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Fragile Environments

 What is meant by a "fragile environment"?

A fragile environment is one that is both easily disturbed and difficult to
restore if disturbed. For example, a coral reef is a fragile environment
because if you touch coral, it dies. So it is very easy to harm the reefs with
boats, fishing, tourism, ships, or even just us swimming around the sea bed.
Many fragile environments are very beautiful and are disappearing fast,
such as the Antarctic. Because of global warming, the ice is melting which is
affecting many animals’ habitats such as polar bears and they could become
extinct, soon.

 List three different environments that could be

described as "fragile".

Three different types of fragile environment are mangroves, often found

near water in places like Puerto Rico and Cuba. Rainforests, such as the
Amazon rainforest and coral reefs, such as the Great Barrier Reef in
Queensland, Australia.
 Which environments around Hinchinbrook, Australia are
considered to be most fragile?  Give reasons.
I think the Great Barrier Reef is the most fragile environment in
Hinchinbrook, Australia because this is what is attracting the most tourism.
Because there is so much tourism around this area, people think they could
get a lot of money out of it so they want to develop the town to fit the
tourists. This includes building a huge port around a bit of the reef so boats
can come in and out easily. On this port, a massive hotel was built in 2001
which will attract even more tourists. The reason why mass tourism is bad
in this area is because if so many people want to go out and see the Great
Reef in boats etcetera, this could disturb the reef and kill many of its
inhabitants. The port is also selling parts of it so people can actually build
houses on it and develop it even more. The fumes from all the development
and human activity could pollute the water and also disturb this beautiful

 Do you think that the development of Hinchinbrook was a

fair / a good idea?  Give your reasons
I don’t think Hinchinbrook was a fair or good idea because not everyone in
the area agreed with it and at times it even got violent. Many people care
about the Great reef and did not want to see it developed upon and ruined
before their very eyes. The area should have dealt with it in an even way
and at least listened to those who didn’t agree with the new plans. The

development team
actually ended up by having to use force to break their way into bulldozing
some of the place. Many people literally tried to stop it from happening by
standing in front of the deadly machines. Apart of what was so special
about this area was the fact that it had not been disturbed any it was a
peaceful and tranquil place to go to. It was one of the few places untouched
by man and it is now ruined by man. It would have been a whole lot more
magical if it remained at its previous state.

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