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Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

We are gathered here today to celebrate the graduation of

the IB 2016 class and our transition from the IB world to the
real world. Although right now, it feels like Im in neither
because there are no essays, ICAs, two-part tests, or exams
that I have to study for, am I right guys? Feels good, doesnt
it? Ahh summer.
Its funny, because once the exams ended, my schedule
basically became: wake up, eat, eat, ... eat, sleep, repeat.
Extended Essay? More like Extended Buffet!
So, were finally graduating from high school; well be going
from hardworking IB students ... to hardworking university
students. First year will be easier guys, no need to worry.
Im confident that IB has prepared us all more than enough
for any challenges that come our way.
Some of you parents might be unfamiliar with what was
involved in the international baccalaureate program.
Yknow, for the longest time I thought it was the international
bachelorette program, but a quick Google search proved
me wrong.

Anyways, Im sure all the parents here have lived vicariously,

or at least heard all the complaining about IB, through your
kids. Thank you, by the way, for cushioning us when we fell,
guiding us when we were in the dark, and waking us up
when we were sleeping in on the day of the History SL
exam. (thanks mom!)
On this side note, Id like to personally thank all my teachers
for being so cool with my constant lateness for the first class
of each day. I swear I set that alarm for 8 am, my body just
needs those 9 hours of sleep.

Now, Ill quickly recap these past two years for you all, just
as a reminder that conquering IB is no easy feat:
In Grade 11 we first had our Group IV project which
tested our teamwork in a group setting;
our first Standard Level course which we tested out of in
the May 2015 exam session;
a 1600 word philosophical Theory of Knowledge essay
a dreaded 4000 word Extended Essay that we were
assigned and able to stare at the blank cover pages of
over the summer.

Grade 12 began, and man, was it fast pacedwe

continued these two essays as well as a plethora of
extracurricular CAS activities;
got plenty of lab hours in (I think ~120 if youre an HL
chem and bio or physics student);
and studied two years worth of material for the final
papers in each of our remaining 5 courses.
We did ALL of this, and in exchange we receive a tiny, shiny,
metallic pin.
Im just kidding, Ms. DesRoches, its a beautiful pin and Ill
wear it with pride.
With all this said and done, the daunting task that is IB could
not have been completed without the help of the teachers.
On behalf of the graduating IB 2016 class Id like to thank
you all for the hard work youve dedicated to us. It will
definitely pay off come July 6.
One day, several years from now, Ill be walking down the
street, probably with much more manly adult features going
on, and youll see me and wonder ...
Hmmm is that Greg? That cant be him... why hes grown
even taller! And look at that beautiful beard!

At that very moment all youll need to do is whip out that IB

pin, and I will too, and well know ... we lived through IB
together for 2 years. We will always hold that connection.
Yes, thats right.
The IB BOND, as I like to call it, represents many things:
being inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk-takers,
principled, open-minded, caring, knowledgeable, balanced,
and reflective. That sound familiar?
Of course it does guysits the IB student learner profile, a
list of qualities and traits that I believe have been brought out
or heightened in every student sitting in this room through
the help of IB.
Was it worth it? Yes. Would I do it all over again? Maybe.
Im just kiddingI wouldnt have had my high school
experience any other way. With the continually shrinking
classes and increasing friendships since September of
Grade 11, Ive really felt the much-talked-about connection
that is the IB family, something that Ill miss come
So, Id just like to congratulate all my peers and once again
thank everybody who has supported us IB hopefuls along
the way. Best of luck in your future endeavours everyone.

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