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Preparation for Clearing Emotional Charges From the

Take a few moments to sit and contemplate. You can journal, if thats your style.
Think of the most significant difficulties youve had in your life or troubles you may
be experiencing now. If you hit a snag, you neednt look far. Most of us dont need
to search any farther than our own immediate families. Can you see any repeating
patterns? Are you aware of any emotion that has been repressed?

Healing the Mind Exercise 1:

The Curious MindFeel the Charge until Its Gone
Note: Before diving into specific subconscious healing techniques, its important to
develop the proper state of mind in regard to emotional charges. Its referred to as
the Curious Mind. The Curious Mind naturally cultivates a certain level of necessary
detachment between you and the emotional charge. All of a sudden, its not your
anger, hurt, depression, etc.; its only an emotion youre experiencing. In other
words, your emotional charges are not you, but are only something thats happening
to you. As you will experience, this creates a beneficial space between you and the
emotiona very helpful gap that enhances the release process.
Try This: Start with a clear-cut intention to heal a specific subconscious
emotional charge completely. Sit or lie in a comfortable position and enter a deeply
relaxed state. Next, feel the emotional charge in your body, as related to the area of
life youre trying to heal. It may be rage in your head, heaviness in your heart,
tension in your stomach, etc. It should come readily. If it doesnt, just pretend you
can feel it (remember, imagination is real, so pretending works). If you get bombarded
with mind chatter or distracting thoughts, just let them come and go, like watching
clouds drifting by in the sky.
Next, simply pay attention to the charge as you experience it. Be curious. Say to
yourself something like, Oh, isnt that interesting. I feel rage in my head. How
curious. As you focus on that experience, youll begin to feel a weakening,
softening, or letting go of the emotion.
Now, heres where everyone begins to differ, so youll need to develop your own
method of experiencing and releasing charges. You may feel the emotion as it begins
to spin or swirl and move out of your body. It may start to dissolve or let go. It may
create interesting sensations in your body like tingling, warmth, or deep peace.
Whatever happens, keep your focus on whats taking place. Dont wallow in the
emotion, but stay with it until its gone.
Thats it! Subconscious emotional charge gone. If it returns, it will come back with
less intensity and less frequency. If that happens, just go through the process again.
Its like lighting a log on a fire: Keep burning it until its nothing but ash.

Healing the Mind Exercise 2:

Flower or Sacred ObjectGeneral Emotional Release
Sometimes when using the Curious Mind approach, charges get stuck. They just
wont go away. You end up flailing and wallowing in unwanted emotion. It can be a
very frustrating experience. However, we have help. After all, it is the subconscious
mind, and we can imagine whatever we want to come to our aid. The Flower or
Sacred Object is a technique Ive used countless times on clients, with immediate,
successful results. Heres how it works:
Try This: While relaxed and feeling your subconscious emotional charge, imagine
a beautiful flower or some sacred object hovering above you. Let it be big and
powerful. Feel its presence. Recognize the fact that it has enormous healing powers
and actually pulls emotional charges out of your body. At this point, you dont have
to do anything! Let the flower or sacred object do all the work by pulling the charge
out of your body. Keep your focus on the process until its finished.

Healing the Mind Exercise 3:

Self-ForgivenessUnloved and Unworthy (Its Not
Your Fault)
This is probably the most powerful technique Ive come across. It can mend and fill
an eternal abyss of feeling unloved. Reaching very deep, it can transform an entire life
of suffering.
Try This: Settle into a meditative state. Imagine yourself going back into time, just
before your conception. You have no body, and you are nothing but energy. Youre
about to be conceived in an act of absolute unconditional love between two people
who are the embodiment of that love. Sink deeply into the experience that as you
grow in the womb, your arrival is eagerly anticipated. People are excited! You are
Imagine you are born into the arms of a perfect parent. It can be someone you
make up or an actual person you know. Feel unconditional love exuding from them
like sunshine.
Have them look deeply into your eyes, connecting heart to heart, and hear them
say, Its not your fault. It has never been your fault. It will never be your fault.
Sink into the experience fully. Dont just hear the words, but receive the impact of
that unconditional love into your psyche. Take it in deep because this sensation can
lead to a very positive, life-changing transformation.

