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This box is one that has been sitting under my desk after I received a
delivery, screaming to be used for some sort of project.

Gummy Bear
I helped my roommate pick out this Duck Tape for her own final project.
Tape On the Box
San Pellegrino

The day I drank this beverage, I noticed that all of the drinks I drank that
day were orange related. Guess I must be missing the lovely oranges we
have in Florida (plus San Pellegrino is a drink my dad loves)!

NYU Library Map I spend a lot of my time at the NYU library. It was a common joke with
my friend to say that this is the library where we met. I collected this
map specifically, one of the first times I was in the library with that
Empty Polaroid

I have been loving taking polaroids to the point where I have these
empty polaroid dispensers everywhere.


This is my dead hair I collected from my hair brush.

Annie's Bunny
Fruit Snacks

This is the trash I collected from the children I nanny, after they ate their
after school snacks.

Glitter Pills

This is a physical representation of the artists problem (both Andy and I).
We both live a very beautiful life full of thoughts, but those thoughts
drive us crazy. These glitter pills are very beautiful, yet they are still in a
pill (and to note that no medicine can really save an artist). Beauty is

The Quote "Eat

Me" on the
Glitter Pills

This is one of my favorite scenes from Alice and Wonderland. I used to

watch the Russian version of Alice and Wonderland as a kid. Now when I
think of this scene where Alice eats the potions and mushrooms I have a
fusion between the Russian and English version.


This is just an indication that during the creation of this box I was on my
menstrual cycle. During my cycle I often have different mood swings.

This is one of my favorite childhood toys! I also love the color blue and
Balloons Tube/St pink!

These are traits I found that Warhol needed supplemental in his life.
They aren't real things that you can actually add into your life, but that's
the irony behind them. They are also things I found myself lacking.

Flaming Hot
Cheetos Bag

My favorite snack is Flaming Hot Cheetos (it's quite a bad habit that I
have developed over the last few years leading me to have problems
when it deals with consuming food).

Envelope Made This metallic paper is one that I consistently use throughout different
of Metallic Paper projects at Parsons.

Most of the receipts are from food places. I have been eating at different
fast food places, not only because I am hungry and stressed, but also

Fender Guitar

I picked up this guitar pick one day on the street when it was raining
outside. It reminds me of this night I spent in a black box theatre at NYU
listening to beautiful people, sing and play beautiful music.


These polaroids are modeled after Andy's own work with his muses. He
often took polaroids/head shots of people he mused over. The set of
portraits in my box are people who I find as my own personal muses
(whether I know them or not).

Rocks "Set 1" Metallic

I collected these rocks when I went out of town one weekend to visit
friends I met at the Lana Del Rey meet up who lived in Connecticut. I
thought the nature was so beautiful here that I wanted to take some of it
home for myself.

Rock "Set 2" Concrete

I picked this concrete up on the street at 3am, with my friend Yiko next
to the store MUJI where she works. This night was one of the worst
nights I've ever had, where this piece of concrete is a physical
representation of how I feel about the whole entire situation.

Rocks "Set 3" One night my roommate Nathalie and I went to explore the east side of
Shells/Flat Stone NYC instead of going out and ended up finding a mini beach. We climbed
over the fence and collected some beautiful shells.
Self Portrait
Ripped Up
Barbie, Ribbon
tied around

This was part of a project/piece that I did for something unrelated to the
box. The polaroids are a few snapshots my roommate took during the
filming. I wanted to include this in the box because this piece (video)
was very much a visual representation of how I was feeling during this
time. (Link to the

Printed Out
Image - Text

These are screenshots of text messages, during a very stressful and

painful time during the creation of this box. They were created and
compiled to create this one colorful piece.

Printed Out
The line "If I Get a Little Prettier Can I Be Your Baby" is from one of my
Image - Social
favorite artists Lana Del Rey. Warhol often took influences on his own
Media/"If I Get a work from artists he loved. The images on the background of the text
Little Prettier
are images from my Instagram page. This is about how imagery and
Can I Be Your
social media personas are very different from real life. That no matter
how pretty or popular I might look online, I still might not be enough for
other people.
Paint Swatches - I went with Nathalie and Austen to Lowe's in Chelsea one day and these
Black, Baby
were just some colors I was really feeling and wanted to pick up.
Blue, Baby Pink,
Lavender, Light
Green Tin Box

This was a tin box full of green tea mints from our favorite local grocery
store, Trader Joe's. My roommate wanted to throw the box out but I
decided to keep it for another use.

