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9th wonder of the world: Power game

9th wonder of the world: Power game

Chapter 1
After the big bang in New York Hirozan teleported the
team to a distance planet knows as Stealth which was
the clone planet of earth.
“Where are we?” I asked as I looked around
Then something stepped out of a forest
“This is Stealth” the thing said
“How do get to Earth?” Kushal asked
“That dojo will get you home in the mean theme you
can explore this planet”
Hirozan went to get a hot dog for the team and I went to
a shop called yuki’s weapon shop to find a bow. Kushal
went to a computer café Shivam went to train.
“You had to make a big bang” Hirozan said to me
“Like I wanted to.” I said “Next theme I’ll just let the
villains win then” I said
A man told me and the others that we had to the top of
mt. Sunset and find out how to get home. I started to
think I wonder what could get us home. “Why are you
blanking us?” Kushal asked
“Iam thinking” I said getting irritated
THE team went to the dojo where we would find the
item that would get them home.

A wise old man stepped out form the dojo and mumbled
“THE young ones have come.” And as the team walked
into the dojo we got separated from each other I went to
a door marked “Mega punch”, Hirozan went to “THE
9th wonder of the world: Power game
good old days”, Kushal went to “THE wave of light”
and Shivam went to “THE darkroom”. At the same
theme the opponents said the same thing.
“Iam master Fist.” master fist cried
“Iam master Yold.” master yold mumbled
“Your foolishness young one I’m master Flash!” Master
Flash cried
“Iam master blind” master blind
THE room I was in was made up of rock. Hirozan was a
black and white cartoon playing felid, Kushal was a
extremely sunny felid and nearly blinded him finally
Shivam one was pitch black and I couldn’t see a thing. I
shot a ball of fire at Fist and knocked him to the wall.
Hiro used his upgraded omnitrix and changed to Roller
and throw Yold to the next block meanwhile kushal was
struggling to see since it was so bright and got sent fling
to the light and got burnt. Shivam couldn’t see in the
dark although I made a fire to see and water wiped blind
“Arrr you need to be better master fist” I said
“尔是好你自己” (you are good) Master fist spoke
“我知道” (I know) I answered
“Take this and find your friends” Master fist told I. I
bowed and said “Thank you” meanwhile Hiro asked
“when do I go can go home?”
“Once you beat me!” master yold cried
So Hiro bounced up a transformed to inferno and shot a
lava pulse and burnt Yold.
“Here go. Go now and find your friend and take this
with you.” master yold cried. I was running to Kushal
9th wonder of the world: Power game
dorm his item that was glowing and give him the
locations of Kushal.
“Hiro go this way. Come on this way” the two of us
went to Kushal dorm. Kushal was blinded by the light
and didn’t know what to do. Hirozan and I shouted
“Eclipse!” so kushal blocked the light and then punched
Flash to the ground and dented the field.
“Take this and go find Shivam.” I cried
“Kushal let go find Shivam.” Hirozan told us. Shivam
came running to the other a told them to go to the
central computer and destroy it the door of the dojo
became dark and the team where caged in a side.
“What we do now?” Hiro asked
“Stand back!” I told them and shoot an acid and left a
hole in the mat
“Any of you coming?” I asked. We all jumped throw
the hole and came to the ground floor and killed the
central computer. And we found a gate to earth and back
9th wonder of the world: Power game
9th wonder of the world: Power game
Chapter 2
(New world dominion)
“Are we back?” Hirozan asked
“Maybe Hiro.” Kushal asked. A big plane flow over us
and had the logo of N.W.D we tried to work out what.
“Let find owner bases and see what happened.” Kushal
siad “What hold up?” I said picking up a newspaper.
The headline read:
New king of the world for 2028
“Who the “D”?” Shivam question
“Let not find out. Come on let go “I told them. We ran
throw a dark alley way and a hooded shadow appeared
and shot a bolt of lightheng.
“Back off” I said and shot magma at the guy, the guy
took hold of me and disappeared
“Gi” hirozan cried
“Were we going now?” Kushal asked meanwhile I was
at the floor B5 of the D-CORP company I was looked
up in a lab
“HOLD IT!!!!” one of the agents from paper palace
(a.k.a The Company).
We eliminate the agents.
“Where we go now” Hirozan said steering at the night
“To the source of this destruction” I pointed to a tower.
We all headed for paper palace.
“Now where do we go?” Shivam question
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“To Level 5 of Primatech Research that where all of the
villains” I told them
“I don’t think that a good thing to do” Hirozan said

