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Fred Chisolm
June 15, 2016
Professor Julia Intawiwat
Investigative Proposal

Easy Access, Harder Life

Why do we need some much technology? This question could be difficult to argue with
the way technology is used in the world today, but there still may be such a thing as to much
technology. People have become so engross with technology that the simple things of family
dinner time or just taking a walk outside with a loved one has become just about extinct.
The proposed question is compelling do to the fact of advancement in technology has
help the modern era in many ways. Cutting back technology one might argue this would slow
down the opportunity for future benefits for society. Being a father of a young son and working
with teenagers on a daily bases its important to me that simple communication is not lost with
our children. So easy is it just to text, play video or watch television then it is just to ask how
someones day has went. This topic begs many question.
Who needs all this technology?
What has technology become over the years? Technology has become the
excessive bloodline in society today. Cellphones, laptops, even the able to record live television
shows to watch later are just some examples of how people rely too heavy on technology.
When is technology use to much?
Where can a person escape from technology? There is
really no easy way to escape technology seeing that its all around us. But just turning off
cellphones, leaving portable device in the house and walking thru your neighbor or nearby trail is
a good start.
Why has technology replaced the basic way of life?
How has technology decrease family value?
What tragic events has too much
technology caused?
Is too much technology harmful to
Even though technology helps in the
medical field how has it hurt in health of human beings and relationships?
Can the basic meaning of life
ever rebound from the greater use of technology? One could always debate the meaning of life.
Though being of a higher species with the ability to control feelings the meaning of life might be
to enjoy the simple pleasure that this world has to offer. As Chris McCandless showed the world

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by give up things that most people treasure, a life can be lived and found with just the basic
things in your life.
To help show the reasoning behind my statement I will be using articles that will have
factual studies in them. Even though this could still be looked at as one persons opinion the
articles will hopefully proves there is merit to the question being answer.
Do to the subject and nature of the proposal, this project may take on the form of a
persuasive paper.
Grainger, Chelsea. "Too Much Technology." The MountaineerFeb 07 2012. ProQuest.
Web. 13 June 2016 .
"Too Much Technology is Harmful to Children." Townsville Bulletin: 27. Oct 06 2015.
ProQuest. Web. 13 June 2016 .
Dipasquale, Jessi. "Too Much Technology?" The SpectatorJun 01 2010. ProQuest.
Web. 13 June 2016 .
"Cell Phones are Involved in an Estimated 27 Percent of all Car Crashes, Says
National Safety Council." PR NewswireMay 18 2015. ProQuest. Web. 13 June 2016 .

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