Coca Cola Cap

I drink a lot of Vanilla Coca Cola.

Heart Earrings

I needed some new earrings so I went to Reminiscence and found these

vintage beauties.

Vile of Sand

This was from my trip to a beach on the East Side with my beautiful
roommate Nathalie. We created a little adventure for ourselves. See
"Rocks "Set 3" - Shells/Flat Stone" for more details.

Hole Punches

These are hole punches I collected from this boy I was seeing at NYU. He

ended up ending things with me through the creation of this box,

therefore he was gone, yet pieces of him (such as these hole punches)
were still with me. The girl who let him borrow the hole puncher to
create these holes, is very much trying to get over him as well and I am
friends with her now. Weird how people are connected to such a minor
B Bottle Cap

This was a drink I drank on one of the last nights with the NYU boy. I
didnt know this would be one of the last nights.

Envelope Full of
Monetary Items

I took this envelope from my roommate Anisha (she loves working with
paper as her medium).

Concert Ticket

This was a ticket stub from the Patrick Watson concert that I won tickets
to. I went with my roommate, Nathalie, to this concert and ended up
really liking Patrick's music style. The lighting design of this show was
also all red and really interesting.

Dollar Bill - in

I crumple up all of my bills into wads to the point where some of them
break in half.

Glitter Packets
Iridescent Foil

This piece of foil is from a jacket that I adore to death. Even though it
keeps ripping, I still wear it because I love the aesthetic and also my dad
gave this to me as a gift!

Madison Square

The family that I nanny was performing at MSG, therefore I had a

backstage pass. I got to stand right behind the curtain on the stage
during the performance of my children (which was a really cool moment
for me).

Invitation to

This was an exhibition my teacher Raha Raissnia invited me to, yet I

never got the chance to attend.

Information Slip
- "Eve Novak"

This slip has my address and name. I crossed off the "k" in my last
name, because I recently started going by "Nova" instead of "Novak".
Similar to Andy Warhol's change from "Warhola" to "Warhol" (although
his change stemmed from a typo in a publication).

Weird Science

Everyday I pass this little man who sells comics from different eras. One
day I finally stopped by and asked for comics that would have been
printed/published during Warhol's Era here in NYC (especially since they
both are located in Union Square - Warhol's Factory and the comic
stand). I found these 2 really cool looking comic books. I ended up
reading one of these to both my roommates so that we could all calm
down a little, during weird and stressful times. Yet to finish them both.

Journal Entries

These journal entries were written on a day where I was coming back
from Connecticut, revived with fresh air, and then again after I watched
the movie I Shot Andy Warhol. I rarely write two separate journal entries
in one day but I felt compelled to do so by both so I did. The
commentary and journal notes after I watched the movie were thoughts
that made me truly feel insane and very much like an artist. I was
actually saying a lot of the things I wrote out loud to my roommate (as
she says in "poetry") but she told me it would be a good idea to write
them down.

on Creations

I picked up this magazine on the way back from my tutoring job. I

started writing comments throughout it using sharpie in order to show


how I felt about the newspaper. If I wasn't mad that day I would probably
actually really enjoy this magazine, but as you can tell from the
comments a lot of the humor is sarcastic and close-minded.

This was a sign my roommate and I took in the beginning of the year up
Restricted Area" in the Bronx. It was our door dcor for a while, but we thought we
probably needed a change for the door, therefore decided to take it
down. I thought it would be good to incorporate some items that are
reminiscent of the semester as a whole.
Water Color

This is a watercolor mimic after one of Warhol's social commentary on

the Ritz. I replicated the idea but with modern day Dunkin Donuts cup
and how caffeine is the main force and drive behind a lot of energy in
NYC. I used cheery colors to counter balance and emphasize the
sarcasm in the illustration.

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