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Doily pebbles

My second crocheted stones pattern is a bit more complicated, but still

suiteable for berginners. Ive used a 1,25 mm crochet hook and crochet
thread. The size of your stones, yarn and crochet hook is completely
variable, just measure at the end if your work fits around your stone and if
it doesnt simply add a row to the pattern. Have fun with it!
Sl st

Single crochet
Double crochet
Slip stitch

Rnd 1: start with a magic loop

Rnd 2: ch3, 9 dc in loop, join
Rnd 3: *ch5, sk 1, sc in next* repeat for entire row, join
Rnd 4: *ch3, (1dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 1hdc, 1dc, in ch5 space), dc in sc of previous round.* repeat, join.
Rnd 5: ch4, 1dc in same stitch, *ch1, sk 1, 1dc in next, ch1, 1 dc in same* repeat, join.
Rnd 6: ch4, *3 dc in ch1 between the two dc of previous round, ch 1* repeat, join.
Rnd 7: ch3, *dc 8, 2 dc in next stitch* repeat, end with dc 6, 2dc in last stitch, join.
Rnd 8: ch3, *dc 8, 2 dc in next stitch* repeat, end with dc 4, 2dc in last stitch, join.
Rnd 1: start with a magic loop.
Rnd 2: ch 4*dc, ch1 in loop* 5 times, join (6 dcs total).
Rnd 3: ch 3, dc in same, ch2 *2 dc in next dc, ch2* repeat, join.
Rnd 4: Ch 3, 2 dc in next dc, ch3, *dc in next dc, 2 dc in next, ch 3* repeat, join.
Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc, 2 dc in next dc, ch 4, *dc in next 2, 2 dc in next, ch4* repeat, join.
Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in next 2, 2 dc in next dc, ch 5, *dc in next 3, 2 dc in next, ch4* repeat, join.
Rnd 1: start with a magic loop.
Rnd 2: 6 sc in loop, join.
Rnd 3: ch9, tr in next, *ch 5, tr in next*, repeat around, end with ch5 and join in 4 ch from start.
Rnd 4: in every space: *sc, hdc, 3dc, hdc, sc*, repeat around, join.
Rnd 5: ch7, *sc in 2 dc, ch3, tr in the sc between two leafs, ch3* repeat around, join in 4 ch.
Rnd 6: ch3, 3 dc in sp, *1dc in tr, 4 dc in sp* repeat around, join.
Now to attach your doilies to the stones: With a yarn needle you have to pull the thread through all the stitches around the
doily. Put your pebble on the doily and pull the yarn tight, weave in ends.

If you have any questions you can always email me. Id love to hear what you think about this pattern and look forward to
seeing what youve made of it!

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