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18(ci-pal) 18() Korea South flag

sounds like number 18

Rating:1.0 Details ass seller It

18(ci-pal) means 'be about to f*ck' or 'will bang a pussy hole.' And also it
includes 'damn it' and number 18(it sounds like number 18). Comment by:
gae sae ki Rated:4/5
in korea, our words are obviously slang sometimes in our own way, but if
you're in a small town in korea, it doesn't mean that they cannot understand
only slang words used in city...if someone in this small town you couldn't
force them to speak naturally what you have literary doing in city, they may
sometimes corrector using the sentences correctly but they are not vain..if
you asked them something that they'd been wrong, for example, you need
them to buy you a book in a small store of that small town and if you give
them money that they'll return the book yes, they bought you some books
but the books that they bought isn't really what you want them to buy for
you..then if you tell them some simple and useful words that you're using
when you were in city like (sibal=meaning an ass seller or something like
that) you may hurt their feeling then simply return to you" i'm maybe wrong
but it's not the right word that you should say to me..we aren't like what you if you know"
babo Korea South flag

Rating:1.0 Details idiot/jackass/fool

I have a korean girl that is calling me babo, she says its a popular nickname
for "boyfriend" or if a girl likes a guy she will say babo. IS THIS TRUE? is this
a popular nickname for boyfriend? or is she just playing with my poor heart?
I am han korean but have not lived in ROK for long long time, PLEASE TELL
ME THE TRuth, is she just playing with my heart or really by calling me babo
(i am her boyfriend) Comment by: Please HELP!!!!!! Rated:3/5
It depends on the way she said it... BABO is not so offensive term... and
many girls use it when they're acting cute to their boyfriends..
bbak-sse-da Rating:0.3 Details "hardcore", "sort of motivated",
usually used between military personnels
It is very useful among friends. When your all types of work, such as test,
study, love etc, are too hard, you can say this. It means that sth is too hard.
Bo-Jee Posted by: Bruce Details "pussy", "cunt", vagina
Chada Details To dump a girl or boyfriend (literally "to kick something"
as in foot ball)
Chang nyun Chang nyun Details prostitute, usually used to make fun of
women dressed up like a whore.
ci-pal 18() Korea South flag Rating:1.0 Details Ci-Pal translates to "18".
it is a abbreviated version of "ci-pal o-ma" which translates to "18th child of
your mother", meaning you are the lowest of lows. It is a highly offensive
insult in Korean culture.

it's like ci-pal it's originated from cip-hal, cip means women's sex organ
(very offensive) and hal means (about to do), both of which combined (a
person who are gonna copulate.) it's very offensive... Comment by:

The american version of this is F*cking P*ssy. It's highly offensive.

Daebak Korea North flag

Rating:2.4 Details great, "Big win",

I thought this word mean "success" or something of that sort... Comment by:
well it doesn\'t mean that bad of a word, but not a good word either. Fu8k
that tastes great or Fu8k it smells in here. Kinda that meaning but not as a
bad word as F8ck A worse variation of daebak is juhnda so if you wana be
gangster you can use juhnda insead. ex damn check out her body, juhnda!
Comment by: Joe Rated:4/5
Is this North Korean slang? Do they even have slang in North Korea?!?!?!
Comment by: Tater Tot Rated:4/5
Great,awful, lol used in any "extreme" condition. ex This tastes the best,
daebak! Or omg your room smells so bad, baebak! Also can be used if
something got popular daebak naht dah! roughly means "it's a hit"
Comment by: Joe Rated:5/5
I'm pretty sure in South korea, Daebak means "the best" for example if
there's a boy group u love the best/or girl group. you would say Big Bang,
2NE1, 2PM (whatever) is Daebak! (the best)
dak chuh Posted by: Bruce Details Shut up!
Dang-geun Korea South flag
Rating:1.3 Details Of course! The
original word for "of course!" is "dang-yun", and "dang-geun" usually means
"carrot". However, "dang-geun" is frequently used by younger generations
in Korea instead to mean "of course!". The only reason I can think of is that
they both start with "dang".
A: ? B: !
Good explanation^^ I think this word originated from a joke on a comedy
show though. Comment by: JJ Rated:4/5
i think i heard it on x-men when they were playing "of course" was that the
right one? Comment by: lee
"" means that "of course","that's right", "absolutely right","right" etc... A
: have you done homework? B : of course = but, it usually uses between
young friends... whereas not uses to mother,father or so much elder people
compare with the other. Comment by: jimmy
is more like of course is carrot. Comment by: janghyuk
The literal meaning is "carrot". But "Of course" is how its commonly used
and is used more as a verb. Comment by: Korean Wife

