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JUNE 6, 2016



Angono Rizal is known as the Art Capital of the Philippines. It is an artists

paradise and a Tourists Haven. It is where the Angono Petroglyphs, Pililla Wind
Farm, Balaw balaw Restaurant and Art Gallery and Nemiranda Art house Atelier caf
is located.
When we had our tour last Sunday, I felt the excitement inside the bus while waiting
for it to be full so that we can start our journey going to the art capital of the
Philippines. My friends and I were seated at the back. I prefer sitting near the
window because I love gazing out the window and appreciate the wonders made by
Our first stop was the Pililla Wind Farm. Since the windmills need air for them to
work, they were placed at a very high location. The road going to the wind farm was
steep and curvy, but we managed to arrive there safely. It was a glorious view. The
clouds and the skies were painted perfectly. I can feel the connection between me
and the environment with this kind of scenery. I can see how God wonderfully made
After an hour or so, we went to eat near our next stop. After eating, our next stop
was the Nemiranda Art house Atelier Caf. The art house consist of paintings and
sculptured faces made from paper-mch. The second floor of the building
showcased nude paintings and wood works. The place was artistically amazing. The
color and the structures of the paper-mchs were wonderfully made, even the
sliding doors were painted with faces and would be seen if you completely close the
Our next destination which is a block away from the Nemiranda Atelier Caf was the
Balaw Balaw Restaurant and Art Gallery. This place caters exotic foods with
outstanding paintings. We were given pasta as our merienda, they said it was a
bayawak or crocodile, Im not sure and I dont want to find out. The most top of
the building serves as the higantes making area, there we saw large frames of
sticks sticked together which will be used as a part of a body of the higante.
Our last art destination was the Angono Petroglyphs. During our midterms, this topic
was discussed and was said as one of the first artworks in Southeast Asia and in the
Philippines which was dated 3000 BCE. When we arrived at the place, I was
astounded by the cave. It was long and dark, but the light from the both ends of the
cave was enough for us to see where we are going. After passing through the cave,
we made a short walk going to the foot of the stone where the petroglyphs were
located. There was a single story building where facts about the Angono Petroglyphs
were displayed. After discussing what were displayed inside, we pursued the stairs
going to the petroglyphs. I had goose bumps when I personally saw the artwork. It
felt like I was standing during the time it was made. I can feel the wind brushing
through my skin and it tingles my senses. It is amazing how those carvings were

made. Even though we dont understand what it really meant during their time, it
sure tells us their story during hundreds of years ago.
At last it was time to go home. After taking a lot of pictures, which will serve as our
captured memories, it is now out time to reflect and think of ways on how to
preserve and appreciate these kinds of artworks which defines our origin.

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