“Here we are level 5 big is int it” I said
“Yeah it big alright but emm......”kushal said as he
looked around
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Where are the villains?”He question
“Over there.” hirozan cried
“Hiro stop time” I cried after that we moved and found
Ankit who help use to find the owner
“Are we there yet?” Hirozan asked
“We‘re way there and anyway we just have to take 5
lift and run past 14 rooms and then to the 99 floor.”
“*Sigh* wish I never asked.” Hiro asked
“DUCK!” I shouted a Red bolt shot throw the air
“You shouldn’t be here.” someone said
“Who are you?” we asked
“You’re not meant to be here this wasn’t going to
happen.” he said
“I am you Gi-wan I came from the future.” I said (as in
the future)
“Why are you here?” I said
“I need to change your future and you Hiro.” he said
“What do we have to do?” I said to myself
“Save her or………” he said
“Or what?” I said
“DIE!” I said
“Why do I have to die?” I asked
“JUST DO IT.” he siad
“Who is the girl?” Shivam asked
“It Nicole” he said
“What do I have to do?”I asked
“Save her!” he said
“Can I say something?” Hiro asked
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Shut it Hiro” we both said
“I need to go back, Good luck your gonna need it!” he
siad teleporting back to the future
“Let go Gi.” Hiro said
“You go ahead I’ll catch up.” I said what was I gonna
do save her or die or we both die so many thing to think
“Now go to the top” I said. I teleported to the top where
we saw the sunset.
“I thought you never come” Lushun
“Hey little brother!” Hiro said
“Spair me your pitty”Lushaun
“What happened to you bro?” Hiro asked
“I always hid in your shadow” Luxshaun said as the
lighting shoot throw the air hiro stopped time and
teleported us back in time to prevent this from ever

Chapter 4
Back to school
Hiro teleported us back to Costa Verde High School
where we went back to class all the teachers asked
where we been so we came up with some excuse
anyway we all were in the same class and only had one
more class till the end of the school day in the meantime
we all tried to work out why Luxshaun became evil. We
9th wonder of the world: Power game
all left and went to the headquarter that was still there
after all this time.
“Just how we left it………” I said
“Really messy?” Shivam said
“Danm state” I said “yeah is my room and my soft bed”
there was a knocking on the door
“Hey guys it me Niki” Nicole said
“Hey let her in ok” I said
“You left your book on my table” she said
“Thanks see you tomorrow” I said happily
“Yeah… tomorrow” she said using her super speed to
get the heck out of there and back to her house.
Meanwhile “You’re fired” Ankit said to his workmen
this letter is not finish when it done send it to Mr. Gi-
wan Tang. The next day I got a letter which was for the
team and it was from Ankit

Lion age co
258 mossrock rd
Dear Gi-wan
You are invited to an all star meeting at Lion age corp.
you will have to bring you and your team to the main
hall where the meeting will be held be sure to be there at
9:00am and it will end at 12:00pm
From Ankit
9th wonder of the world: Power game
Head of lion age