DDR DDR Details public masturbation

DDR means masturbation. It`s from . Comment by: DDR
is a noun for someone who masturbates in public. Comment by: dru
DDR DDR Rating:1.1 Details public masturbation
My "heading on the bare ground"* teacher em mun hi : ground y dch
th no cho hp l c ? Comment by: mencam
how do you say "make out" in korean? how do you say "blow job" in korean?
Comment by: koreangirl Rated:4/5
Dude, this is a Korean slang dictionary... So why are you typing in Viet?
Comment by: Person?
oh are you all from korea i love koren boy they are very sexy and i want
have a boyfriend from korea if you want be my boy frien this is my emil
afterschool_95 Comment by: farah
how do u pronounce the word emu in Korean? Comment by: koreansweetie
blowjob in korean is sakashi Comment by: korean wiz
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Dijille Details Do you want to get beaten up? It's something like 'Do
you want to die?/?' but it's i think mild-er? lol. my friend explained its
like do you want to get punched and have blood on your nose?-.- rofl yea.
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dol dah Posted by: Bruce Details crazy, insane
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Posted by: Bruce Details jerk
actually means retard. Comment by: karin
Used as a derogatory term calling someone a retard or cripple. Comment by:
I can't really make out the words. Could you guys please use english letters?
Comment by: Kiella
Byeongsin means "f*ckboy" according to Jay Park's song... Comment by:

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Korea South flag
Idiot, Dummy, Stupid Fool, Lowly Being and so on. Literally Bumfart. Only

used by little kids. Seriously, like 8 year olds. However it's still adorable...
Originated from a Korean TV Sitcom, "Highkick through the Roof"
no use anymore :P (2011~ ) Comment by: carry
no use anymore :P (2011~ ) Comment by: carry
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ga dah Posted by: Bruce Details insane, mad, crazy
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gol bin nom/nyun / Posted by: Bruce Details idiot, "dumb ass"
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Hiru Details Hi(Hiru). long time no see
um yeah this is what 8-10 year old kids use Comment by: yoon
Actually, this is not a common expression... Comment by: Hktor
This is a chatting term which used to be popular around mid 2000. Hiru is
just "hi" and people just attached "ru", I have no idea where it came from
tho. I heard some adults used this word but you are not supposed to greet
with this to a stranger or elders to you. It can be sounded rude or ignorant.
Comment by: Lee
Hiru means Hi. mostly young kids use it.. but sometimes people use it too,
but to me, they look like they are trying to look cute. Comment by: im
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Posted by: Bruce Details teacher
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Posted by: Bruce Details Cool, nice
Come on! Almost all the words are in korean. You really can't tell us
meanings of words we don't know. Comment by: Kiella
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Ja-lo-gal-lae? ? Posted by: bvkRating:1.0 Details Do you want to go
to sleep? This is not a common expression in Korea and its usage could be
various. For eg. if you say that a chick that you just bumped yes it could be
"wanna f*ck" or something like that but if you say that your children or
friends it means "do you want to go to bed" or so. Anyway, "Jaro gal-lae" can

be translated "Do you want to go to sleep". "with me" don't need be there
unless you say "narang jaro gal-lae".
vxvMQk Thanks for another wonderful article. Where else could anyone get
that kind of info in such an ideal manner of writing? I ave a presentation
next week, and I am on the look for such information. Comment by: porn
movies Rated:1/5
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jae soo op dah Posted by: BruceRating:2.0 Details bitchy
Jaesoo (chesu is more accurate) means luck in Korean. the expression
literally means "there's no luck" or if you say 'neon chesu upda' it means
'you're luckless.' but it's really bad and can be transliterated into "You suck"
x 10. Comment by: Eunkyeong Rated:2/5
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Jagiya Rating:0.7 Details "Honey", "Sweetie", affectionate term for
boyfriend as well Comment by: bvk


Actually, I think the proper pronunciation is chagiya... Comment by: O.O

chagiya is correct pronunciation. chagi is the phrase and ya is the informal
sentence ending. Comment by: George
it doesn't mean girlfriend it's like when your calling a girlfriend or boyfriend
you call them like "jagiya!" Comment by: balsdfha
Actually it is the "J" sound at the beginning not "CH".. if it were Chagiya it
would be spelled . but it is not spelled with a . Comment by: Mike
It's also "honey." Used with gf/bf...but my best friend and I use it, as well.
Comment by: c elizabeth
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jaji Rating:2.5 Details "dick", literally, male genitals, although one may
not use this word to call a person "a dick"
How is it pernouned? Jaji? Is a j sound or is it some other letter like an h? I
don't wanna say it wrong n look like a complete ass trying to hard Comment
by: Shimmycocopuffsss
pronounced like "Cha Ji" phonetically Comment by: S4


err maybe more like "Jya Ji" now that i think about it Comment by: S4
To clarify for this site: Jaji, , "Ja-Jee", means penis, but in a rude way;
Koreans don't appreciate it when you say it around them. Vagina is ,
"Bo-Jee"; also frowned upon when said in public. Credential: I've lived in

