Moffiee EaB6
ape Town environmentalist and
lawyer Comec Culllnan has
dtalled a Univetsal Declatation of lhe Righls
ofMot er Eadh for discussion at the Peopleb
World on Climate Change anc! Ihe Righb of
Molhet Earlh cfnfercnce, held by th€ Paesident of
Bolivia in Cochabamba in Bolivia between 19 and
22 Ap'il2O1O. *+$.ffipi:,
ln tems of the d€fr Declaration, a fundamental
cultural shiff must take place - away from an
anthropocentdc (p€ople centred) perspeclive of the
world, towards an eco-centric per6pective.
To take part, please conlact Li6i llallinaon at it$:$n$***
Europe-wide ban on
battery cages is on track
.-.due to come into force on 1 January 2012
oland had askedforlhe banlo be delened lor five yea6 unli 1January2017 arguing lhat twould lead toa shortage

However,lhe EU Cou.clofAgnculure MinisteB ru ed on 22 February 2010lhal lhe ban would go ahead as planned.
Slrenuous lobbying byCompassion in Wo d Faming headquaners n lhe UKand lls padneE throughoul the EU has
achieved the Eu.ope wide phase{ut of eggs from convenl ona batlery €ges The phase out period began n I 999,
giv.9 banery egg farmeB 13 years to change lhei. poduclion systems.
'When Po and anempted lo delay lhe ban, we ra lied oor supporlers and lhe EU Colnc I of Agricllture MinisteB wee
deluoed by 10 214 obtectionslo Polands requesl, sald Compassions CEO Philip Lymbe.y.

rl[ ,


ln less than two years time, one of rhe cruelest methods ot tarm ing ever invented the barren battery cage
- willbe bann€d throughout Europe. Sadly,lorthe 23 million layinq hens trapped in battery cages in South
Africa,Ihere is slillno end in sighrlorlheir living nighlmare.
Are battery eggs Halaal or Haraam? see pase 1s

Only free range eggs to be served at the 2012 London Olympic Games
But, its not enough, says Jenny Jones
The lp-coming London Olympicsand Paralympics should be
an inspiraton to youngsters to take up spon and ead heathy lFA tio!]d
Ives.'Yel suOAeslslhe Green Parly's Jenny itwil end up
ttll tbe
being a lestivalofsporl and mostlyjlnk f@d
cu,! becode . !6t1eal
Wr ting in Food Magazines 1glh February 2010 issue, Jones, whowas
formerly cha rpeGon of lhe adv sory body lo the city of London on lood
matlers, sad heallhy physi@laclivily could be achieved onlyifil
was iueled by heallhy nulrtious lood
loth last lood Atdt
'He.e ieslhe appaling mismalch between lhe 2012 sponsoE l4cDotield's and @ca-
McDonald s and Coca-Cola and other tasl food and drink
@mpanies (which conlinue)to peDetuate lhe perueBe link
belweeo fasl food and d nkand sponing achievemenl, she said

What about Bafana Bafana? - see back pase

Pick n Pay Responds
to our call for a ban on battery eggs
Jonathan Ackerman, Marketing Director says:
,n .-.. o, ,h- plodL 's ," .",.: .:'"'_"?.";..,11 "^: i.l"-;";; ",:'".:.x"-:li,
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uI, n-1.1/, !\e noF p-oP]'"i'::Y ':-".,;:;"="',;,;;"
doing Eo cred '
.. urFrs '..
o ndr6
ercellent{o.k vou a!e
lhe riqbl choice'
"Please help us to become
Jonathan Acleima^
Marketi!9 Dilector Literate Shoppers"
AblgallPelers, Haad of
Open Letter the Global Call to Action
Against Poverty says:
to Bafana Team Doc it "Because we supporl lhem,
supermarkels need to
Deax Dr Ntlopi Modoru,
- We not€ tn8t Baja,na miatfl€td
inform us- Not knowing
how ourfood is produced,
the 1996 African Ns,tions Cup, is e lonn ol illiteracy. I
trhic Tinkler has been quoted by make this appealon bahalf
Nelvs 24 3,s saJring: of the poor: Supermaftets,
please help us to become literate shoppers."
'Ou.r ptrayers do not eat tJre
right food6. They do not gei
the rtght nutrition. Soccer Small doesn't mean stupid!
pla,yers ar€ achlel€s, Bul, in South Africa Perhaps the most surprising signs of
we la€ behind because we ar€ not intelligence have been found in birds
bu dlng up plafer'6 strenglhs." whose liny heads and small brains were long
Please conEider inslstlng tnat the team assumed to be a complete barder to
members eat only or€larfc and lree range sentience. All thal is changing fast, however,
with many species showing powedul
fooal to assj,st th€m a,cbleve pea,L
memories and reasoning power,
http://www.tim$ ol/newa/sc
Sincor€ly, ienc€/biology_evolutionla€
Tozie ZokuJa (Deputy ldltor)
? ag-c rr,J' a"-'fL euc e d
\ /l /ny wouto any young South African, living the highlife as a
V V stockbroker at the London Stock Exchange, give it up to return home
to a piece of land occupied by a plantation of Blue Gums?