“Do you think we should go?” I asked

“Yeah let go” hiro said
“Isn’t it a school day” Shivam said
“Who gives a danm” I said the next day we when to
Lion age for the meeting where everyone had a power.
Suddenly, the light went out and loud cries filled the air.
When the light came back on there was blood
everywhere and body where on the floor
“What the F**k” I said
“Don’t swear” Shivam said and as we went to the long
hallways to Ankit office
“Why are you doing this Ankit?” Kushal asked
“I want to be the most powerful hero in this or any
world” Ankit said
“I don’t what that to happen” Shivam said as he said
that Ankit used his power to teleport them somewhere.
“Where are they” I asked
“There somewhere but you’ll never find them” He said
“Cut the crap and tell me” I said
“Gotta go” he said teleporting back in to the unknown
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Chapter 5
“Now that there all gone what do I do?” I asked myself
as I saw that I was the only one to be able to the thing I
do. The next day I went to my science teacher in order
to work out where they are. As a headed back to the
long graveyard to the HQ where I’ll find where they
were as a brake in at a bank
“What happened?” I asked the cashers
“There was a brake in and the robbers went to that ally
way over they.” They said I run to the ally way where I
found the robbers
“Stop and give me the money!” I shouted in a flash of
Blue light they were gone. Now that it was a weekend I
tried to work out where the other could be so I did what
I always do when I am confused, play alone in the dark
on the Xbox 360. When I was playing I wasn’t thinking
about where they where and so I stop playing for the
time being.
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Where could they be? I asked the crack in the wall
“Don’t give up Gi-wan” Miss Freedman
“Why are you doing her Miss F?” I questioned
“Iam here to say not to give up” she answered she left
the headquarter I tried to work out what I should do
“Eureka!!” I shouted I use my phone to call them.
“Hello?” I said
“Hey who is this?” kushal said
“Hey it Gi, Where are you?” I asked
“Don’t know?” he said
“Tell me what it look like.” I asked
“There a lot of sand and not much vegetation here but
the trees are all thin and have lost their leaves.”
“You’re in Death valley the hottest place on earth your
ganna melt you gotta get out of there tell the others.” I
“I will you better come here.” He commanded
“Yeah I coming” I said I wounded why hiro couldn’t
teleport back but then again he isn’t that smart.
Meanwhile in Death Valley
“Hey got any water?” Kushal asked
“Nope all out of water.” Shivam said
“How long does it take it for one person to get to Death
Valley?” Hiro asked as I stood behind them I shouted
“0.00000001 ms seconds.”
“When did you get here?” They asked
“Five seconds a go.” I said
“We’re all out of water!!” Hiro said
“Let try and get a ride back.” I said
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Great plan.” Shivam said we headed to a road to the
North West part of the vally
“Hey I see a car.” I said
“Stop hey stops.” Hiro said the car was a black hummer.
“Thanks for stopping” hiro said
“IT TALID!!” we shouted
9th wonder of the world: Power game
Chapter 6
Death messenger
We all then travel to the state line we were in L.A. and
we found a place to eat so we went and eat luckily I got
a $40 in my bag I pay for all of it. Talib showed us to a
parking lot
“Why you take us here?” I asked
“Cos of my hunger, I can’t control it.” H said
“What hunger?” Kushal asked
“I need to kill one of one you” He said as he used his
power to fling us to the wall another older hiro showed
up and then teleported us to the 12 avenue.
“I came here to stop that Gi-wan, when the time is right
teleport yourself further to the future and I will guide
you.” Hiro said
“Thanks for your help” I thanked we got to the main
city part of New York and tried to blend in with them
people as we walked past. A shop’s television had a
news flash it said “A bank has been broken in by Three
people one of them seemed to have a laser in his hand”
“We go to the bank.” Kushal said
“Let go” I shouted we needed to teleport so I found
somewhere where no one would look and then hiro
teleported us. Meanwhile back at school Miss Freedmen
was taking a lesson she could see that they where to
loud and something amazing happened when she
shouted Year 8 it became supersonic (Sound
manipulation) and the window stared to crack everyone
9th wonder of the world: Power game
was scared by the voice blast that miss gave of. In the
bank Diven and a Jay asked “what the plan”
“The plan is that I we wait for them and we get the
money” Lax siad outside the bank we were playing rock
paper scissors to see who would go in first Shivam lost
and so gone in first.
“Stop and no one get hurt” Lux shouted a bolt of
lightning got shot throw the air at Shivam.
“Wait outside” I ordered
“Now it you’re dead” They said Kushal use his super
speed to get Diven out of the picture me and hiro tried to
get an advantage I got held to the wall but with the
power of the sound the supersonic waves blow them
away when I know I could do that a shouted “GIVE ME
THE MONEY!” just at that moment a older kushal
stopped time I could move freely and so could Hiro and
“You need to come to the future” He said
“What should we do Giwan?” They asked
“Stray here I’ll be back” I said

