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AoW PF conversion Pt.

3 Encounter at Blackwall Keep

Lizardfolk CR 1 XP 400 N Medium humanoid (reptilian)
Init +0; Senses Perception +1
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 natural, +2 shield)
HP 12/18 (2d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft.
Melee morningstar +2 (1d8+1), bite +0 (1d4), or claw +2 (1d4+1), bite +2 (1d4+1)
Ranged javelin +1 (1d6+1)
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Attack +1; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Multiattack
Skills Acrobatics +2, Perception +1, Swim +8; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Draconic
SQ hold breath
Special Abilities
Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Kushak CR 4 XP 1200 Male Lizardfolk fighter 4 N Medium humanoid (reptilian)

Init +1; Senses Perception +4
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+5 natural, +2 shield, +1 Dex, +1 Dodge)
HP 48/66 (2d8+4d10+10)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft.
Melee +1 club +9 (1d6+5), bite +5 (1d4+1)
Ranged javelin +6 (1d6+2)
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Attack +5; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Cleave, Dodge, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Club), Weapon Specialization (Club)
Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +4, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Draconic
Gear +1 club, heavy steel shield, 5 javelins
Special Abilities

Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Shesht CR 4 XP 1200 Female Lizardfolk Druid 4 NE Medium humanoid (reptilian)

Init +1; Senses Perception +1
Active Spells barkskin (+2)
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+7 natural, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
HP 43/58 (6d8+10)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +5
Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft.
Melee mw club +6 (1d6+1), claw +3 (1d4), bite +3 (1d4)
Ranged javelin +5 (1d6+1)
Spells Known (CL 4th, Ranged +5, Cast Defensively +5)
2nd (DC 13)soften earth and stone, barkskin
1st (DC12)cure light wounds (2), jump
0 (DC 11)stabilize, light, know direction, mending
Str 13, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Attack +4; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Multiattack, Natural Spell, Alertness
Skills Acrobatics +2, Perception +1, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Draconic, Druidic
SQ hold breath, nature sense, wild empathy, woodland stride, trackless step, resist nature's lure, wild shape 1/day
Gear heavy wooden shield, mw club, 16 goodberries, pouch (31 cp, 20sp, 25 gp), potions: cure moderate (2), barkskin (+2); wands: cure light
wounds (16 charges), produce flames (32 charges)
Special Abilities
Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Sasath Animal Companion N Medium Snake, Viper

Init +3; Senses Perception
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 natural, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
HP 28/40(4d8+8)
Fort 6, Ref 7, Will 2
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee Bite +6 (d4+1 plus poison) poison DC 14(Frequency 1 round, Effect 1 Con damage, Cure 1 save)
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Attack +3; CMB +5; CMD 16

Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse

Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +3
Languages Draconic, Druidic
SQ Scent
Special Abilities
Poison (Ex): Biteinjury; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Con; cure 1 save.
Spawn of Kyuss CR 5 XP 1,600 CE Medium undead
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +
Aura fear aura (40 ft., DC 14)
AC 11, touch 9, flat-footed 12 (-1 Dex, +2 natural)
HP 28/40 (4d8+8)
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2; Immune undead traits
Weakness curative transformation
Speed 30 ft.
Melee slams +8 (1d6+6 plus worm and Kyuss gift)
Ranged worm touch +2 (special)
Special Attacks create spawn, fear aura, kyuss gift
Str 18, Dex 9, Con , Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 15
Base Attack +3; CMB +7; CMD 16
Feats Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Climb +22, Perception +4, Stealth +3
Special Abilities
Create Spawn (Su): Once per round as a free action, a spawn of Kyuss can transfer a worm from its own body to that of an opponent. It can do
this whenever it hits with a slam attack, but it can also make the transfer by means of a successful melee touch attack or a ranged touch attack,
hurling a worm at a foe from a distance of up to 10 feet. Each worm is a Fine vermin with AC 10 and 1 hit point.
It can be killed with normal damage or by the touch of silver. On the spawns next action, the worm burrows into its hosts flesh. (A creature
with a natural armor bonus of +5 or higher is immune to this burrowing effect.) The worm makes its way toward the hosts brain, dealing 1
point of damage per round for 1d4+1 rounds. At the end of that period, it reaches the brain. While the worm is inside a victim, a remove curse
or remove disease effect destroys it, and a dispel evil or neutralize poison effect delays its progress for 10d6 minutes. A successful Heal check
(DC 20) extracts the worm and kills it.
Once the worm reaches the brain, it deals 1d2 points of Intelligence damage per round until it either is killed (by remove curse or remove
disease) or slays its host (death occurs at 0 Int). A Small, Medium, or Large creature slain by a worm rises as a new spawn of Kyuss 1d6+4
rounds later; a Tiny or smaller creature quickly putrefies; and a Huge or larger creature becomes a normal zombie of the appropriate size.
Newly created spawn are not under the control of their parent, but they usually follow whatever spawn of Kyuss created them.
Fear Aura (Su): A spawn of Kyuss continuously radiates a fear effect. This ability functions like a fear spell (caster level 7th; Will save DC
14), except that it affects all creatures within a 40-foot radius. Any creature that makes a successful saving throw against the effect cannot be
affected again by the fear aura of that spawn of Kyuss for 24 hours.
Kyusss Gift (Su): Any creature hit by a spawn of Kyusss slam attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12) or contract this supernatural
disease. The incubation period is 1 day, and the disease deals 1d6 points of Consti-tution damage and 1d4 points of Wisdom damage
These effects manifest as rotting flesh and dementia. An affected creature gets only half the benefits of natural and magical healing, though