Animal Voice asked Angus Mclntosh to explain eat nsecls and Orassand sfalch
open cow pais There are 19
what motivated his move back home... varielies of grasses and legumes
planted herelorrhem The F 6l law
of Nature is one oldiveF ty and ihis
Here we interview him on his farm between is whal ourfam ls al about The
conventona and so-€led free
Somerset West and Stellenbosch in the Western Cape. range larmers leed behxee.3 and
3 25 kgs of qra n for every kloof
A.imal Voic.: Tel uswhal nol vated wid ife ihal has retLrned snakes .hcken flesh We have doubed the
you lo ! prooi your f6mily irom your raplors gerbils. roo kavcara€|. you ieed conversion rato because ollhe
upmarkel home n Batlersea, near vadely of iood available lo our
London.lo relum lo SoLthAlrica to chlckens as wellas the tactthatwe
become a sma l-scale iarmer Animalvoice Sorhs E theluture ol lel our ch ckens be chickensThey
chcken production would you say? sleep at nightand doing theday ear
A.gus Mclnrosh: lt sladed ofw th .rrss rnd This mc.ns wc
our green archtect. He lhen Angus Mchlosh: Yes Th s 6 far leed only 1 5 kgslorevery klo ol
inrrodlced me lo Avice Hindmarch more than tree rarqe. rhs is pasl!rc
who lhen intoduced fre lo reaed.hcken and eggs This is
pernacullure and b odynam cs Then biodynamrc rarm ng where our Animal Voice Letslaktora
rcad fhe Onnivote s Dilenma by animals beneit irom each olherand momenl aboot somelh ng less
MichaelPollan The basic thes s of the .nd benelits fion a I ollhem. OLr pleasanl Your abafion is righl here
lhs book is lhat mosl people pul lhetr chckens be (hey brole6 orlayers -
trust . supermarkets to ieed lhem
not know ng or caring aboLt how lhe r
lood s produced. That book pul me
on a palh to takinq responsibiily ior

Animal Voice So you came back

fron London and here wesland on
your270 ha farm eased rrom Spier

Angus Mclnlosh: Yes, the hisloryor

ths iam was one of absolute abose
t had been mlnedforgEve and
chemically famed for vineyards.
tobacco, €irots, apples, nectarines
and lhen BLe Gums took over You
cold saylhe land had been raped.

Animal Voice What lsee now is

land covered n grasses, cloveB and
herbswth eggmobies overlhere
and nearerlo us. moveable ch cken
runs tor brci e. (meal)chickens

Angus Mclnlosh: Yes, and whatyoL

dool see s the huge vaietyot
Animal Vobe Depuly Edilot
Tozl€ Zokuta (far leff) chats to
Angus MclntGh about lhe 640
broiler (meat) chickens he
produc€s every 24 hours.
The manure leff behind every
day fertilizes lhe land.
Probiotics are pul into thek
waler to maintain optjmal health.
At night, the hatches are
securcly locked to ensure lhe
chlckens can sl€6p poac€tully.
Nol even a small mouse can
ent€r Onc€ lho gmsses have
bounced back. cows come to
graze, leaving cow pats behind