Healing the Mind Exercise 4:

ForgivenessIts Not Their Fault
Forgiveness, in this context of subconscious healing, is a little different than the
human virtue. I discuss the importance of that in my book The Subconscious, The

Divine and Me. Here, lets focus on a technique to release a subconscious emotional
Try This: Get relaxed and think of someone whom you need to forgive. Feel the
emotional charge when you think of that person, and take note of where you feel it in
your body.
Now, imagine yourself standing somewhere: the woods, a beach, at home, or
anyplace that comes to mind. Next, imagine a small child approaching you, maybe
three or four years old. As the child nears, recognize that s/he is the person you need
to forgive. Observe the child as vulnerable, innocent, and at the mercy of life the
same way you were when you were that age. Be aware that the child has been a victim
of his/her parents emotional charges and understand that its not the childs
fault. Sink into that experience and feel it and then let your own pain go. Use an
above mentioned technique to release your charge or just send it back to the child.
Then let the child go to dissolve into the cosmos. Or, you can pick the child up and
say, Its not your fault. Feel it deeply and remain focused on the process until it
has run its course.

Australian Aboriginals have lived on the island of Tasmania for thousands of years.
The earliest archaeological evidence for Aboriginal habitation of Tasmania is from the
valley of the Forth River, 35000 years before the present. Prior to European
settlement, Mole Creek, along with much of the surrounding area, was part of the
lands of the Pallittorre aboriginal tribe. Their range included Deloraine, the face of
the Great Western Tiers, and the Gog mountain range to the north of Mole Creek
where they mined ochre in the Toolumbunner ochre pits. There is evidence that they
had been settled in the Mole Creek area for at least 10,000 years. As Europeans
moved onto their land the two groups came into conflict, many aboriginals and some
Europeans were killed. Their population in the area has been estimated to drop from
200 to 60 during 1827-30.
During the 1820s, the Van Diemen's Land Company cut a stock route from Deloraine
to Emu Bay (now known as Burnie) viaChudleigh and Mole Creek. Prior to this
cattlemen had run cattle and built stockman's huts on the land west of Westbury. From
the 1820s onwards land grants began being issued as the land was gradually surveyed
A systemic exploration of Mole Creek and the area west was conducted in 1826
by Edward Curr, Joseph Fossey and Henry Hellyer.Mole Creek was originally a
mixture of tall forest, plains and boggy marsh.[7] Settlers in the early 19th century
cleared the land largely using fire and the ring barking of trees. The land was first
held in large leaseholds by the wealthiest in the colony of Tasmania. In the mid-19th
century a number of waste lands acts were passed by the government allowing for
smaller holdings, opening up the then densely forested land around the town of Mole
Creek. Many of these first settlers were farm labourers or ex-convicts, who had
worked as labourers ortenant farmers on the larger holdings.

The name Mole Creek comes from a nearby stream, recorded as early as the Land
Commissioner's reports' maps from 1826-28. This creek flows above ground, and in
portions underground through the caves underlying the area. The caves of the
nearbyMole Creek Karst National Park, which include the show caves Marakoopa
Cave and King Solomons Cave, have attracted tourists since the 1850s. Their
popularity encouraged the establishment of tourist facilities in Mole Creek including
Howe's Boarding House and Lee's Mountain View Guest House. By 1876 the town
had a water-powered flour mill and water powered saw mill. At the same time
a Wesleyan chapel and minister's residence were being constructed. A post office
opened on 28 May 1884,though the town remained small. A former resident
remembered Mole Creek in the 1890s as "a small bush settlement" Lime kilns were
built at Mole Creek in the late 19th century, taking advantage of the
extensive limestone in the area.
he English word was apparently derived from the Latin stem (information-) of the
nominative (informatio): this noun is derived from the verb informare (to inform) in
the sense of "to give form to the mind", "to discipline", "instruct",
"teach". Inform itself comes (via French informer) from the Latin verb informare,
which means to give form, or to form an idea of. Furthermore, Latin itself already
contained the word informatio meaning concept or idea, but the extent to which this
may have influenced the development of the wordinformation in English is not clear.
The ancient Greek word for form was (morphe; cf. morph) and
also (eidos) "kind, idea, shape, set", the latter word was famously used in a
technical philosophical sense by Plato (and later Aristotle) to denote the ideal identity
or essence of something (see Theory of Forms). "Eidos" can also be associated with
thought, proposition, or even concept.
The ancient Greek word for information is , which transliterates
(plrophoria) from (plrs) "fully" and (phorein) frequentative of
(pherein) to carry-through. It literally means "fully bears" or "conveys fully". In
modern Greek language the word is still in daily use and has the same
meaning as the word informationin English. Unfortunately biblical scholars have
translated (plrophoria) into "full assurance" creating a connotative meaning of the
word. In addition to its primary meaning, the word as a symbol has deep
roots in Aristotle's semiotic triangle. In this regard it can be interpreted to
communicate information to the one decoding that specific type of sign. This is
something that occurs frequently with the etymology of many words in ancient and
modern Greek language where there is a very strong denotative relationship between
the signifier, e.g. the word symbol that conveys a specific encoded interpretation, and
the signified, e.g. a concept whose meaning the interpretant attempts to decode.

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