acure diseaseeffect removes the affliction.

Curative Transformation (Ex): Any remove curse or remove disease effect, or a more powerful version of either of these effects, transforms a
spawn of Kyuss into a normal zombie.
Fast Healing (Ex): A spawn of Kyuss regains lost hit points at the rate of 5 per round. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from
starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow the spawn of Kyuss to regrow or reattach lost body parts.
Turn Resistance (Ex): A spawn of Kyuss is treated as an undead with 6 Hit Dice for the purpose of turn, rebuke, command, and bolster

Assassin Vine CR 3 XP 800 N Large plant

Init +0; Senses blindsight 30 ft., low-light vision; Perception +1
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 natural, 1 size)
HP 32/44 (4d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +2
Defensive Abilities Immune electricity, plant traits; Resist cold 10 and fire 10
Speed 5 ft.
Melee slam +7 (1d8+7 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+7), entangle
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 16, Int , Wis 13, Cha 9
Base Attack +3; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD 19 (can't be tripped)
SQ camouflage
Special Abilities
Camouflage (Ex): Since an assassin vine looks like a normal plant when at rest, a DC 20 Perception check is required to notice it before it
attacks for the first time. Anyone with ranks in Survival or Knowledge (nature) can use either of those skills instead of Perception to notice the
Entangle (Su): An assassin vine can, as a free action, cause plants within 30 feet of it to animate and grasp at foes. This ability is otherwise
similar to entangle (CL 4th, DC 13). The save DC is Wisdom-based.

Harpy CR 4 XP 1,200 CE Medium monstrous humanoid

Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural)
HP 42/70 (7d10)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +6
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Melee morningstar +8/+3 (1d8+1), 2 talons +3 (1d6)
Special Attacks captivating song

Str 12, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 17
Base Attack +7; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Bluff)
Skills Bluff +7, Fly +12, Intimidate +7, Perception +7, Perform (song) +5
Languages Common
Special Abilities
Captivating Song (Su): A harpy's song has the power to infect the minds of those that hear it, calling them to the harpy's side. When a harpy
sings, all creatures aside from other harpies within a 300-foot spread must succeed on a DC 16 Will saving throw or become captivated. A
creature that successfully saves is not subject to the same harpy's song for 24 hours. A victim under the effects of the captivating song moves
toward the harpy using the most direct means available. If the path leads them into a dangerous area such as through fire or off a cliff, that
creature receives a second saving throw to end the effect before moving into peril. Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend
themselves. A victim within 5 feet of the harpy simply stands and offers no resistance to the harpy's attacks. This effect continues for as long as
the harpy sings and for 1 round thereafter. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Advanced Otyugh CR 5 XP 1,600 N Large aberration
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +11
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+10 natural, +2 Dex, 1 size)
HP 51/72 (6d8+24)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +8
Defensive Abilities Immune disease
Speed 20 ft.
Melee bite +9 (1d8+6 plus disease), 2 tentacles +5 (1d6+3 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks constrict (tentacle, 1d6+3)
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 17, Cha 10
Base Attack +4; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 23 (25 vs. trip)
Feats Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacle)
Skills Perception +11, Stealth +4 (+12 in lair); Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in lair
Languages Common
Special Abilities
Disease (Ex): Filth fever: Biteinjury; save Fortitude DC 16; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect 1d3 Dex damage and 1d3 Con damage;
cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Kotabas CR 5 XP 1,600 Lizardfolk Barbarian 5 CE Medium humanoid (reptilian)

Init +1; Senses Perception +7
AC 20, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+6 natural, +5 Armor, +1 Dex, -2 Rage)
HP 97/123 (2d8+5d12+47)
Fort +13, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft.

