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Learning Design for: How will the Olympic ideal drive us to the Renaissance of

Topic: Cross curricular lesson: History,Literature,Sociology,physical Education
Total learning time: 480
Number of students: 20
Description: How will the Olympic ideal drive us to the Renaissance of humanism?Students
will try to study the role of sports and the Olympic Games Ideal solving real global problems
such as racism, poverty, global financial crisis but they will try to investigate how humanity
can find again its humanistic character through Olympism.

Students will : Exercise in teamwork teaching and collaborative production ratio. Develop
communication skills. Cultivate self-activity through their personal involvement in the
process and build new knowledge. Learn to assess and evaluate themselves. Learn how to
use the Internet as a learning environment. Become familiar with the tools of WEB 2.0 and in
particular with the possibility of a blog.

Knowledge(Knowledge): the content of historical terms and concepts necessary for a deeper
and more complete historical knowledge or related dimensions of historical reality.
Comprehension(Comprehension): Be stakeholders in the content of historical terms and
concepts necessary for a deeper and more complete historical knowledge or related
dimensions of historical reality.
Knowledge(Knowledge): what the human rights are and which organizations protect them.
2.the importance of humanism as a life attitude and worldview and the need of a new
humanitarian movement today. 3.what Olympism is and its ideal.
Analysis(Analysis): to analyze the relationship between Olympic Ideal and real world
problems and present their suggestions in a written essay. 2.critically analyzing the
historical era using scientific analysis tools.
Synthesis(Synthesis): synthesize and present with a comprehensive and thorough historical
Evaluation(Evaluation): the evaluation of each group's work is carried out during the
successive phases

Psychomotor skills(Psychomotor skills): self esteem, leadership skills, develop

communication and collaboration skills.

Teaching-Learning activities
Teacher presents to students the driving question and give some information about the
historical eras , Olympic Ideals and global issues like poverty, gender equality,pollution,
climate changes, human rights, peace,respect etc. The Jigsaw Method.
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20 minutes

20 students

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ENTRY EVENT:Students read an article by daily mail's website about safety during the Rio
Olympics. Students are informed of the subject with which they will deal. here is crisis of
humanism. We live in medieval humanism. As in Renaissance humanism reborn so now
through the Olympic Games we will try to revive our lost humanism. They watch 3 videos
and discuss on the historic era they are going to study. What do we mean by the words
Humanism? Olympic ideals and how can be used in real life?


15 minutes

20 students

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Students discuss about Humanism, Ressainance and Olympic ideals . They pay attention in
the real world problems as 1.economic impoverishment 2. unemployment 3.poor salaries
4.disproportionate to the work on offer forms of forced labor (eg work minors) 5.poverty
6.refugees and migrands 7.drugs 8.racism 9.environmental pollution 10.gender equality
Students write a reflection on and discuss the issues. What are some issues you see facing
your peers today? What does it make you think about? What does it make you wonder?
They create a mind map using brainstorming. Mind mapping focus in the global issues like
poverty, racism,drags ,humanity, ideals etc. I ask from each student to select a topic from
the brainstorm list. Their mission is to explore, research, and present on that topic


10 minutes

5 students

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I am going to use the jigsaw method. Students are divided into 4 groups of 5 people. In each
group there are 4 specialties: a)an artist, b) a humanist c) an Olympic game winner and d)a
real world solver! One more students is the coordinator. Each specialty processes the
information at its disposal. The coordinator is responsible for the progress. Keeps calendar
that records the progress of work and based on that coordinate the next steps.

Students will work on three axes: Humanism, Renaissance, Olympism. These concepts focus
on human beings. Most of the humans have been alienated from their ideals and values.
Will modern humans find again the road for humanism?
They search, study and carefully survey all areas of the subject. Collaboration activities in
their groups. each group search,investigate in one topic.CRITERIA 1,2,3,4

20 minutes

5 students

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CRITERIA 1 Students after divided into groups have to answer in basic key questions using
brainstorming. One student from each group is responsible for a certain issue. NOTE: the a)
questions are about Humanism, the b) questions are about Ressainance era, the c) questions
are about Olympic Ideals and the d) questions are about real world problems and how they
related to humanism and Olympic ideals. Team 1: a)Which are the issues of contemporary
humanism ? b) Can you describe Literature, Science and Art in Ancient Greece and Rome?.
c)Olympic Ideas in Ancient Greece. What is the institution of truce? d) Which real world
problems or innovative ideas need to be solved via Humanism? Team 2: a) What are the
Causes of the crisis humanism? b)Can you describe Literature, Science and Art in
Renaissance? Who is the "universal man"? c)Which Olympic ideals excist in the 21th
century? d)Real word problems :What are some famous gestures of respect in sports? Team
3: a)With which ways can we enhance humanism? b)which is the contribution of Greek
scholars in Renaissance? c)can you describe the relationship between Olympic ideals and the
Olympic movement? d)Real word problems: how Human Rights and are related to Olympic
ideals? Team 4: a) Which ideas of Humanism are important in the changing modern society
today? b)Leonardo's Vitruvian man. how can you describe this new perpective of human
being? c)Can you describe the relationship between Olympic ethics and Philosophy? d)Real
word problems:Politics, financial crisis, drugs,poverty,refugees,environmental pollusion and
olympic ideals in a real world. how can we find a solution?


