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If our mind is noisy, disturbed, hypersensitive, reactive, opinionated, critical, or

just constantly busy, we cannot silence
it. If we are addicted to sensory sources of
stimulation and entertainment, we are not
even in control of our minds and so cannot
focus them in for stability in meditation.
First, we must set in motion forces to take
the mind from its disturbed (rajasic) or
dull (tamasic) state to its natural clear
quality (sattva). Mantra is the practice for
changing the nature of the mind from
tamas and rajas to sattva. At the same
time, it provides us the focus and energy
for going beyond the mind. Mantras
prepare the mind for deeper Yoga
practices. The other branches of Yoga are
(Jnana) knowledge, (Bhakti) devotion, and
(Karma) Service.
Mantra = Yoga. Mantra is the common
link for all 8 steps of Yoga in calming the
mind necessary to access the higher Self.
1.Yama,2. niyama: Non -violence and
truthfulness are mantras themselves.
reminding ourselves to guide our lives.
3. Asanas performed while repeating the
appropriate mantras bring a greater energy
and awareness into the bones, muscles,
joints and nerves, and help us transcend
body consciousness. The 12 names of the
Sun are chanted during Surya Salutations.
4. Pranayama practiced with soham can
draw deeper cosmic prana into us for
increasing vitality and awareness.
5. Pratyahara is turning senses inwards
with bijas to know subconscious drives.
6. Dharana is placing bija mantras in
various outer locations like body parts of a
deity or inner locations like the chakras.
7. Dhyana is flowing meditation on the
sound or meaning of a mantra.
8. Samadhi is the state of oneness with the
object of absorption and bliss. Guided
meditations, sacred sounds and music and
graceful dance are some of the best
means. In the final stages, mantras drop
away, merging into a blissful calm.

First steps. Divinity within will not allow

the mind to dwell on negative thoughts and
emotions, fears, desires, jealousy and
hatred, or to be controlled and distracted
by external influences. With the mantra,
we have a tool for redirecting the energy of
the mind within so that we can reclaim our
inner composure. Mantras can help us
break up deep-seated mental and
emotional patterns, conditioning and
traumas even from previous lives.
In the beginning, mantras promote sattva
guna to create the proper balance in the
mind, removing toxins from the body, and
neutralizing the residual energies of rajas
and tamas or agitation and inertia from the
subconscious. The second stage consists of
going beyond the mind-body complex and
all of its conditioning, even that of sattva
guna, to pure awareness.
Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of devotion is
chanting, singing the Divine mantras like
Namah Sivaya or the Hare Krishna.
Devotion develops into love of the divine.
Jnana Yoga, the Yoga of knowledge,
focuses on Self-revealing mantras like Sooo-oo-ham. Om is the mantra of Self.
Karma Yoga is performance of rituals,
like pujas and yajnas. Mantras empower
and sanctify them. Service (seva) to
others is best done repeating a mantra.
Hatha Yoga uses pranic mantras like Hum
to arouse the Kundalini and awaken, and
heal the chakras.
Kundalini or Tantra Yoga is to move energy
of vibrations coherently by placing Sanskrit
letters in the petals on the body.
Nada Yoga Nada is the inner power behind
the mantra. The outer mantra works to
awaken the inner. Then the nada assumes
the form of mantra, and repeats it, which
is held in our inner sound current. This
yoga is listening to the music within; like a
bell, a drum, a flute, the ocean etc, which
are in the intelligence of space.
The main insight in all mantra paths is that
reality consists of vibrations of energy in
space and time. Consciousness spins the
space, time and matter (a form of energy).
It alone is the state of pure calm of unity.