Th6 firstobvious'plus'is thal th6y

thsm. When lhe chickens arc
heads have lo 9o lhrough to slon
donl have to be loaded into cEies lhem. Their inteslines. featheG and eventually relumed lo lhat patch
and lrucked long dlslan@s lo $on go diretly inlo@mposting. of land,lhe cowpals are choc-a-
Animal Voice: Peopb onen ask me bloc fullof nurienls-
Ansus mclntosh: Yes. Th€ chickens ll fre range'is Eally hlmane. My (By contmst, broilers on a
are slaughtered at about seven slandard answer isr 'lt's betler lhan factory farm live on the same
w€€ks. Eachchick€n is h€ld quiely being crammed inlo cages lfor the
while an electnccur€nl is passed layeE) and sheds (for lhe brcileB) liller for lhe enthe duration of
lhroogh itsomb.ll is rendered their lives, are routinelyfed anti-
unconscious immed alely. The€ is no Bul lh€ liie you ar€ giving to lh€
fear, no loading, nolranspon, no
biotics and the lights are left on
chickens he€ is beyond antlhing I
hanging upsid€ dom on a conveye. expecred. You have por'humane al nightlo encourage lhem to
belt, no electri€lbalh that then eat and eat and eat-)

Eggmobiles for lhe layers

Getting hold ofAng$'s pastur+
rea€d eggs prcves diffi4lt al lhe
moment be€use restaurants have
'hoov€redthsm up", as he puls il.
'lgo lo ths r€slaurantand asklhen
for a plale.lbreakan egg inlolhe
plaleand ilis solid, viscous. orsct
and thoyolk is slrongand ound.
The sale isdone, on thespot."
The Eggmobiles arc moved lo n4
pasru.e every days. This
keeps lhe llock happy wilh then
surrcundings and happy lo lay in Angus's paslu€iea€d chickens
lhe nests inside lhe mobib. Itlen on and €ggsal€ in thssam€ pic€ €nge
lhe sme gbund for longerlhan as factory famed brcilers and fre
CalligEpher, Aniela von ltaltiE thr€e days, lhe coc& will mov€ his €nge e99s. They ae marketed as
prepaes tow re a quote from Kahlil hensto newgEund and lhe hens Spier Chicken3 - Pastu.e Reared
Gibran on rh6 wallotrh6 abanoir to will look for nests in rhe grasses.
honou.lhe cycle oflife. Fam
wo*e.s a€ en@uraged to have a
*nse otreverene lor the lives lhey
a€ iaking. (ln a convenlonal abaltot, Baby chicks ae
kepl indoob for lheirf6t 3
lhe ch ckens are shackled by lhen weels. Classi€lmosicis piped inlo lhe nosery
leel lo to a conveyor beh and
slaughtered al lhe rate of 136 birds

ons of
Ln3""ffi ure
our lasl rssue, hveslock fatmer Joseph Sleyn gave his slde ofthe story. Now AnimalVoice asks
I nPehus de Wet to throw fudher lghl on lhis dark issue. Mr de Wet is Chairman ofthe livestock
Ia and Gafte lndustry's wa(ng grcup on Damage causng Annals.
This organisation includes represenialives ofthe Nalional Woal Growers Association of South Afica,
lhe Red Meal Producers Organisatlon, the SA Mohair Growers Associalion, and Wildlife Ranchers of
Sorlh Afflca. He is also President ofthe Naronal tvool Growers Association and Chairman ofthe
lnternalonal Waol Textile Organisation's Forum on Environnent and Animal Welfarc that sits in

Animalvoice: None oi us wanr to

see photoaraohs oI eooads lhat
have been caughl n qin traps and
have been forced to chew ofi thet
own legs n an efforl lo free
themselves Vegetaians and ve$ns

'The soluton is simpe. CLtoutdeat

and wear synthetic fbres.' BLt for ihe
vast malor ty oflhe popllalion
culting olt meat is.ot an option.
Howcan we begin to tacklethis

Peiru. d. wei: lt's about education.