Chapter 7
As we landed in the future I saw that this was the same
as the present.
“This doesn’t look like the future.” I said
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Look closer.” Kushal said as I looked closer I saw that
people had power.
“How did this happen?” I asked
“It a long story let go get some coffee and then I’ll tell
you.” He said so we headed to black star coffee shop.
“You see on your 19th birthday you got abducted by
some people and taken to a lab and took a DNA supple
from you and made two clones one of the clones went
and turn evil, he could use the powers of shadow and
darkness. The other was a powerful power stealer that
was the start of the plan and so it spared to others.”
“That expands a lot; do you know where he lives?” I
“He lives a 130 Manhattan.” He said
“Thanks” then I teleported to the address and found that
the place was a wreak but I still went in.
“Hello clone anyone one here?” I shouted
“I know you would show.” Someone said
“Come out of the shadows!” as I said that a ball made of
shadow entered my shadow.
“Why are you doing this?” I asked
“Because you’re a part of me and without you I would
be pure evil.” He said
“You’re not a part of me!” and when I shouted that he
hit the wall and I escaped by shadows I needed to find
the other and I need to escape for the shifting shadow
and I need to do now.
“Don’t shoot!” I said
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Go back to the present and change everything from
happening this way you will be safe!” Kushal said
“Where am I?” I asked
“What you mean?” Kushal and hiro asked
“Why am I not in the hq?” I questioned
“The thing about that is….” Hiro tried to answer
“Yes go on.” I said tried to work it out
“You’re still in the lab and we can’t get you out.” They
“So you just leave me there like a Ginny pig.” I said
“We said that we tried!” they said
shouted with the supersonic wave hitting them. I need to
go back to the present.

Chapter 8
Shadow of the original
I teleported back to the present and I called up the other
it was a answer machine the message said “I am going
to find something and change the future and I don’t
want you to find me.” I stole a car from a car park and
drove to the company
And headed for Ankit.
“So you came you saw the future and came here to stop
me.” He said
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“This is the end” I said I disappeared in to the shadow
and sent a punch him in the shadow.
“Take this and if you want to join”

Lion age
Iam making a grope of heroes to join and make a better
world and to put all heroes to getter there are all ready a
lot of member joined: Myself
Miss freedmen
Maria Val
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Giwan and team