20 minutes

5 students

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CRITERIA 2 criteria2: to make choices on all key project-related aspects such as resources
used, products created, use of time, etc Groups create their Project wall.They write the KEYWORDS of their task. They hand out a monthly calendar where all tasks and activities are
mentioned. You tube videos based on the sub-subjects. websites: humanism


20 minutes

5 students

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CRITERIA 3 criteria 3:to take significant responsibility and work independently from the
teacher, but with guidance if necessary It is very important to understand that we have to
give "space" to students for their voice and choice in a project ,as that way they create

ownership of a project. The level of voice and choice in a project may vary, depending on the
grade level of students and the project itself. However, students learn independence when
they are asked to make decisions in a project. In projects, students ultimately created their
own plans. An open-ended project provide students with the ability to exercise creativity,
rather than focusing on teacher-imposed constraints.

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20 minutes

20 students

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CRITERIA 4 criteria 4:to reflect during the project about their own work and learning
Students must continually refer to the driving question, reflecting upon and revising it as
needed. The inquiry process prompts the need to answer additional questions, and students
must actively engage in reflection and revision in order to fully answer these questions.
Students will answer in reflection questions using their qrcode smarthphone application.
What was the most challenging part of this project for you? What are three things you did
during this project to help your classmates? What is something the teacher could have done
to make this project better? If you could change one thing that happened during this project,
what would it be? What are six adjectives that best describe this project? What advice would
you give students who will participate in this project next year? One of the most common
concerns for students when working in groups is inequity of contribution. Students often
complain that some group members contribute too much or too little. So its easier to
students to just take on the extra workload. A very good way for not happening this
is,creating check lists reviewing the group member contribution. Do all of the members of
our group contribute equally and appropriately? How do current levels of contribution help
our group reach its goals? How do current levels of contribution make it difficult for our
group to reach its goals Based on the discussion, try to answer the following questions
individually, then share your answers with the group: What can I do to make my level of
contribution more appropriate? What can others do to help me make my level of
contribution more appropriate?

Students create new groups, the expert assessment activities


20 minutes

5 students

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Students create new groups based on the sub-subject they are involned to.. Now there are 4
new groups. Each group is responsible on the tasks they have to do group1: Humanities and
Human rights issues group2: Arts.Philosophy and Racism issues group3: Olympic Games and
health and poverty issues. group4: real world problems: refugees ,children of war. Give
students in these expert groups time to discuss the main points of their segment and to
rehearse the presentations they will make to their jigsaw group. They decide what
presentation tool they are going to use. A presentation which drives to the core of their

segment. The "experts" discuss on their subject. They find solutions in problems and
questions on the driving question and decide the way they will present their findings to their
"basic" group.


20 minutes

5 students

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They return to their group where each one presents to the member of his group the final
findings of his subject.The coordinador record the new evidence.They answer in new
questions and record from the beggining their task. They give their judgement about the
merit of theories or opinions about the issues they faced.


40 minutes

5 students

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A survey will be designed using the google forms . It will be upload it in the facebook group
and all members will have to answer. A timeline on Ressainance will be created. A digital
museum will be created using the artsteps application. Students will upload their own
photos based on what they have study and learn,based in global issues they have talk about:
poverty,health,human rights, environmental pollution, gender equality, sports violence,
education. #RessainanceOlympics will be our twitter # hustag. Students summarize what
was learned in a lesson using 140 characters

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10 minutes

20 students

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They evaluate the project by writing their reflections and answering in questions like: Did
the project run smoothly? What were the main problems and how were they solved?


15 minutes

2 students

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NEW assessement activities. We are going to use the :Think-Aloud Pair Problem Solving
Pair up students and ask one student to be the problem solver, explaining his or her thought
process in developing a solution based off of what was learnt out of class The partner listens
to this process and offers suggestions After the first problem has been solved, ask the
students to switch roles and begin again


30 minutes

5 students

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Critical Debate In group is given 4 controversial topics from their tasks,a)human rights
b),poverty,c)refugees and d)racism and determine what side of the argument the students

would be . We separate the students into groups based on their alignment and have them
argue for their chosen position Have students in each group choose specific roles in the
debate process, and after having sufficient time to prepare an argument (thirty minutes or
so), have each group pair up with a group of the opposing viewpoint and engage in a debate
Afterwards, synthesize the various points of debate in a larger class discussion (iClickers may
be useful here)


10 minutes

5 students

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I choose photos that represent each global issue problem . I ask students to caption each

OUR SOCIAL MEDIA APPROACH The coordinators are also the administators of a closed
Facebook group . Using gamification and badges, they organize question events where
students have to vote the most interesting and initiative answer in a driving question made
by students themselves. #RessainanceOlympics will be our twitter # hustag.
Creating a blog, forums and rounded table discussion

10 minutes

4 students

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All groups upload their tasks in a blog. They create forums where they can share their ideas
and findings.


20 minutes

20 students

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There will be two presentations. One for the school and an other for people outside school's
community. At school. During the two days of cultural educational period, which is held
every year at greek schools, a round table of discuss will be created where teachers and
students will participate and exchange ideas. Students make a collage or poster from
magazine photos to demonstrate understanding of a concept. A blog will be created as a
collaborative work of all groups.

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