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5. Complete the sentences with must(n't), needn't or should(n't).

1 We've run out of soap. I get some more in the morning.

2 You finish that report tonight if you're too tired. Midday tomorrow is
the deadline.
3 What are you doing here? you be at college?
4 He really have told his brother about this present. It was supposed to
be a secret.
5 You bring your mobile because I've got mine with me.
6 You make so much noise. We'll be asked to leave if you don't stop it.
7 I'm going to be in trouble. I have emailed my brother yesterday
afternoon and I completely forgot.
8 You have written a letter - a text message would have been OK.
6. Complete the sentence using one word in each gap.
1. In the early years of motoring, drivers didn't to take a driving test.
2. You sign the application form at the end of the page, or it will not be
3. Hurry up. We to get to the airport by 9.30.
4. I think we had stop and ask someone the way.
5. This bus is going to take ages. We have taken a taxi.
6. Important notice. All new arrivals to report to the reception desk.
7. Thanks for coming. I'm glad you make it.
8. You look really tired. You take a few days off and have a holiday.
9. Sorry I'm a bit late. I to pick up the children from school.
10. You not decide immediately whether to join the class.
7. Write a new sentence with the same meaning, beginning as shown.
1. If I were you, I'd take an umbrella.
I think you'd..
2. Is Saturday morning school compulsory in your country?
Do students...........................................................................................................
3. In the third week, students must hand in a typed copy of their first lab report.
In the third week, students are..............................................................................
4. Sheila changed the battery in her camera, but it wasn't necessary.
Sheila...................................................................................the battery in her
5. You look really ill. If I were you, I'd stay at home today.
You look really ill. stay at home
6. It was a bad idea to leave the windows open while it was raining.

7. The theatre tickets were free, so there was no need for us to pay.
The theatre tickets were free, so we................................................................
8. I can stay here until 10.00.
I................................................................................................leave until 10.00.
9. Helen managed to stop the car before it crashed into a wall.
Helen was........................................................................................................
10. Steve's laptop had a wireless Internet connection, so there was no need for
him to connect it to a phone line.
Steve's laptop had a wireless Internet connection, so he.................................

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