“We gonna sign it or what?” Hiro asked

“I am Your not Iam not gonna risk any of you and the
my final word about this.” I said signing the contract
and I am gonna stop him once and for all
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Lion age
Iam making a grope of heroes to join and make a better
world and to put all heroes to getter there are all ready a
lot of member joined: Me
Miss freedmen
Maria Val
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Chapter 9
Iam gonna finish this
The next day the gathering of the “Evolved humans”
came and I know that this was came before the storm I
was talking to miss freedmen.
“What brings you here?” I asked
“Well Giwan I recently found out that I could
manipulation sound.”
“Is it that you could only use it when you’re angry
scared or some ting on those lines?” I asked
“That should be right.” She hesitated
“That all the info I needed” I said I tried to read the
mind of Ankit but nothing worked I need to work this
out and why my power wasn’t.
“Good new everyone, a have a friend here who can stop
your powers.” Ankit said who was this man and was he
the one who could stop powers.
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“This is Ronack he can stop your powers. He was a
human then I used him as a Ginny pig and this is just the
first stage.” He said I started to question the invention
he made and how he doing this.
“What do you mean about the first stage?”
“The next thing you know I’ll be able to take away
“You take away a power you just want to be the only
one with a power.” When I said that he sent bodyguards
after me I legged it to the parking lot and carjacked a car
and drove it with everyone to the headquarter I then
jumped out before the car gone in. Ankit tested a new
kind of the formula and that made Ronak able to steel
powers not to stop them therefore I could use my
powers and then travailed by shadow to find Talib in his
office waiting to fire someone I appeared from the
shadows and try to take him by force.
“Stop!” he said
“I need your help and then you can go back.” I said I
teleported him to the outside of the HQ where someone
else join them it was vikash and I went back in the HQ.
“What the plan?” hiro asked
“No plan we run.” I answered
“That not like you let go out there and kill them!”
kushal said
“I am known that outside that there someone who can
stop your power.” I said
“What do we do then?” Shivam asked
“I go out and........WAIT he changed his power!” I said
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Chapter 10
Just a feelin’
In a way the powers were take me over mostly the
shadow one. Now we went outside and tried to escape
from the villains they came with force lucky Hiro
teleported us to a safe distance.
“Where we go now?” Hiro asked
“We go to New York.” I answered
“Why New York?” Shivam asked
“I have some friend there who can help us and so we
can get away from them.” I said
“What are we gonna do there?” Kushal buzzed
“Well here my plan we can go to a school and try to fit
in and miss freedmen will be a teacher.” I insist Hiro
teleported us to the top of a building.
I glared at Hirozan and said “Next time make us land on
the grown.” We later went to NYC academy were we
became students and we went looking around Kate and
Shanil were there I felt like I have gained a power but it
stopped half way that never happened before. We found
a house on 5th ave and made it are home and the living
room was huge it was like a cinema and we needed to
fix are living room I made it like a cinema with like
poster saying out now showing ect. I went to the town
center to go see the prime works tower to see
9th wonder of the world: Power game
something. The door were closed and it was all black I
teleported myself in there and turned the light on to see
if anyone was there I shouted the room was so silent that
I could hear a bee fly by I walked over to the counter
then me foot pressed some thin on the floor and I fell
into something what was this?
9th wonder of the world: Power game
Chapter 12
Fire in the sky
I landed in a home for people with powers this was a
bad thing now need to find a way out, but in the mean
time I’ll find some people with good powers. I walked
into the training yard were a lot of people where using
power someone stood on the side this I talked with him.
“What your power?” I asked
“I can fire acid with a PH stand of 12” the person said. I
went walking the from a speaker it boomed
“Can Giwan tang come to the office!” now I dashed to
the room. I steeped in
“Well Giwan we need your help” the person said slowly
“Ankit!? How you get here.” I shouted
“I explain later anyway Iam on your side I and all those
people are safe here to learn how to use their powers.”
He said
“Why you need me?” I questioned
“You see you’re the only person that can stop Talib
grope of villains.” He said
“Why is it all ways me?” I whispered
“So are you in or out?” he asked
“I’ll join.” I answered
“Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, you have a partner and she
has a power.” He pointed I turned.
“KATE? You have a power.” I screeched
“Yeah I have a good power so we partners?” she asked
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Sure.” I replied shaking her hand I teleported us out I
first had to find Luke McKnight who was in Hollywood
and I teleported to Hollywood now to find the guy.
“You nerves?” she said stopping me
“I am ok; I am just need to get the whole taking out a
businessman team.” I said
“You’ll get use to it.” She said, walking to the house.
“He takes the bait?”
“Yeah this will be good.”
“So what do I do?” I asked
“Ok you go in and take the guy back to us and don’t
screw it up” she said I walked in to the broken down
house to see if anyone was in. the walls filled with cop
weds and the floor board start to crack as I walk on top
of them a black shadow in the back. A shot of diamond
came towards me. Just like two days ago.

