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Alienation of pregnant women (Ritual of indigenous peoples in the land of Maluku)

Far from the world of education, combined with the strong and compelling customary rules, it turns
out the more complete and add to the long dark-paced life for tribal Naulu. Another tradition is also
alienating the womenfolk, who have been pregnant and close at giving birth. Usually in every
settlement tribal communities have either been resettled the government and who are still nomadic
inland Seram Island, the men build little huts called shacks "Pamali" or in the language of this tribe
called "Tikusune".
These huts were built as temporary shelter for women as they undergo menstrual period or childbirth.
Pamali hut as a place of exile while measuring 2 2 meter walled and roofed sago leaves include a
bed called Tapalang measuring 1 2 meters. Naulu indigenous tribes and other tribes like Naulu and
Yalahatan on Seram Island, Tikusune built should not be visited or entered by men as women
undergoing menstruation and childbirth
They can only be visited by the womenfolk to provide food and other necessities as well as care
during childbirth by The TBA. Women are starting to feel the signs of menstruation should
immediately left home to enter the hut pamali were prepared and stayed in the hut until the menstrual
period is completed, and after that they be allowed to return home.
Especially for women who give birth are usually ushered the family into huts Pamali, then when
births assisted by traditional birth attendants, while the baby's umbilical is cut with a knife (sharp
bamboo skin). Surprisingly, the use of a knife which is very risky it can be overcome by TBA. The
treatment of new mothers including baby's umbilical treatment is generally done using traditional
After the period of childbirth and care in pamali hut, about two weeks along with her mother was out
of the hut to bathe in the river, while the family and the husband had to fast for a day before receiving
his wife and baby when she returned home. When returning to their homes customarily accepted in an
atmosphere of joy with a dish of food prepared from the woman's family to eat with local tribesmen.
A few days later the family man is also doing the same thing as a feast reprisal to the woman's family
with the local community to be enjoyed together as an expression of gratitude.

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