Melee 2 claws +12 (1d6+5), bite +12 (1d6+7)

Ranged javelin +7 (1d6+5)
Str 20, Dex 13, Con 22, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Attack +6; CMB +9; CMD 18
Base Statistics AC 22, HP 45, Str 16, Con 18, Fort +11, Will +1, Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+4), bite +10 (1d6+4)
Feats Improved Natural Attack (claw, bite), Weapon Focus (claw, bite)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Perception +7, Swim +23; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Draconic
SQ hold breath, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +1
Gear +1 hide shirt, 5 javelins, amulet of natural armor +1, potion of cure light wounds (2), pouch (320 cp, 75sp, 81 gp)
Rage Powers Powerful Blow (+2 Damage), Renewed Vigor (1d8+6)
Special Abilities
Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Hishka CR 7 XP 3,200 Lizardfolk Druid 7 N Medium humanoid (reptillian)
Init +3; Senses Perception +15
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+6 natural, +1 Def, -1 dex)
HP 75/99 (9d8+27)
Fort +11, Ref +1, Will +8
Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft.
Melee 2 claws +8 (1d6+2), bite +8 (1d6+2)
Spells Known (CL 6th, Ranged +5, Cast Defensively +9)
4th (DC 17)flame strike
3rd (DC16)cure moderate wounds, spike growth, water breathing
2nd (DC 15)chill metal, fog cloud, lesser restoration, warp wood
1st (DC14)charm animal, cure light wounds (3), entangle
0 (DC 13)detect poison, light, mending, stabilize
Str 15, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 12
Base Attack +6; CMB +8; CMD 17
Feats Alertness, Brew Potion, Improved Initiative, Natural Spell
Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +7, Diplomacy +7, Handle Animal +11, Heal +14, Knowledge (nature) +13, Perception +15, Survival +14, Swim
+15; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Common, Draconic, Druidic, Sylvan
SQ hold breath, nature sense, wild empathy, woodland stride, trackless step, resist nature's lure, wild shape 2/day
Gear ring of protection +1, amulet of natural armor, leather pouch (31 cp, 25 sp, 110gp), potions cure light wounds (4), cure moderate wounds,
detect thoughts, fly, neutralize poison (2), protection from arrows, resist fire
Special Abilities
Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Sasath Animal Companion N Medium Snake, Viper

Init +3; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perception +6
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+6 natural, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge)
HP 42/60(6d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3 (+4 vs Enchantment)
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +7 (1d4+2 plus poison)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Base Attack +4; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Ability Focus (Poison), Imp Natural Attack, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +10, Perception +6
Languages Draconic, Druidic
Special Abilities
Poison (Ex): Biteinjury; save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Con; cure 1 save.
Shukak CR 8 XP 4,800 Lizardfolk Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 8 CE Medium humanoid (reptilian)
Init +0; Senses Perception +1
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20 (+7 natural, +3 Armor, +2 Dex)
HP 101/144 (2d8+8d10+48)
Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft.
Melee +1 returning trident +16/+11 (1d8+9/19-20), bite +11 (1d4+2)
PA +1 returning trident +13/+8 (1d8+18/19-20), bite +8 (1d4+5)
PA+VS +1 returning trident +16 (2d8+20/19-20)
Ranged +1 returning trident +14 (1d8+8/19-20)
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Attack +9; CMB +13; CMD 25
Feats Cleave, Furious Focus, Improved Critical (Trident), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon
Focus (Trident), Weapon Specialization (Trident), Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +5, Perception +3, Swim +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Draconic
SQ hold breath
Gear +1 returning trident, amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor +3, potion of cure light wounds, pouch (31 cp, 35 sp, 210 gp)
Special Abilities
Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.

Shattering Strike (Ex): Shukak gains a +2 bonus to CMB and CMD on sunder attempts and on damage rolls made against objects.
Overhand Chop (Ex): When Shukak makes a single attack with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls.
Weapon Training (Ex): Whenever he attacks with the trident, Shukak gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Backswing (Ex): When Shukak makes a full attack with his trident, he adds double his Str bonus on damage rolls for all attacks after the first.

Ilthanes Kobold CR 2 XP 600 Male draconic kobold rogue 2 LE Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +5 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 Armor, +2 Dex)
HP 20/23 (2d8+7)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1; +4 vs sleep and paralysis
Defensive Abilities Resist acid 15; evasion
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mw rapier +5 (1d4/18-20) +1d6 sneak attack
Ranged mw hand crossbow +5 (1d3/19-20)
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Attack +1; CMD +0; CMD 13
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Skills Craft (trapmaking) +5, Acrobatics +8, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +5, Perception +6, Profession (miner) +6, Sense Motive +6, Stealth
+8; ACP 1
Languages Draconic
Combat Gear mw chain shirt, mw rapier, mw hand crossbow with 10 bolts, 10gp
Special Abilities

Crafty (Ex): Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class skills for a kobold.