Chapter 13
The shadow changed to a person and the person
Stampeded down the hallway and came with his turned
to diamond and the hallway braking I was stuck I in a
dead end nowhere to run nowhere to hide he was like a
9th wonder of the world: Power game
hawk time to fight. I ran to the person and supercharged
his power and slowly supercharging his powers making
him change him to a diamond statue and shifted him
outside and told Kate to take him back to the corp. I
went back to the shadow teck to burn it down to the
ground and stop them doing this. It like what I all was
say there no happy ending it what you achieve that
matters. The flame I saw the fire burn in the night sky I
walked back I have done the unthinkable and burn it
down to the ground. I sprinted to the HQ while I was
running Kate stood meters away from the building and
watch as the flame rose up in the sky the smoke had
mixed and the Kate stared to breathe the air the gases
mad her faint she was lifeless and hurt do I take her
back to the house? But what would they think that I like
a girl I only met yesterday. I took her and run back.
“Why did you take her here?” kushal asked
“She is a bad person.” They said
“I just had to ok.” I said
“So you like her?”
“I won’t tell you, Your just gonna make fun of me!”
“Oh really.”
“Well maybe, you can do what you like I don’t mind
here.” I said giving them some money
“There’s only $4.25.”
“Here have $6 more.”
“Whoa, wait really?”
“Yes now go. GO.” They left to go to the cinema. I was
looking after the house cleaning thing and dusting.
9th wonder of the world: Power game
While I was cleaning hiro room I heard footsteps she
awake? I need to go see. I run to my room see was gone
and saw she was getting a cup of water.
“What are you doing up?”
“I needed a cup of water.”
“I’ll get it for you.”
“thanks.” She said as she went back to the bed I went to
get the cup of water for her. Hours pasted and still they
didn’t come back. I started to Kate:
“Where do you think they gone?”
“I don’t know it getting really late.”
“Yeah this is not like them.” A knocking came from the
“Who that?”
“That must be them.”
“Wait I think it not them and I…” as I said that the door
got kicked down and came in what or who is this person
and what does he want?
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Chapter 14
Wars Game part 1
“Iam the hunter, I am coming to get you!” The hunter
“RUN!” I shouted
“You here to get me or are you the one who will stop
“I’ll stop and steal.”
“What that mean?” Swiftly he moved and drained my
telekinetic power. I gave of an outburst of fire and
escaped from hunters.
“Kate where are you? I got a plan.”
“Over here what the plan?”
“Go get a map.”
“Then what do I do?”
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Ok now we got a map I find them.” My hand picked up
a pin and moved it to a Manhattan and then said a
“261 Broadway Manhattan.” I said we then headed out
to the city where it got really crowded we needed to get
a cab I checked if anyone was looking and took Kate
and flow into the air where I could see the whole city I
hoped that my friends where ok.

Chapter 15
Wars Game part 2
Meanwhile my friends where in a prison for people with
powers as the sun sat at end of the earth Hirozan, Kushal
and Shivam powerless sat at a cell playing with a
bounce ball.
“Anyone got any idea how we lost are powers?”
“Maybe it was that hunter guy?”
“Hope Gi finds us before everything goes from bad to
“Same.” A big puff of smoke came from down the hall.
“What do you think that was?”
“No need to think I am the one who did that.”
“Gi how you find us?”
“Well I used my powers
“Didn’t that hunter guy get your power?”
“One of my powers my friend.”
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Bravo, Bravo now you will face my agents.”
“Bring it on” I burn the agent therefore making a quick
“How are we gonna get our powers back?”
“With this Genetic modification formula.”
“Genetic modify……Wait what.”
“Genetic modification formula Hiro.”
“What it do?”
“Well... Like the modification formula the company
have to give people power I did more research on this to
find that I can make it so the person if they had a power
to get back the power they got or even better to make it
better. A part from the formula making you use your
power it ok to use.”
“Holly smocks what going on?”
“You’re going to the future”
“You lot gonna come”
“Oh yeah”
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Chapter 16
Children of the 9th wonders
We landed in a city where a large obelisk stood with
something written on it reading long live the heroes who
will save us again.
“That must be us. But what did we do?”
“Let just find our house.” We went to the New York
“What we gonna do the key don’t work.”
“I been here before”
“What we do?”
“Stand back.” With a shot of fire I burnt a hole big
enough for us to get in.
“Yeah we burn a hole so they think were robbers, grate
plan Giwan now were gonna be in prison!”
“Just get in.”
“Hello? Anyone here?”
“Yeah can you all stand at the wall.” We didn’t want to
get hurt so we did as the person said.
“So you come to our house and start to snoop around,
who you think you’re you?”
“Iam Giwan these are my friends Kushal…”
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“And Kate”
“I haven’t finished……. Wait you are Giwan from the
9th wonders?”
“Em…Yeah let go with that.”
“I am sorry; would you like to drink anything?
“No but thanks for your offer”
“Now I got some questions who are you?”
“Well this may come to a shock but here goes everyone
comes down here” the people came to the area we were
in and they all had powers.
“So… to the answer to my question.”
“Well we’re your Children.” Hiro started to chocke on
his sandwich which was in his bag.
“How is that possible?”
“Well we’re clones.”
“What and how is that possible.”
“Well in 2019 you and your friend have been hunted
and to make sure you where not hunted you cloned us
and we lived here.”
“Then where are we?”
“No found out where you are.”
“Teach us how to use our powers… In a safe way”
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Now Hiro Do you know how to use your power
safely?” we went off to separate rooms to teach.
“So do you have a name?”
“Well no we have codes which are used.”
“Oh well let start stand by that wall.” As he walked to
the wall I picked him up with my telekinetic power and
a scream arose from the room.
9th wonder of the world: Power game