Korea for 2 years and have an inside joke with my friends involving both
words, but mostly . Comment by: Jaji Master
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Please dont say anything more. (Used to show that you are tired of hearing
someones excuses.)

You got me. You had me going there.

I got you, didnt I. I had you going, didnt I?

.You bet./ Absolutely.

Thats a lame joke.

() . / .Dont spoil the mood.

None of your business. Mind your own business.

.Dont get on my nerves.

Thanks for the history lesson. Hindsight is 20/20.

. / .You are somethng else.

.I blacked out (from drinking) last night.
~ . / . He deserves it. Serves him right.
( X) .
Yes, youre the man!

Lets drink ourselves into stupor.

?How could you do that to me?

~~ ~~Yeah. Right~
That place rocks! That place kicks!
( ) /() ?Thats it? /Is that all?
Put yourself in my shoes.
. !
Take a hike.

.Youre so cheap.
Ive never eaten better.

.This sucks!
What time do you call it a day?

, ?
Come on, what are friends for?

It was so touching, I almost cried.

Theres nothing to be sorry about.

Theres no need to thank me.

It couldnt be better than this!

Neh Neh Neh Boo Boo

() !
You wont be disappointed!

Dont think I am that easy.

Thats what you always do.

, .
Consider your surroundings, you fool.

.Just wait! Ill get ( pay) you back.

.You shouldve kept quiet
Im gonna let it slide only this time.

No matter where he goes, hell do just fine.

Knowing too much will only hurt you.

Stop acting like youre something special.

.I feel like something is missing when youre

not here.
.Your joking is going a little too far.
.Lets stop playing word games
Do I look that easy?

.I just want to drop everything and run away.

. ()
The atmosphere here is very tense (hostile).

I feel heavy.
Dont get me wrong.

. /.
I feel light as a feather. I feel good.

Its so upset Im speechless.

Suit yourself.

It just made me look irresponsible.

I hurt my back.

I threw out my back.

Ive still got it.

Youre dead meat!

Dont take it personally.


Dont try to butter me up.

Sue me!
Thats better than nothing

My head is about to split.

She has a multiple personality (split personality)

I just want to go somewhere far away.

() ?
Dont you think youre being too harsh (on me)?

You dont have to do all that

I dont feel good about it, either.

.I dont really feel like doing it

.Its not as good as I expected.
My whole body aches.

.He has a big belly.

.Youre mine now! Ive got you just where I want you.
Whats his problem? Whats wrong with him?

It feels like a needle poking me

Hes usually like that.

Are you mad at me? Are you pissed off?

( means .)
Youre a hopeless case.

Food is wasted on him.

.He has an easy-going and cool attitude.

Stop acting (Dont act) like you are rich.

Why are you acting like you dont know me?

! ?Hes so cheap. How can he not buy lunch

even once?
You think youre special, dont you?

That boy (girl) is mine. He (She) is on my list.

Hes a player (with the girls).

.He is so stubborn.
My position is very uncomfortable.

He acts like hes something special.

.He needs a lesson.

!I cant stand watching him acting like he is
something special.
Shes playing hard to get.

He does things behind peoples backs

~~. .
Yeah! This is fun!

! .
Leave him alone. Hell stop it eventually.

This homework is very tedious.

That picture is too sexy.

. ( is Konglish for over exaggerate.)Stop exaggerating.

Dont over do it.

They are said to have a relationship.

He always gets away with stuff.

, ?
Just say it. Dont argue.

Why are you always like that?

What kind of person is this! / I cant believe this guy!

?Is he a pervert or something?

Ive tried to be patient, but this is going too far.

Fighting is a part of growing up.

~ .
Man.. Im dead now.

When I think about him, it still hurts.

.Those clothes are out of style.

It was wrong from the beginning.

A passing dog would even laugh.

Do you think I was born yesterday?

With whose permission?

If youve special, how special could you be?

! .
Why is my life like this?

( /).
Shes too snobby.

.Ill take care of my own business.

?Do you feel guilty about something?
Youre not going to share your food?

My room is so messy, there is no place to step.

If its nice, its nice.