We migdted from ELrope aiew
hundred yea6 ago and our ancestoG
brought some devi@s ike polghs.
g n lraps and so on Manyollhese
devices are notsuited lo Soulhern
Atrca,like the o d med evalg n lrap
and iis incoirectLse. Butthe modem
adtustable soil calch lrap and ils
Anlmal Volcs: ls t trLe lhat some Lefs do lhe malhs. According to
@recl apploalion rema ns one ollhe 3 500 ambs and goai kds are killed stal stics olThe Depa/rment ol
mosi efieciive tools we have lo
ormulilaled by predatoE everyday in Aqncu ture, Fo.estry and Fisheres
combat lhis maseve pDblem ol
(DAFF)there are aboLt 25m sheep
and 6m goais n SoulhAfri€ Thats
As say, ils aboul educal on, iarmeG
P.lrus de W.t The Unversilyof 3 r.r.rnl31m 6 350/..131nirn^
and p.oressiooa hunlers are being
Free S(ale did a scienlifc slldy in equas 1 96m dealhs peryear This
educaled in the corecr use or lhese
2008/9 lo quan!ryhe prob em The means 5393 sheep and goatsare
soft calch lraps This educalion
sludy was pan ol research lo. an eaten dary by predators Predal on
however should not stop al lhe iarm
MSc thesis The findngs suggested cosls the iarmer -lhe ind v dLal
gale. The genera publc and lhose
thal6 350/0 oI bolh adLll sheep and producing the lood and fibre in rural
€lling ior lhe ban of lhese dev ces lambs oi every sma I stock flock in South Alrlca a nin num of Rr 2bn
need to be edL.6led loo
Soulh Affica predalion by
jackaland caracal every year.
Pledatol-lrlendly lamb
I A ,.ft, is du har wslworthr will be
V V,nlbducins P€dalorFrendly Lamb one

Asked for @mment, Woolworlhs G@d

Business JoLrmey sp€cialisl Tom McLaughLin,
AnimalVoice: ln recenl yeaE. more
humane melhods oi deletrng saidr'Whil€ the Woolwoahs p€dalor policy and
predalors have been slggested, app.oach is only the li6l step on a longjouney,
such as punng cola.son lhe sheep we'rc @niident that it will be su@esstu and that
and angora goats or !s ng Analo ian
fameBwillbe abletoslop using poiens, gin
sheepdogs/donkeys/alpacas rhar are
said to keep predalo.sal bay. Colld lraps and olher i.humane methods to prolecl
you lellus i any oI these methods lhet li!€slock. We also don't beli€ve lhal nonlelhal prsdalor manag€m€nl
areworking? ls il naive losuggesl will6stmo.e. Time willlell. The lrials that in ihe lasl year
thatwe b n! back shepherds? usingAnalolian guard dogs indicale ihat lamb larmeB do save money bui
more extensive lrials are needed lo convincelameB.'
Petus d€ wet: Collarsworfi inirially
bul lhe predalor very soon learnslo
catch and eai from beh nd beyond ourmeans This s a major AnimatVoice: I betieve WooMonhs
Analoians wo.k wel on a smallflock @nhbutor to our problem has gota programmegoing rMrwit
lMany poponents ol Analo ians have soon enabrerhem to sel predator
lolnd that lhey have lnwitlingly AnimalVoice: lheard tsaid that tls friendty tamb. Are olhef
introduced anolher predator (the dog because we have kiled a llhe supermarkets tryinq lo be pan oflhe
ilsell) ntolhe enviDnmenl aod that rodenls (dassies and soon)thal sotution? Can supermarkets ptaya
predalors such asjackaland caraca rce?
Regard ng donkeys and alpacas. are forced lo predateon sheep wh ch
.esutsare va ed, some good, some are notlher naluralfood source. Petrus dewet: Iil pays il sr.ys. ihe
P ease could you commenl consumer u matety w
delermine f
lhe€ isa markelforsLch a producl
Shepherdina lhe anima s back lo a de Wel: Absolute robbish or nol The producl on of lhis producl
kraa atn ghlwould resull n sol lhereare as manydasses, hares, is going to be more expensve. s lhe
eros on thus causing immense sprng hares, 6ls, bnds as in lhe old consumer wi|ing to pay more ? My
damage lo theenvronment. I would days Sheep and in parlicolar ambs expeience re s me theconsumer
nor be a slsrainabe so orion in the are abundant and much eas er lo buys on price. Tme wi|le .
long ierm and thecoslwould be huge €lch lhan a hare ora dassie Black
in lermsoflabour. Economies oI backedtackal, caraca, ior, eopards
scare have iorced us to farm bigger b rds and humans adapl very quickly
emp oy less slafi and the cosl of and change very readlylo food thal
lencog has esca aled Io a mosl