Chapter 17
I washed my hand and made it look like my son died
naturally and left the room.
“Well it was nice meeting you but we should be getting
back.” We went back to our time. I went out to the
shadowteck’s New York headquarter.
“Is the job still up for grab?”
“I’ll take it!”
“Good, now first get this guy back dead or alive”
“Got it” Kushal, Hirozan, Shivam and Kate waited at
the house waiting for me to come back no knock no call
nothing meanwhile at the location.
“Hey Perrin.”
“Come to the yard.” as he entered the yard I lifted him
and push him up agented the wall and then rip his head
open and fling him to the table with the blood running
down his head I started to experiment on the brain.
“Here we go, there the part with you power.” Day
became weeks became months and each assessment
became more dangers I got more powers and then quit
and returned to the team now to take back my role as
team captain and now to see what I learn now I could
have beast like powers, I could shield myself like a
turtle, I could shoot spikes, tunnel my way in and out
9th wonder of the world: Power game
places and shoot a rope dagger from my hand. Now I
went off to find more people with powers

Chapter 18
Blinded by the light
9th wonder of the world: Power game
I went back to the team where I turned on the team and
throw Shivam, Hirozan and Kate to the wall where I
would rip there head open and get there powers just
when I was gonna do it Kushal picked some shards of
glass with his telekinesis and released them out of his
grasp and the tiniest shard entered to the back of my
neck. Then slowly I fell to the ground with my lifeless
eyes the team dragged me to the back yard where my
neck was hurt. I wasn’t able to wake up.
“Why’d you do that?”
“He was gonna kill you that why.”
“Yeah… but what are we gonna do now we have a dead
person here!”
“Let’s just take the shard of glass out.” I awoke when
they took the glass out but something was wrong, I
couldn’t see the glass hurt the part of my spine which
was for sight but I could see aura and absorb it now I
could see with my eyes closed. My eyes healed slowly I
stayed and looked for item to heal my eyes. Later I got
everyone in to the living room.
“Why you call us here?”
“Look in the sky it Chinese new year.” As they looked I
put a tracking device in there arm
“Hey what that for?” they asked rubbing their arm,
“Well I need to know where you are and since I am
sidelined I am gonna be here until I’m better.”
“Well it makes senses.”
“Well bye I need to go to the comic book store, the new
9th wonders out.”
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Wait I like comic books.”
“Hey can we stop by 7-11?”
“I need to get to my Netball match.”
“Well everyone gone but me, time to play Mario.” I
walked to the N64 and started it up and played the first
half of the game and got board once I was past the
eighth level and was going to the movie I sat in the
theater for an hour and thirty minutes and the film was
so boring and that was the only movie showing today.
And this was the same thing that happened every day for
the next four years nothing no drama no nothing it was
so boring till they got me and took me to somewhere
and locked me up and stored me in a container.