Divine Feminine
We need to focus on the abundance of
the universe, which is there for
everyone alike. Learning to appreciate
our existence unfolds the Soma of
gratitude, where we realize the value
of everything in the universe.
Gratitude and graciousness are at the
core of sacred healing. Gratitude
resonates with love and compassion
transforming our lives and
relationships. Graciousness allows us
to experience love, beauty and bliss
synchronizing our gentle rhythms with
our deeper consciousness. In honoring
our true nature we learn to respect
and cherish all life, opening up the
windows of the heart to channel the
nectar of divinity.
Focusing the light of love on our inner
world creates the space for real
transformation. This inner awareness
transcends our primeval impulses of
conflict and assertion which contradict
our true nature of peace, releasing all
illusion, hurt and blame.
Understanding our true nature and
taking responsibility for all our actions
allows us to transform the darkness of
our worldly desires into the light of
The enchantment of divine love and
bliss is the Soma of delight. Once we
appreciate and savor this Soma, which
satiates our soul stirrings, we unravel
the depths of a higher consciousness.
This higher conscious state filters
through our thoughts and actions,
coloring our relationships with divine
My own spiritual journey drew me to
the auspicious circumstance of being
able to lure the Mother Goddess
gentle grace that can take one beyond
all suffering. Her very glance
annihilates all negativity and
turbulence, dissolving the ultimate fear
surrounding death itself. Her vision
steers us through the mayhem of
personal, psychological and physical

samsara (material world), paving the

way for our souls liberation into
timeless realms.
The mysterious power of the Dark
Goddess Kali became my guiding
force. The Divine Feminine does not
wield the forces of destruction and
death against us, to chasten or correct
us like a harsh teacher. Instead Kali is
the benevolent savior at the very
moment of misfortune, providing both
compassion for our suffering and
granting us the courage to overcome
it. In surrendering to her benign
support, she softens all pain,
eventually melting it into bliss.

Connect with the Inner


The Goddess force releases the Soma,

the eternal nectar of immortality. She
prepares our sacred vessel to receive
Shivas beatitude as the healing balm
of meditative stillness. Shakti initiates
an inner inebriation, a subtle
intoxication beyond the limitations of
our dualistic thoughts and emotions.
Her overwhelming state is one of
passion, enthusiasm, peace, sheer
delight and rejuvenation, beyond any
body or personhood. The Goddess
replaces the intoxication of samsara,
our absorption in transient worldly
pleasures, with the greater intoxicated
state of nirvana, a complete
immersion in eternal bliss.
The Yoga Shakti does not carry the
ordinary Soma or the beauty of a full
Moon, but rather the mystic Soma of
the dark Moon, which our hearts
absorb, granting us a mysterious inner
light. Her Soma is the secret light of
darkness which reveals a deeper truth,
the inner Sun that disperses the outer
world of duality and opens us up to the
inner world of unity, contentment and
When this flow becomes steadfast, it
manifests as dhyana, the state of

meditative bliss.Resting in this beatific

state, the Yoginis mind beckons Shiva
to come to her. The power and passion
of her call draws Shiva into her life
how can He not hearken to the cry of a
Tantrikas heart? That she may not
always see Him or sense His presence
is another samsaric saga. Being caught
up in the whirlpool of mundane
existence revolving in our creaturely
consciousness, we fail to see the
divine that is ever around us. But
Shiva will continue to play with the
heart of the Yogini, enticing her into
His cosmic play in His own time.
To connect with this inner Soma, we
can follow a simple mantra meditation.
Silently repeat the mantra OM during a
deep inhalation to draw the flow of
Soma from the outer universe into the
heart. Then silently repeat the mantra
Hrim on exhalation to energize the
Soma to revitalize the heart. Ending
exhalation with a quick silent
repetition of the mantra Hum adds
zest to the fire in hastening its
mystical alchemy Om Hrim Hum!
Mantras carry the potency of Soma in
their vibratory fields, honing the subtle
nuances of our intuitive voice. In
trusting our profound insight,
perception and sensitivity we connect
with our higher selves. Communing
with this sacred voice we are guided to
the ultimate truth of the souls reality.
Being present and aware within our
own bodies is cultivating the art of
divining our inner essence. In
consecrating our being through yogic
practices, our bodily energies open up
to their subtle essences and lead us to
our deeper self where we access the
revered wisdom deep within ourselves.
The spiritual practice of turning within
oneself, being calmly aware of our
senses, thoughts and triggered
reactions, allows us to connect with
our deeper realities. Looking within
ourselves with compassion allows us to
address our internal struggles,
passions and conflict with empathy.
Empathizing with ourselves we bring

the flow of loving kindness to our inner

beings, reflecting a benevolent
approach to our personal misgivings,
making us tolerant to all worldly

We have, hidden within our own deeper
awareness, wonderful Gods and Goddesses
in embryo who have but one intention: to
bring the sacred back into our lives. Tantra
expands horizons about masculine Self and
feminine World into a living experience of
the eternal time with infinite space.

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