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On behalf of the Republic

Law No. 120-99 prohibits any individual or throw solid waste and which nature wants to streets,
sidewalks, parks, roads, curbs, roads, spas, seas, rivers, etc.

WHEREAS it is necessary to maintain the harmony between man and his environment and prevent,
correct, correct or eliminate situations affecting the quality of natural resources and the biosphere;

WHEREAS to enjoy their right to life, health and welfare, the man has the right to be free from any
environmental contamination;

WHEREAS the amount of garbage and waste, notorious nationwide, damage the image of cleanliness and
neatness that we present to tourists and businessmen from other countries;

WHEREAS it is the duty of every citizen to preserve and protect the environment;

WHEREAS there is a deficiency in the service provided by the municipal authorities and users lack of
education and culture for waste management;

WHEREAS: The gap at the time of decomposing garbage collection and sharpens the release of gases and
odors that harm the environment;

WHEREAS: trash is often disorganized and taken out of the container by people looking for waste
materials to use or sell;

WHEREAS: The people passing through the streets have no qualms about throwing their plastic waste
edible paper or anywhere, thereby worsening conditions for environmental quality are played.

It has given the following Law:

Section 1. any natural or legal person is prohibited throwing any solid waste and nature in streets,
sidewalks, curbs, parks, highways, roads, spas, seas, rivers, creeks, streams and irrigation canals, beaches,
squares and other entertainment venues and other public places.

PARAGRAPH.- littering in the glens except in those municipalities identified and acondicionen for such
purposes is prohibited.

Section 2. homeowners, renters and business establishments is prohibited out garbage, rubbish or waste in
currencies other than those established by the relevant municipal provisions hour.

Section 3. After placing garbage in containers and in places where it should be collected, is prohibited
disorganize, dig it, turn the garbage cans, break the containers in which they were deposited.

Article 4. People who are caught littering, waste or waste of any type, size may be, in public places, they
will be condemned to sentences of two (2) to ten (10) days' imprisonment or fines five hundred (RD $
500.00) to one thousand (RD $ 1,000.00) pesos, or both at once.

Paragraph I. In case of recidivism double the fine imposed and the maximum term of imprisonment
provided for in this Article shall apply.

PARAGRAPH II In the case of infringements of this law on moral or legal persons, prison sentences will
apply to their legal representatives, managers, administrators or his substitute.

Paragraph III When it is determined that it is individuals or companies dedicated to providing private
service hauling and disposal of waste, the fine may be up to ten thousand pesos.

Section 5. The product of revenues generated in respect of the implementation of this law will be
specialized by municipalities for a fund for the manufacture of plastic for garbage collection cases, which
may be sold to the public at cost manufacture. Any excess will be used in a fund for public education on
waste management.

Article 6. Magistrates' Courts of Municipal Affairs shall have jurisdiction for violations of this law. Where
none exist, they are competent ordinary courts peace.

Article 7. Every citizen has an obligation to keep clean and sanitized the front of his residence or place
and pick up trash, waste or waste that are on your sidewalk.

PARAGRAPH.- The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Public Works and the
municipalities of the country develop a continuing education campaign in order to sensitize the public
across the country about the content of this law.

Article 8 Compliance with this law is the sole responsibility of the respective municipalities and the
National Police.

Article 9. This law repeals any previous provisions contrary to it.

GIVEN in the Hall of the Senate, National Congress, in Santo Domingo, National District, capital of the
Dominican Republic, seven (7) days of September of the year 1999, year 156 Independence and 137 of
the Restoration.

GIVEN in the Hall of Sessions of the Chamber of Deputies, National Congress, in Santo Domingo,
National District, capital of the Dominican Republic, on the twenty (21) day of December of the year
1999 , year 156 of the Independence and 137 of the Restoration.

President of the Dominican Republic

In exercise of the powers conferred upon me by Article 55 of the Constitution of the Republic.

PROMULGATE this. Law and order is published in the Official Gazette, for information and compliance.

GIVEN in Santo Domingo de Guzman, National District, capital of the Dominican Republic, within thirty
(30) day of December of the year 1999, the year 156 of the Independence and 137 of the Restoration.

Leonel Fernndez

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