Why do you always say things like that?

Do you have someone in mind?

Dont you try to lie. (you )

Theres something fishy about it.

. / .
I got a hunch.

He is full of self-confidence

If you know someone good, hook me up.

. .
Teamwork is important, so dont try to stick out.

I dont want to risk being misunderstood.

What do I do if I start missing you?

Friendship fades with time.

Everything is a hassle.

Who would put up with your attitude?

( ) .
How could you hide your relationship from everyone!

.I didnt mean to do that. / Its not what I mean.

You are a traitor!

Everything shows./ Its too obvious. / You cant hide it.

How long could it last?

. ()
Be a little gentle with him.

. ( )
You are no match for me.

? ?
So? What do you want me to do?

. ()
There is no turning back now.

() .Dont take a joke too far.

Im disappointed with you.

The love is gone.

..Our relationship is confusing.
.You big baby.
Dont try to put your mistakes on others.

. .
Dont try joking anymore.

! .
Hey, your face looks a lot better.

, .
I dont see the end of this.

. ( )
My ears are muffled.

Calm and reserve boy. Sissy boy.

Your makeup looks good!

, !
Your makeup doesnt look good!

, .
You didnt listen to me, so now look at you!

You shouldnt talk like that

I am ticklish.

Im so excited, I cant work.

You have pleasant worries.

Dont try to take the easy way out.

How could you do that to a friend?

! ~~~!Youre hopeless. What am I going to do with

If you are going to lie, at least do a better job of it.

He has a lot of charisma. / She has class.

He asked for it!

A steel hand in a velvet glove.

. ( )
Dont try to act tough.

I put everything into it.

Its fun picking out my favorite.

But youve got me.

Bottoms up!

His heart is made of stone.

Today, its on me! Ill pay.

Why? You feel guilty?

I live a stones throw away from here.

I got a crush on her!

Why are you taking it out on me?

Hes a good talker.

Dont play innocent!

Dont waffle.

The woman makes the man.

Shame on you!

It couldve been worse.

Hes a pain in the neck.

There is a time for everything.

Do I really have to say it?

Try to be more responsible.

Youve come a long way!

I feel like a million dollars.

I was born for this.

What a waste!

That hurts! What a blow to the ego!

Back me up here.

Hey, get out of my hair!

Have you got a minute to spare?

Are you out of your mind?

Youve got an ace in the hole (a card up your sleeve), right?

Man, this isnt a joke!

What a nerve!

.Ive already lost interest.

.Money is no object.
Just bring yourself!

Im flat broke!

.It doesnt make any sense.

Get real! / Not in your life time!

Your face looks puffy.

I have still got a long way to go.

.Keep me company.(Stay with me.)

What did you have for lunch?

It doesnt hurt to try. Youve got nothing to lose!

Let me do it my way! Let me live my own life.

.Youre trying to get blood from a stone.


We are almost there.

Who do you think youre talking to?

Lets be responsible!

!Those guys are too lovey-dovely!

Ive got goose bumps.

a lovey-dovey couple.

/ Thats gross! Thats cultic!

Lets just be friends.

Those are my words. Thats what I was going to say.

You look much better in person.

Im locked out of my room.

Im taking the day off.

Another thing thats going my way.

Ill see you home.

How am I supposed to know?

() Lets do the wave thing. (: )

Ill always remember the good times.

Youre ruining our image. (Stop dirtying our image.)

Love is always on the move.

Put yourself in my shoes.

I dont waste money like that.

Chill out! Just relax!

You dont scare me!

Dont try to get out of it. ( )

I swim like a rock.

( ).
Ive been down that road before.

Tell me something I dont know.

? Where did you hear such a thing?

Thats nothing. I know worse than that.

It slipped my mind.

She stood me up.

She turned me down.

.You look trashed! ( )

. .
Im on my way. Ill be there soon.

Lets skip that topic. (: )

.I was right to be picky. ( )

.Its perfect for you! / Its a perfect fit. ()

.Im in a bad mood now!

It is such a weight off my shoulders!

.Its hard to satisfy your taste buds.

.Youre a picky eater.
!Only make promises you can keep!
I wanna see the real you! ( the )

I expected as much. / It never fails!

I had such enormous fun.

Im into different things! Were not in the same league.

?How can you walk around with a face like that?

Ive got the picture.

Is quantity all that you think about?

The noodles are overcooked.

, !
Oh, I almost had it!

, ?
You cant be a bread winner if you act like that!

Youre stuck in second gear. Youve been set back.

Ill be the window to your heart.

Sorry, not today.

Keep your eyes off other women!