Kyuss Spawnling CR 1 XP 400 CE Tiny undead

Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +2 natural, +2 Size)
HP 10/13 (1d8+5)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Immune undead traits
Speed Swim 40
Melee bite +4 (1d3-3 plus poison)
Special Attacks create spawn, poison
Str 4, Dex 18, Con , Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Attack +0; CMB -5; CMD 9
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Swim +12
Languages Common
Special Abilities
Create Spawn (Su): A kyuss spawnling can infest any humanoid corpse it touches with worms as a full round action. The corpse animates as a
spawn of Kyuss in 1d6+4 rounds.
Poison (Ex): Biteinjury; save Fort DC 10; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con; cure 1 save.
Vulnerability to Remove Disease (Ex): A remove disease spell or similar effect automatically destroys a Kyuss spawnling.
Ilthanes Kobold (PBP) CR 3 XP 800 Male draconic kobold rogue 3 LE Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +5 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+4 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 size, +2 Natural); +1 when in same square
HP 27/33 (3d8+9)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1; +4 vs sleep and paralysis
Defensive Abilities Resist acid 15; evasion
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mw rapier +6 (1d4/18-20) and claw +1 (1d2) +2d6 sneak attack
Ranged mw hand crossbow +6 (1d3/19-20)
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Attack +2; CMD +1; CMD 15
Feats Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Feint Partner
Skills Bluff +6, Craft (trapmaking) +3, Acrobatics +8, Escape Artist +8, Intimidate +6, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8; ACP 1
Languages Draconic

Combat Gear mw chain shirt, mw rapier, mw hand crossbow with 10 bolts, 10gp

Kotabas (PBP) CR 5 XP 3,200 Half-Black Dragon Lizardfolk Barbarian 5 CE Medium dragon

Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 feet; low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 24, touch 9, flat-footed 23 (+10 natural, +5 Armor, +1 Dex, -2 Rage)
HP 118/144 (2d8+5d12+68)
Fort +13, Ref +2, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Immune sleep, paralysis, acid
Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (Average)
Melee bite +15 (1d8+13), 2 claws +15 (1d6+9 + Rend), gore +15 (1d8+9)
PA bite +13 (1d8+19), 2 claws +13 (1d6+13 + Rend), gore +13 (1d8+13)
Ranged javelin +7 (1d6+9)
Str 28, Dex 13, Con 28, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Attack +6; CMB +15; CMD 26
Feats Improved Natural Attack (claw, bite), Power Attack, Rending Claws
Skills Acrobatics +12, Fly +6, Intimidate +10, Perception +7, Swim +27; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Draconic, Common
SQ hold breath, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense +1
Gear +1 hide shirt, 5 javelins, amulet of natural armor +1, potion of cure light wounds (2), pouch (320 cp, 75sp, 81 gp)
Rage Powers No Escape, Lesser Fiend Totem
Special Abilities
Acid Breath: Once per day Kotabas can breathe a 60 foot line of acid like a black dragon doing 2d6 (Reflex DC 20 for half)
Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning

Shukak (PBP) CR 10 XP 9,600 Half-Black Lizardfolk Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 8 CE Medium dragon
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11
AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+11 natural, +3 Armor, +2 Dex)
HP 131/174 (2d8+8d10+78)
Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Immune sleep, paralysis, acid
Speed 30 ft., swim 15 ft., fly 80 ft. (Average)
Melee +1 returning trident +20/+15 (1d8+16/19-20), bite +15 (1d6+4)
PA +1 returning trident +20/+12 (1d8+25 (29)/19-20), bite +8 (1d6+7)
PA+VS +1 returning trident +20 (2d8+29/19-20)
Ranged +1 returning trident +14 (1d8+8/19-20)
Str 26, Dex 15, Con 24, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Attack +9; CMB +17; CMD 29

Feats Cleave, Furious Focus, Improved Critical (Trident), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Multiattack, Power Attack, Weapon
Focus (Trident), Weapon Specialization (Trident), Vital Strike
Skills Acrobatics +12, Initimidate +15, Perception +11, Swim +27; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Draconic, Common
SQ hold breath
Gear +1 returning trident, amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor +3, potion of cure moderate wounds (2), pouch (31 cp, 35 sp, 210 gp)
Special Abilities
Hold Breath (Ex): A lizardfolk can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 times its Constitution score before it risks drowning.
Shattering Strike (Ex): Shukak gains a +2 bonus to CMB and CMD on sunder attempts and on damage rolls made against objects.
Overhand Chop (Ex): When Shukak makes a single attack with a two-handed weapon, he adds double his Strength bonus on damage rolls.
Weapon Training (Ex): Whenever he attacks with the trident, Shukak gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Backswing (Ex): When Shukak makes a full attack with his trident, he adds double his Str bonus on damage rolls for all attacks after the first.
Acid Breath: Once per day Skukak can breathe a 60 foot line of acid like a black dragon doing 2d6 (Reflex DC 18 for half)

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