Prcdators quickly leam to attack

from behind once protective
collaas are pul onto the sheep.
SA Farmer hailed by
Kwazulu Natal farmer Richard Haigh has been hailed by both the Worldwatch lnstitute and by
Slow Food lnternational for his agro-ecological methods of raising food. Both tradilional crops as
well as indigenous Zulu sheep and Nguni cattle are farmed on Richard's E aleni Farm oulside
Pietermaritzburg (enaleni means 'abundance' in Zulu). Louise van der Metwe. Edilot of Animal
Voice, asked him whether predation is a problem for indigenous sheep and cattle as much as il is for
the imported breeds on which we have become so dependent. Here ishisreply..-.

llwe do have predators nlhisarea We calghta lynx lhal had become animals planls and the eadh thal we
and wh ewe takethe extra very bold and was running ofw th rarm lwanllhe best relalo.shp I
precauton ofkraalng the sheep and our po!ltry wasconcerned thatlhe can have and this nterconnectonis
callle al nghl we also breed sheepwere also al risk Everyo.e what stab izesand nunures a. agro
specfca ly for the ab lily of molhers ecological iarm ng approach.
lo prolecl lhe r ofl sping
Well, lcould have taken rhal opton On the olher hand f w,Pview
A fasc nating characlerislic ot bll we ma.aged to trap her afd farm ng as an exchange ofcom-
many ndigenous breeds s rhat the r have herdarled and reocated ai no mod I es.lhen wewl beexploltalve
wldness is nol bred outolthem Our of our natlr6 resource base and
Zuru sheep are aggressve molh€rs lreat olrfam ivestock and oredators
and we encourage ths trail ll is thLnk that being a larmer.lor me, as souless commodities tt
somelh ng yo! wanllo plrposeflly s 1o live n a relalronsh pwth the
breed iorwth sheep given lher
potenlial v! .erabi lly totacka. ynx ',rdi:
,fa, i-
We have EnAlsh Bll lerersand
Canrne afrcanls onlhe larm and the
sheeplake no nonsense lve seen
rhe sheep band togelher and
col eclively thump lhe dogs. We have
a ram who s gefe@ly friendly bul I
yoL louch h sewes he charaes at
voL and fyou arentlookino outior
him yoLllland up on Ihe groLnd The
Ngunican e abo have this very
protectNe tral We k€ep a 10m
dislafce irom lhe cowswhen they
have calved The daqs darenl go
anywhere fear lhem or lhe r ca ves

n regard 1o leghod lraps there

are tmes . anima husbafdrywhen
predalors gel loo clever and
confdenl and lhey have 1o be
flanaged . some way llhinklhe Richard Haigh (efl) keeps a drLigged caracal/ ynx steady
question iswhai s lhe most humane after his local SPCAlranquiised lhe animalwith a dart.
way ot maoaq nq the p€dator 6n R chard ater released the animal inlo a su table environmenl,
away from h s farm. His partner, Dave Brennan (right), looks on.
This is how we treat'them'