Do you have any cabins?

Is quantity all you think about?

.Youre so fired up!

Youre a big spender.

Youre so cheap!
.The world is at your doors step.
Its just around the corner.

, .Oh, Im so embarrassed.
, .

Thats so stupid / ridiculous

.I want to go back to the good old days.

I put everything into it.

7 .
Ive been a regular here for 7 years.

, !
Wow! Shes got some curves.

.Wow! Shes got some curves.

.Dont use that impolite tone with me.
Ive got mixed feelings for her.

His popularity never goes down!

.Stand tall!
Shes really something!

.Catch me if you can. ( )

The thinner the better!

Get real!! Get a job! Get a life! ( )

!Youre so gullible!

Dont you think youre over-reacting a little?

?Why go through all the troubles?

.Im feeling a little queasy.
!You are too money hungry.
. .
Sleep tight. Dream of me.

!Dont overdress.
?Theres no such thing as a free lunch!
Give me a break!. (Look at me once: )

.I was dragged into doing it.

Lets take a breath! ( )

Just do it, Ill smooth everything over.

You look like youre about to drop.

, !
Why dont you act your age?

That doesnt go well with you.

The game must go on.

Stop twisting my words around.

Your fly is open.

Your fly is open.

Dont jump to the conclusion.

Youre so nitpicky.

Why are you being so inquisitive?

Youre so brash.

Were made for each other.

Youre way too picky.

?Why are you accusing me?

Lets pick up some chicks (guys: ).

Stop trying to flatter me!

Dont try to get out of it.

Youve gotta help me out.

Ill never let it go.

. I cant thank you enough.

. He is always running behind.
Hes really rude.

This is totally awesome. ()

It leaves me speechless. ( )

Stop whining like a baby. ( to whin)

.Lets all get on the same page.

I got knack for this.

Youll get yours. Youll be sorry for this.

.Youre just as bad as me.

, . See, what did I tell you?
!Dont goof off!
Are you goofing off?

Give it to me straight. ( )

Dont give me any excuses.

.Ill do it when Im ready.

. .
Ive got your back. / Ill be behind you.

Im going to have a house warming party.

Use your head.

You nearly gave me a heart attack. ()

Please make way! (, !)

Whats on your mind?

Whats on your mind?

Crank up the tunes!

Stop exaggerating. It didnt hurt that much.

.You are helpless. (: You have no big book)

!You started it!
, .You go your way, Ill go mine.
Im drained because of you.

I really want it to happen this time.

18 ?
Which song can you sing the best?

I could be with anyone!

Dont try to own me.

Sorry, I have no excuse.

Youve got something between your teeth.

Im so happy, I could die.

I had one of those nightmares where you cant move.

Ive been busy as a bee!

Ive been busy as a bee!

I got canned.

I was fired.

You pick things up quickly.

How can I get a hold of you?

I havent the slightest idea. ( ? )

Just because. ( . )

Live up to your name.

, , .
Paper, rock, scissors.

Dont play the baby.

I bombed my final exam.

She is as sly as a fox.

Thats just ridiculous!

.Sometimes no news is good news.

. Id love to eat a refreshing crunchy
Are you really going to do it?

, ?
Are you gonna do it or not?

Weve got to cement our relationship.

You cant be done already!

Youre the man.

.Dont be so arrogant.
Good to the last drop. ( )

The love bug has bitten me.

My gut is killing me. / My stomach is funny.( )

He is rich with a capital R.

The vending machine ate my money.

Two heads are better than one.

Wish me luck.

Why are you lingering around?

That ship has already sailed.

. .
Its unlucky to shake your foot.

.I just wanna shoot the breeze.

No one can say how itll turn out.

It wouldnt hurt to come early.

.Im out of breath.

Stay clear of that guy. / Stay away from him.

Hey, just lay off me.

My system crashed.

Are you being a wise guy?

You really missed the point!

It doesnt settle well with me.

It doesnt get on my nerves anymore. I feel much better!

That guy is a real odd ball.

I think I did my best./ I did the best I could.

Dont go back on your word.

Dont judge a book by its cover.

Better late than never.

The cold really gets to me.

.This books got it all.

, ?
You can do anything you set your mind to.

! .
Man, Im so ticked. (tick )

Im dying to see you!

If youre going to do, do it right!

, () ?
Hey, whats the secret?

Dont get nosy ( = )

Give someones family a bad name.

It runs in the family.

Act your age!

Its just around the corner.

, .
Im so embarrassed.

Theres no such thing as a free lunch!

!Lets take a breather.

, !Why dont you act your age?
I cant thank you enough.

Hes really rude.

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