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Warhammer Turkey Creek 30k Escalation League

What is an escalation league?

An escalation league is a causal narrative event with unique missions that encourages players to
build up either a new or existing army throughout the course of several weeks. Every two weeks,
a new mission becomes available to play. Participants can play the mission on the designated
league night, or on their own time at the local Warhammer store.

I. Rulebook and Codex

A. Forgeworlds Horus Heresy game, also called 30k, uses the 7th edition Warhammer
40k rulebook with its own codices.
B. In 30K, there are 3 main armies: Astartes Legions, Solar Auxilia, and Mechanicum.
The codices for these armies are spread throughout the Forgeworld Horus Heresy Books
1-5. A condensed version of the general rules and units for Astartes are also contained in
the red Crusade Army List book.
C. The Astartes Legion is further broken down into 18 named legions, each with their
own units, rules, and tactics. Legion specific rules and units are also spread throughout
Books 1-5. A condensed version of the legions are contained in the red Isstvan
Campaign Legions book. Not all legions currently have specific rules. Those who do not
yet have rules use the generic Crusade Army list.
II. League Organization
A. The first mission requires a 500 point army from the Horus Heresy Game. Every
Subsequent game will increase the available points by 250. The final game will be played
at 2500 points.
B. Mission are released bi-weekly. Each mission will clearly state the objectives and
victory conditions. At the end of a game, points are totaled and added to a leaderboard.
C. At the beginning of the league, players much choose an army. In the case of the
Astartes, you must also choose a legion. You may use one of the existing 18 legions, or
create your own legion.
D. At the beginning of the league, players must choose to identify as Loyalist or Traitors
to the Imperium. Your choice does not have to reflect the choice of your legion in the
existing fluff. For example, if you chose Emperors Children as your legion, you could
also choose to be loyalist Emperors Children.

III. Points
A. Escalation leagues embrace both the gaming and hobby aspects of Warhammer.
Consequently, victory points and hobby score factor into the leaderboard.
B. Victory Points
1. Every mission will be worth a maximum of 30 victory points.
2. Conditions for earning victory points will vary between missions
C. Hobby Points
1. Playing missions with a painted army will also earn points
a. If all the models in your army are painted, you will 30 points.
b. If at least 75% of the models in your army are painted, you will earn 22
c. If at least 50% of the models in your army are painted, you will earn 15
2. The quality of paint does not factor into your Hobby Points. At the end of the
league, an award will be given out to the best painted, as voted by the league
D. Miscellaneous Points
1. During the course of the league, players can also create custom objective
markers to match their army. Each objective made is worth 5 points, up to a
maximum of 30 points.
2. Players who create a narrative or backstory for their character will earn 15
additional points. See section V. Custom Characters for more details.
E. Score Reporting
1. Each mission will have a scorecard for recording points. Scores must be
reported to the League Organizer or Warhammer Store representative.
2. Participants can only score points for a particular mission once.
IV. Force Organization
A. Each mission will have specific force organization requirements
B. Players are expected to have access to the appropriate codex, dataslate, or any
other additional rules
D. Fortifications, Lords of War, and Super heavies are allowed only when specified

V. Custom Characters
A. At the beginning of the league, players must select one non-unique/non-named HQ
model as their custom character.
B. This character becomes the embodiment of them player on the battlefield. Therefore,
this character must be used in every one of the missions. You may change your
characters weapons, relics, and other wargear options between missions.
C. In addition, you may choose one of the following universal special rules for your
character. The character permanently gains this rule for the remainder of the league.
Counter Attack

Furious Charge


Hammer of Wrath

Move through Cover


Night Vision


Preferred Enemy (Loyalist or Traitor) *


Split Fire

Shred, CC Only

*The choice for Preferred Enemy (Loyalist or Traitor) must be the opposite of your
legions allegiance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I want to make my own legion?
Luckily, there are two unnamed and unknown legions at the fluff of Warhammer.
Participants can make their own backstory, paint scheme, and theme to their own custom
legion. However, they must use the generic Crusade Army List for rules.

What if I already have 10,000 points of 40k models? Do I have to buy all new
Forgeworld models?
Of course not! If you already own the first three companies of Dark Angels in their 40k
armor, you are not required to use the 30k versions. Models should be as close to
WYSIWYG as possible. Before the start of any game, make sure you opponent is
aware of any wargear not shown on the models.

I wont be able to attend the schedule league night, but my friend will. Can I still play my
makeup games with my friend?
Makeup games can be played with any League participants, League Organizer, or
Warhammer Store representative. However, a player can only report Victory Points for
each mission once.

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