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Dear Parents:

I have been the Director of Studies at EF Zhengzhou for nearly two years now. In that time I have met countless students
and taught thousands of hours of classes.

I have noticed that there are two factors necessary for student success in a learning environment like ours:

1. The student must be an active learner. The student must find and use opportunities to practice his or her English.
2. There must be an active line of communication between our teachers and parents.

An active learner is a student who raises his or her hand in class. They answer questions and they ask questions. They
pay close attention in class and take notes. They attend EF events. Active learners have made English a part of their lives.

The second factor most necessary for success – after student effort – is open and honest communication between our
parents and teachers. If you have a question about a class – ask! If you are concerned about something, let the teacher
know. Let me know. We are all here to help our students improve their English. Nothing is more important than that.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments regarding our classes. You can also just say “Hi.”

Renato Ganoza
Director of Studies
EF Zhengzhou


我是 EF 的教务长 Renato,在两年的教学中,我接触了很多学生。
我认为在 EF 这样的英语环境中,学生要提高英语水平有两个必要的因素:
1. 主动学习,寻找并抓住机会来练习口语。
2. 学生要主动架起老师与家长之间的沟通桥梁。
主动学习的学生,上课积极举手发言,注意力集中认真做笔记。积极参加 EF 活动,真正把英语作为生活的一部

Renato Ganoza
郑州 EF
Hello! 您好!
I’m glad to have you as a new student in my class. There are a few things I think you should know about the class first. 欢迎新学员的加入,学员
开始课程之前,应了解 EF 的课堂流程。

Class Procedure 课堂流程

Before Class 课前:

 Hand in your homework and blue book.请及时交作业和学生手册。

 Prepare pens or pencils and paper.准备好钢笔、铅笔以及纸张。
 Put away toys and food.收起玩具和食品。
 Sit quietly in your seat. Be ready to work.安静的坐在座位上,准备上课。

During Class 课堂中:

 Sit quietly and wait for instructions.保持安静,认真听讲。

 Raise your hand to answer questions.举手回答问题。
 Raise your hand if you need anything. Do not yell “Teacher! Teacher! Teacher!”如需帮助,请举手。不要大声喊“老师!老师!老师!”
 Try to ask questions! 试图去问问题。
 Remember: Don’t speak when others are speaking! 切记:当别人回答问题时,请保持安静。

End of Class / Breaks 课堂结束/休息时间:

 Clean your desk area. Put away your things.收拾好自己的物品,并保持周围整洁。

 Sit quietly and wait to be called to line up.保持安静,排队离开教室。
 Don’t make noise in the hallway! There are other classes in progress.不要在走廊上大声喧哗,以免影响其他班级正常上课。

Note: All of our breaks are in-class breaks. Students may not play outside the classroom or in the hallway.


EF Rules 英孚规则

1. Bring papers and pens and pencils to class.课前需准备好钢笔、铅笔以及纸张。

2. Speak as much English as possible. Raise your hand to answer questions. Ask questions.尽可能多的用英文表达自己。
3. Do not speak when others are speaking.别人回答问题时请保持安静。
4. Always sit quietly and wait for instructions. Do not eat food in class. Do not bring toys to class. 保持安静,认真听讲。不准在教室吃零食,不
5. If someone needs help – help them. If you need help – ask.需要帮助请及时告诉老师,并主动给予别人帮助。

Note: Our classes are not strictly English-only. I believe Chinese has a place in the classroom. Unfortunately it is also the source of 99% of our
discipline problems. Students are strongly encouraged to speak only English whenever possible!
备注:我们提供全英的教学环境,但学生在教室偶尔说汉语不可避免。遗憾的是 99%的纪律问题都是由学生说汉语引起的,所以无论何时
Student Expectations 对学生的期望

A. I expect students to try their best. I expect students to work hard and to do their own work. I expect students to help each other – not criticize
one another.我期望学生们能努力学习,并独立完成学习任务,同时也希望学生们互相帮助,而不是彼此指责。
B. I expect students to make mistakes. Mistakes are fine. We can correct mistakes. We can learn from our mistakes.我期望学生们敢于正视自己
C. I expect a lot of apples from students on Teacher’s Day.我期盼教师节能收到学生们的苹果。

Renato Ganoza for EF Zhengzhou, 2010

Reviewing EF Lessons at Home – 18 Ideas

 Reading Comprehension

You can ask students to…

… read from their books.

… read from their books in different voices.

… read from their books in Chinese.

… read from their books using a specific grammatical form.

… read alternate sentences in their books.

 Dictation Exercises

You can ask students to…

… write as you read from their books.

… write as they listen to their CDs or the radio.

… write nonsense sentences like “Ultraman is fighting five tigers!” or “I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas!”*

* This is a better test of their listening and writing skills.

 Creative Writing

You can ask students to…

… write a story using five specific words.

… write a familiar story (like “Mulan” or “Three Little Pigs”) using only 50 words.

… write about people they know in embarrassing ways i.e. Renato is in love… with a pig!

… write a short story or a play to act out with their friends.

… write a riddle or a tongue twister for their friends to try.

 Accent and Pronunciation Training

You can ask students to…

… watch and mimic TV shows, radio programs, or movies.

… deliver a speech or sing a song exactly like a native speaker.

… record themselves speaking in English.

… speak English to friends on the phone.

… work on learning an accent of English.

Renato Ganoza for EF Zhengzhou, 2010



- 阅读课本内容
- 以不同的声音来读书
- 将课文翻译成中文
- 从课本中学习英语中的固定结构和习惯用语。
- 根据课文中出现的主要句型,用不同的单词进行句子替换练习。

 关于听力练习
- 听写课文。
- 跟着 CD 或磁带的内容,练习听写。
- 写一些孩子想象事物和感兴趣的句子。即使是毫无实际意义,夸张性的句子。(Ultraman is fighting
five tigers!奥特曼正在跟 5 只老虎战斗。)*
* 这对于学生的听力和写作技巧很有帮助!

 创造性写作
- 用 5 个具体的单词写一个小故事。
- 用五十字来写一个学生熟悉的小故事(例如类似花木兰,三只小猪之类的小故事)
- 写一些好玩尴尬的事情,可以用我们身边熟悉的人物。例如(Renato is in love...with a pig! Renato
- 写一个小故事或小短句,可以与朋友进行角色表演。
- 写一个谜语或者是绕口令,请朋友来猜或尝试。

 发音练习
- 看原声电影,电视(真人)模仿秀,或者听英语广播。
- 发表一个演讲,或唱首歌。尽量接近并模仿到完全吻合以英语为母语的人的发音。
- 当自己在说英文时,录下来,对比纠正发音。
- 用英语跟朋友通电话。
- 致力于英语发音的练习.

Original document (in English) by Renato Ganoza.

Translation by Kelly for EF Zhengzhou.

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