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Plum 1

Kirk Plum
Professor Theodoros
ART 1301
5 September 2014
Reading Questions
1. Impressionism helps capture what our eyes see. Rarely do we ever see something without
glare, light, shadows, or any other amount of effect on it. Nothing in reality is ever matte
because there is always some sort of light on it or else we would not be able to see it. So
impressionism helps realism be present as one would not be able to achieve realism
without impressionism.
2. In Armstrongs article, not only does the picture contain numerous people of the time
period, but it represents the time period. All the details ring true of characteristics from
that period. Also the use of impressionism adds to this modern thought as it was a new art
form for paintings. Manet was also a known commodity by this time. Also the uses of the
alcoholic beverage bottles attributes to this as one can identify them. The consumer
would be addressed by all of the people in the bar. Also the person looking at the painting
is a consumer because they are taking in the art and the commodity of Manet. Ones gaze
is drawn into the painting because of the use of impressionism. All the extravagant
objects also draw the observer into the painting. The observer also desires to be there
because of the magic that Manet is able to paint into the picture. He makes the bar look
like an elegant place where someone would want to be.
In Iskins article, the modernism is addressed by Manets call to the consumer revolution
that was happening at the time. Commodities are addressed by all of the products,

Plum 2
alcohol, on the counter, like it is a store. Also Manets name on the bottle since he was a
known commodity at the time. Consumers are addressed by all of the people consuming
at the bar. The man that the bar is a customer. The observer also is consuming Manets
painting. The alcohol containers draw the peoples gaze like a window at a shop. The
people desire to have that stuff.
3. That his name is a trademark for that style of painting. That all of his paintings are
consistent with each other, and what you expect from Manets paintings is what you will
get, like a product from a store, consistently the same. Always made up of the same
ingredients no matter what form it takes.
4. Manet is acting like the painting of the single asparagus holds the same value of a real
asparagus. The logic would be the fact that that item in real life is worth that much, so the
painting of that item should be worth that much.
5. Clark says that the painting deals with the dance of ideology. It is not the dance of
recognition as it also deals with misrecognition. He says this is because there can be other
meanings and interpretations to the work.
6. It seems like Clarks approach tends to lean more toward interpretations and how one
views the work themselves. It seems like Iskins view of Manets art tends to be more
factual based and based on the times that he did the paintings and what was going on at
the time.
7. The barmaid is dressed fashionably and elegantly to make her seem superior and to draw

peoples attention to her.

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