Heart-rending footage of calves

oun sy Colotr. T@1. (aM Aoin.l Pretection soci as young as 6 months old, being
branded on theirfaces, was
Hundreds ol sheep we€ lefl sland ng in the blazing sun for more lhan six caughl on camera by lhe
houBon lhe N2justouiside Swellendam in Januarylhsyear NSPCA in l/arch.
"The animals were packed $ lighly lhal none oflhem @uld move," said
colsne Teale chaiDerson of the KAPS (Karco Animal Prctqrion s@iety) See
'Theonesallhe edges craned lheirnecks through the rails lrying to
breathe. The ondilions of lhose in lhe middle could only be imagined.
The driver was sining ndoors, apparently wailing for the evening when
he intended lo dive lhe sheep to in Porl Eizabeth.
He p anned to arnve al seven lhe nexl norning which meanl lhat lor neary 24 hou6 thes bew ldered sheep were
fo.ced lo stand @ngested. in then own urne and fae@s. terntied, unable 1o move or@ddown.
"AE re to.ccepi th.t, for the i.te
of olr nert lamb chop, countless sheep arc to be put thrcugh iuch
torluE? Or is it time to sp.ak out aqainstthe everyday cru€lty suffered by so hany f.rm aniFals?"

SA slaughter statistics
Chlcken is Soulh Alrica s tavourile neat. but pork @nsumplion has increased sharply by 59% over lhe lasl decade,
a@rding to slaughter srarisrics for sA rhat:sh
.2.9 nillion eltle are slaughiered lor bef annually
.5.8 million sheepand goals a re sla ug hlered forlamb, molton and goat meat annoally

.2.6 million pigs are slaughte€d lor pork annually

.600 million broiler chickons are slaughlered for chicken meal annually. This figure exclldes th€ huge iniormal

PIGS lN SOW STALLS : Be ow is an aftisls impression ol $tal

ir would look like if ws heargd our psts lik€ wo rr€at th€ narional
sow-brs€ding h€rd. Cuir€ntly 120000 highly sgnti€nl br66ding
sows ar6lrapp€d in cages lik€thes6.ln 2013, sow 6t llswlll
b€com€ ill€gal throughout Europ€.

ta May aI thal have lfe be delive<l fnm sufre ng.

'. !J -
Grulama Bxddha
ecently, Candy Ristic who runs a chicken
rehabilitatjon centre in ilohanneaburg for
'spent' ex-battery egg-l.ayillg reacu€d a $hite
chicken from a Zandspruit live 're!!s,
market and found that
this was a diffelent kind of chicken a1toqether...

st.!pec ar zand3F.!it
lirlLc ..nfus.d. Th. .hi.k.n .n ny
l:F is Cifferent lo the.hi.ken5 I
lully 3r.un in .i2., I fe.l a.
dealinq wrih
ar.;11 quir. rik.. aba.k by hci
very Large and .versize.l leqs. M!

. o, l" o: ",)1"
been s--lectively b.,-d ove.

rhey are.i,asiq.e.i lby nan) ro 90 fr.n brr:b l. i. 1--5e than 6

.ce (ex.€pL rn neatly re:riser.ici'eeksl
cl:.9 rr.pped) . ir is very Cisllrbi.g she clreeps like
the tiry underderelop€ car.k, r: timid
inL. hy hair like. .hr.k yeL .rie ir Lhe :ame size.s
F1..e tse11. at jusi .wer five ?eeis .1d {hi.h, i. !.d!stry

Bella has been !lLh !s io...e *eek. are risibl,i horririe.l a..j ncved
'I l" g, . - clb _ a .hi.k, uh. w!uIrl .:itl be

I am.fraic for
rbe Frogn.si5 is ..1 g.od. is a huge
risk.s t.€ rei.r:,t
her resr. I.,.Li.e
!n.ier the re:gh: .f her, a..i needs lo sit

shitLiig posiLio:. she !se3 her be.k Lo puIl aL

se.inq is:evere qr.linq pains-

an.l sn..zinq ovc..iqhr. B.Lla has a.oLd and:r

She rs c: .n
For help on rehabbins chickens. co.tactCandy Risl c on candy@discoverymail,co.a
q We cannot justify keeping in
place customs which deny g,# *-4J
out humanity as a people.
- Lindiwe Mazibuko MP
Ms Lindiwe Mazibuko has becomelhe irsl Member oi Par amenl lo
condemn the bare handed kiling ofrhe blllat the Nguniieast of
Ukweshwama in Kwazu! Nala every December
SpeaklnO dLrnq a Pa iamenlary Debate on 15 February 2010 on
President Jacob Zuma s Siate ollhe Nation address foLr days eadrer Ms
MazbLko sad lhe Presidenl had faied 10 dea wth lhe burnng issue ol
wheihe. cllluralrdentily and pracl ce shoud ever be alowed lo
supe6ede our humanily '

