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KDC Connect 2016 Managed Device & Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)


Frequently Asked Questions Jan/Feb 2016

1. How do I get detailed information on Managed Device/BYOD program?
Parent information sent to all KDC families in 2015 can also be accessed through the
Compass Newsfeed. Alternatively, students can pick up a hard copy from Houses.
2. My child has a leased Dell/Lenovo netbook from the school, when and where
does this need to be returned?
Except for Year 9 students, all students in Years 8, 10, 11 and 12 with existing
Dell/Lenovo netbooks should be returned with a charger and case to the Library from
Week 2 (1st Feb) until the end of Week 5 (Friday 26 Feb).
3. I want to order the recommended managed device, Lenovo Yoga 11e, how
do I order one for my child?
Go online to the Edunet Parent Portal and type in
access code KDC2016
4. I already ordered my child a new Lenovo Yoga 11e through Edunet, how
come my child has not been given their new device?
All orders placed before 16th December 2015 on the Edunet Parent Portal has been
allocated to relevant students.
Orders placed after 16th December will be allocated to students when the school
receives the new device from the supplier.
5. My child will be bringing their own device to school (BYOD), what should I
First, read the required specifications of the laptop and check that the laptop
your child brings to school meets the specifications listed on the information sheet.
Second, if the laptop meets the specifications required, return the Option 2 BY0D
note to the front office.
I.T Support will need to check the suitability of each BYOD to ensure its
compatibility with the school network. Parents and students should continue to
monitor Compass newsfeed for updates on the BYOD rollout.
6. Originally there was a $20 payment for BYOD. Why has that changed?
The licensing fees that were to be covered by this $20 payment were covered in your
Essential Items fees for 2016. No extra payment is required.
7. Why cant I.T Support at KDC download the programs to each students
Students bringing their own device are solely responsible for downloading the
required programs from the website given to them by I.T Support. KDC is NOT
responsible for ensuring bring your own devices maintenance, repair or upkeep.
8. Why cant my child bring an Apple Macbook as BYOD?
At this stage Apple devices (including iPads) do not meet the specifications of our
BYOD program due to different operating systems.
9. I have a Year 9 student who will keep using their old netbook, what do they
do under this new program?
All Year 9 students have one year remaining on their netbook lease, so are
encouraged to keep using their leased netbook, however parents/guardians are still
required to pay the annual lease of $175 to continue the lease.
10. Due to family financial difficulties, I will not be able to afford the new
Lenovo Yoga 11e. What should I do?
KDC will endeavor to support families who have documented financial difficulties.
At the early stages of implementation, Years 11 & 12 students will be prioritized
to receive a refurbished Dell netbook at cost of $100/year.
M. Navera|Keilor Downs College

All other students application for refurbished netbooks, including Years 7, 8

and 10, will be considered depending on circumstances, return of Option 3
Refurbished note and availability of refurbished netbooks at the College.
These refurbished netbooks are of a limited number and available for 2016
11. Do I need to return the Option 3 Refurbished Netbook note?
YES, you will need to return the Option 3 Refurbished Netbook note signed to
the front office. You will be informed when payment of $100 is required if a
refurbished netbook is available for your child.
12. I have a Year 10 student who wants to keep using their existing school
netbook, can they keep using it in 2016?
NO, all Year 10 students must return their school netbook to the Library by the
end of Week 5 (Friday 26/02).
Year 10 students must choose either BYOD or purchase the school managed
device, Lenovo Yoga 11e.
13. We are in Week 2 of Term 1 now, how far along is KDC at implementing this
new School Managed/BYOD program?
In Term 1, 2016 Weeks 1-2 priority is to allocate all new Lenovo Yoga 11e devices to
students who ordered one before January 2016.
Weeks 3-5 priorities include
collecting and refurbishing Dell netbooks for re-allocation to students who
applied for Option 3 Refurbished netbook
commencing the BYOD rollout with I.T Support
The aim is that by the end of Term 1, all students should have been allocated
Years 7 & 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11 & 12

School Managed
School Managed
Lenovo Netbook
School Managed
School Managed

Device /BYOD

14. In 2017, will leased school netbooks (including refurbished netbooks) still
be available for students in need or in Years 11 & 12?
NO, from 2017 KDC will fully implement the School Managed Device/BYOD for
students in Years 7-12. Leased netbooks will no longer be available in 2017.
15. I need more information about the program, who can I contact?
If your question has not been answered on this FAQ sheet, email your query to MaryFrance Navera or Daniel McFerran via Compass.

M. Navera|Keilor Downs College

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