Chapter 19
Elemental Call
9th wonder of the world: Power game
Kushal was in class along with Hiro, Shivam and Kate
their phones vibrated together with a text that was a
danger which read
They are coming take action
They wouldn’t stop till they get you

“Who Blaze? And what is this danger?”
“At least he might help us to…….” just when
everything was as normal as it could get, the sky was
then corrupted with darkness a jut of light fell from the
sky hitting the road. A new message appeared
Head for the road, there may be a thunderstorm
Be ready

The massage was indeed right a thunderstorm raged
throw the city it looked like it was nearby.
“We need to go closer and take out the person” they
walk slowly to the center a person with light beaming
out. The ultraviolet light that came out was making a
dome around them.
“Yes it is I Daniel I am making a thunderstorm” the
dome broke all electrical items in the dome but one TV
was still on reading “You’re not getting throw to him try
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“Daniel, Stop this.”
“Why stop me, I’m having too much fun.”
“Come on it gonna hurt a lot of people.” The TV
changed to; “You’re not a bad, people can change for
better or for the worst, only you can pick the right road.”
Daniel looked at the screen with sadness a teardrop
shape slid from his face as he released his energy.
“Hey who is Blaze?”
“It’s me.”
“I was the one, I got locked up and I sent people
“How you do that?
“And you said you were smart.”
“Oh right.”
“Anyway I came back to help you.”
“To do what exactly, May I ask?”
“To go to the devil’s playground.”
“Devil’s playground?”
“Just follow me.”
“Daniel we might need your help.”

Chapter 20
Devil’s playground
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“So let me make this clear.”
“Go on Hiro.”
“Somehow you got locked up and sent messages.”
“Correct my friend.”
“And the escaped somehow.”
“That is all so correct.”
“Also you want us to destroy the agents.”
“That right.”
“I’m still confused.” We sighed and I push Hirozan to
the door of the elevator and said sighing
“Look when we get out just try and take out the agents.”
“Got it.” The elevator was stuck and the doors where
impossible to open, a hypnotic sound came from the
speaker soon we were isolated from the elevator and we
noted that kushal was gone. Kushal slowly opened his
eyes in a paralyzed state; kushal couldn’t hear anything
kushal was strapped to a chair looking and absorbing the
images of explosions over and over he tried to escape
from the straps and get out. I and the others got isolated
in a power lock cage nothing could break it. Time
clicked away I say this since Hiro clicked a pen every
now and then,
“Stop clicking.”
“What else am I going to do?” I hummed a tune, I kept
humming then it stopped but I felt that I was humming I
waited attosecond, attoseconds became femtosecond
femtoseconds became picoseconds, they transformed to
nanoseconds. My head felt like a millions of tiny atoms
9th wonder of the world: Power game
exploding. Then a dog and a came to the cage looking
up at me.
“Who invited the dog?” I now see that I was humming
at a really high pitch making dog or cats able to hear it.
“Hey doggy gets the key.” The dogs walked over to the
table and head butted the table to knock the keys down
he bit the key ring and tossed it in the Shivam got the
keys and opened the cadge we walked out and me and
the others went over to the room where Kushal was.
“Get away.” Kushal’s shoes glowed in an atomic green
“Hey why are you glowing?”
“Been absorbing the things I saw.”
“What was that?”
“An explosion.” Kushal and I went out the room. There
was an explosion that shocks the ground.
“What was that?”
“Kushal you’re not a bomb.”
“Then why am I glowing?”
“It a trick you not really glowing.”
“What is happening then?”
“The whole place has been set with trap, every hallway,
every room.” We headed for the landing pad where the
most part of it was of the building.
“Guys get of the pad.” The pad went up in smock and
the where dropping 35ft throw the air.
“Kushal fly, save some one. Don’t stand there jump.”
Kushal jumped and saved Shivam and Kate from the
9th wonder of the world: Power game
“HIRO!” I took a teleported.
“Nothing’s ever going to be the same.”

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