She sad lh6l lradilronalcusloms associaled wrlhAmazulu cullu.e.lo whrch she he.seltbelonged. had recently been
pushed inlolhe spolliqhl sparkfg a lonq overdue debale of lhe meanng ofcuture in conlemporary Soulh Airica'
Praclices slch as lobola poygamy a.d the ritla bare ha.ded saughlerofa bu had been singed out forcenslre
andthewords tsmycuture had .creas .o y come to be accepted as a eO I male response toqlestions prob.g lhe
acceptabilty ol such cLstoms
Mazibuko said she be eved there coud be nojLst icalon in keeping n place cLstoms whch violate gender equaity
and denyour hLmanily as a p€ople'
She po nled oul lhal durng lhe iurore lasl year slround ng lhe revivalollhe Ngun rilla ol bare-handed bll-kiling.
S!ndayTmes columnisl. Fred Khlmalo. had branded lhe clslom reprehe.sbeand declaredr 'Aircan c!l(ure? Nol in my

'Fred Khumao a.qued lhal as wilh lhe crle pracliceofb! lighling n Spain oriox hul ng in lhe Uniled Kinqdom
aboul which simiardebales rage on in those counkes lhedefe.sveresonloc!lureinordertollslifydatedcustoms
in the name of CULTURE

af.lpractces slods lhe progress of any socety whi.h

ca ms lo be comDasson.le equa and conrm'lled to do.g

Nl.z bu(o so rere(ed lo other elh... y chalv. st.

.lsloms thrl were n.eed oi urqe.l rev e{ such as.h ld
beltulha lored matr!!es obod poylaniy and evrate
She con. uded n or.lerior lh s debale 10 move
loruJard I s up to !s as ee.ted represenlatrves to ook
llrese ssLes I llre eye:nd beq n lo enqaoe lronesly:nd
opef y aboll whelhe.w€ nue lo pr€..h equa ly
rq .o ,L.g o5rdo . ..oT -.g .t
John Callaghan, lnternational Development Director for
Compassion in World Farming, and DrAbdul Rahman, Secretary of
the Commonwealth Veterinary Association, based in lndia, travelled
to Cape Town in March for a week of rneetings and interviews on
the theme "Beyond factory farming: Sustainable Solutions for
Animals, People and the Planet". Dr Rahman is also the former
dean of the Veterinary School in Bangalore and a member of the
OIE (which is the animal equivalent of the World Health

Among lhe people lhey mel were...

r4 r iqhr B ishop Geofi
Oavies. O reclor ol the Soulher. Arr can
Falh Communt'es Env ronmenl nsllute wilh Or Rahnan (en)
and John Ca aglran (right) Said Bishop Dav€s Some people
ca I oss olbodiversty calil extnclon ofcrealon We have ,,,1,
to slop lreatng the resl oicreat'on as olher' He added we
need tochange our va les a.d alt'tldes and move away irom
th€ reigon ol.onsLmersm

t} .)

,41/etr Dr Rahman (rronl) w lh

AbigailPielers head oithe G obal ELSENBURG
Calllo Action Aga nst Proverly and
Tozre Zokula (deputy edilor of
An ma Voice) Dr Rahma. spoke oi
how nd. has crealed a. ncome
lorslay-at-home women and rn so
do.g has become lhe argesl m k
orodlcer n lhe word The m lk s
prodlced by women. nd v dla ry.
but pooled nlo a cooperalve
system There are 200 m I on
calte in lndia but no metha.e gas
and stay-alhome women have an
ncome A co-operatile socEly is
something thatcoud be adopred n
sourh Afi ca to a levrate poverry.'

