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Graphics with R

The plot() function

> Fibonacci <- c(1,1,2,3,5,8,13)
> plot(Fibonacci)

Add title, subtitle and axes labels

> plot(Fibonacci,
main = "Fibonacci series", # title
sub = "An elegant series", # subtitle
xlab = "Index",
# x-axis label
ylab = "Fibonacci"
# y-axis label

Other customisations
> plot (x = Fibonacci,
main = "The first 7 Fibonacci numbers",
# title
sub = "An elegant series",
# subtitle
xlab = "Position in the sequence",
# x-axis label
ylab = "The Fibonacci number",
# y-axis label
font.main = 1,
# plain text for title
font.sub = 2,
# boldface font
font.lab = 3,
# italics
font.axis = 4,
# bold italics
col.main = "red",
# title font colour
col.sub = "gray25",
# subtitle font colour
col.lab = "black",
# label font colour
col.axis = "springgreen4",
# axis font colour
cex.main = 1.2,
# title font size
cex.sub = 1,
# subtitle font size
cex.lab = 1,
# label font size
cex.axis = 1,
# axis font size
type = "b",
# plot type: "p" point, "l" line, "b" both,
# "o" line over the top of points,
# "h" histogram-like vertical bars
# "s" or "S" staircase,
# "c" connecting lines from "b" version
col = "blue",
# plot colour
pch = 19,
# plot character
cex = 5,
# plot 5x the usual size
lty = 2,
# change line type to dashed
lwd = 4,
# change line width to 4x usual
xlim = c(0, 15),
# x scale limits
ylim = c(0, 15),
# y scale limits

For plot character and line types, see p156 Navarro.

> load("aflsmall.Rdata")
> hist(afl.margins)
> hist(afl.margins, breaks = 3)
> hist(afl.margins, breaks = 0:116)

# specify the number of bins

# give a vector to specify where breaks occur

> hist(x = afl.margins,

main = "2010 AFL margins",
# plot title
xlab = Margin,
# set the x-axis label
density = 10,
# draw shading lines, 10 per inch
angle = 40,
# set the angle of shading lines to 40 degrees
col = "gray80",
# set the colour of shading lines
border = "gray20",
# set the colour of the borders of the bars
labels = TRUE,
# add frequency labels to each bar
ylim = c(0,40)
# change the scale of y-axis

Stem and leaf, Boxplots

> stem(afl.margins)

Draw a single boxplot:

> boxplot(x = afl.margins,
xlab = "AFL games, 2010",
ylab = "Winning Margin",
border = "grey50",
# dim the border of the box
frame.plot = FALSE,
# don't draw a frame
staplewex = 0,
# don't draw staples
whisklty = 1
# solid line type for whisker

Draw multiple boxplots e.g. margin variable for each year:

> load("aflsmall2.Rdata")
> who(TRUE)
-- Name --- Class -- -- Size -afl2
data.frame 4296 x 2
> head(afl2)
margin year
33 1987
59 1987
45 1987
91 1987
39 1987
1 1987

> boxplot(formula = margin ~ year,

# the formula
data = afl2,
# the dataset
xlab = AFL season,
ylab = Winning Margin,
frame.plot = FALSE,
# don't draw a frame
staplewex = 0,
# don't draw staples
staplecol = white,
# (fixes a tiny display issue)
boxwex = 0.75,
# narrow the boxes slightly
boxfill = grey80,
# lightly shade the boxes
whisklty = 1,
# solid line for whiskers
whiskcol = grey70,
# dim the whiskers
boxcol = grey70,
# dim the box borders
outcol = grey70,
# dim the outliers
outpch = 20,
# outliers as solid dots
outcex = 0.5,
# shrink the outliers
medlty = blank,
# no line for the medians
medpch = 20,
# instead, draw solid dots
medlwd = 1.5
# make them larger

A simple scatterplot:

> library(car)
# scatterplot() is contained in this library
> scatterplot(dan.grump ~ dan.sleep,
data = parenthood,
smooth = FALSE
# prevents drawing a smooth trendline

To get scatter plot matrix, use the pairs() function:

> cor(x = parenthood)

# this is the correlation matrix we want to plot
dan.sleep baby.sleep dan.grump
dan.sleep 1.00000000 0.62794934 -0.90338404 -0.09840768
baby.sleep 0.62794934 1.00000000 -0.56596373 -0.01043394
dan.grump -0.90338404 -0.56596373 1.00000000 0.07647926
-0.09840768 -0.01043394 0.07647926 1.00000000
> pairs(x = parenthood)
# gives a 4x4 scatterplot matrix

You can specify which variables you want for the matrix:

> pairs(formula = ~ dan.sleep + baby.sleep + dan.grump,

# exclude the day variable
data = parenthood
# gives a 3x3 scatterplot matrix

e.g. display the number of finals each team played over the time spanned by afl dataset.
> afl.freq <- tabulate(afl.finalists)
> teams <- levels(afl.finalists)

# create a vector with info to be displayed

# create a variable with team names

> barplot(height = afl.freq,

# specify the argument name
names.arg = teams,
# label each bar with the name of the team
las = 2
# rotate labels: text is perpendicular to the axis
ylab = Number of finals,
main = Finals played, 1987-2010,
density = 10,
# shade the bars
angle = 20,
# shade the lines angle

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