Aboye: Calagha. and Rahman gave a

powerpornt presenlatDn to or Ginida
Msiza. Ch er O reclor or Veier nary
sery ces at the Depanmenr oiAgrcu lure.
Western Cape. p ctLred here wlh Dr
Chrste Kloppers. W ram Jephtas (rghl)
and Dr Sewe y. Davey I4a mesbury

'Caging an animal is sin in lslam. o.Abdu Rahman.

Secrelary of the Commonweath Veler nary Assoc al on

,4bove Dr Rahman aso mel l,4r Fand Sayed Editoroi Musim Vews Sad Rahman: n vsrtng SouthAirica myrole sto
Ie llslam c eaders about how we have deviated away from the scrplures We lrave forqotlen thal cag ng an animas s a
srn n lsam Or Rahman was nterv ewed by Mr Sayed and qave a powerpornt presenlanon on the effecls offaclory
rarm n! o. clnale change He was also we comed al lhe Mosque rnAthlone ror Frday prayers where more lha.1500
Second Nature lf caging an animal is a sin,
by Jonathan Balcombe according to lslamic scliptures,
does this ftean that 98% of the eggs stocked by Pick n Pay,
is lh€€ €adsB s
fro€ hard-cov€r copy of Shoprit€/Checkers and Spar are HAMAM?

Oear R6.der6,
lnn.r llc! ol.nlm.l.. We we€ pivll€g€d io havo DrAbdul Rahman visil ldamic
Published by Macmillan and hol ofi ihe pdnling loadeB in Cape To1l/ll ln March. He left us in no doubt lslamic
pr6s, S..ond Naturo inviles Eade6 inlo ihe scrDtwes brbid tt'e €glng of an animl Egarding it as 'sin' lo
aw€soms lnn€r livss of animals, €fioctlvsly giving do so- He added ihel h€ b€ll€v€d lh6c rculd be a wodd-wide
lhs human ped€8ral a sbong shek€ ln li6 procsss. ban on bstury c€g6s wllhln th€ non f6{t years.
As one ol the rcdd s leadinq scientisls on
animal bshaviow and s€nri€nce, BalcD.nb€ matss AE editod ol Anlud Voie. I rill now atA lhe Pesidenl ol lh6
lhis app€alon bohaf of lhe many cflaraclsls in his !tudh Judlosr counc {oi1 684.4.600) and 0!|6r r6ad€l! in h€
book 'To.hc6 to Ect mindtully and Mu€llm commur{y to comm€it on whelher €ggs hld hy h€rls ln
@passjonalely lw6d our animal @unlerparls baltery @ges should be @nsidered Halaal o. Haraam.
is lo b€ awars ol lh€ cons€qu€ncas of what w€
buy and wfiat we €at \ryh€nsv€r ws lrlh€y €re Haraam, ws willask Muslim cuslon€B lo join hands
softlhing, w€ arc effoclively t€lling the wilh Compassion in Wodd Faminglo c€ll, onc€ again, for a ban
nEnufactuEr of the prcduct lo do it 6gain.' on the* ctuelly-prcduced eggs.
Says Am.lla iluld.r, CEO of Books4change:
'The n.$ thr€€ read€E of Aninal Vort€ lo s€nd m€ What about facloryJ€in€d brcil€r chiclcne whos€ bodi€s lell a
slory ol abuse with bruases and ammonia buns? A€ tney
lhoir answs lo h€ question bolou will locoivo a
Haraam too? And what about lhe libe from Angora rabbirs, such
@py ol Se@nd Nalu€ fre. To enier, d€* as thos€ fealu€d on p€gs 13. Would lhs w€adng of clolhing
ansrer lhe foll ing question:
conlaining angora rabblt hairalso b€'sin'?
Ihs tNod Animal com€s lrom lll€ Lalin rcd There a.e many queslions lo be asked.
animalis, which re.ns .. .. .... .
Pl€as€ s€nd your answ€r €1o.9 wilh your poslal
addrsss !o am.lla@book!&hlng€.co:..

Ameli. also man6ges a page io.

supponeE of Comp€ssion in World Faming


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