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Alternative Assessment

Sarah Holcomb

Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Template with guiding questions
Sarah Holcomb

High School Teacher


Cobb County




Grade Level(s)

11th and 12th

Content Area


Time line

2 weeks

Content Standards:
SC1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the use of the modern atomic theory and periodic law to explain
the characteristics of atoms and elements.
f. Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons
in the outermost energy level of atoms (including atomic radii, ionization energy, and electronegativity of various
g. Develop and use models including electron configuration of atoms and ions to predict an elements


Technology Standards (NETS):

1 Basic operations and concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
Students are proficient in the use of technology.

Social, ethical, and human issues

Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.
Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal
pursuits, and productivity.

Technology productivity tools

Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, prepare publications,
and produce other creative works.

Technology communications tools

Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple

Technology research tools

Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the
appropriateness for specific tasks.

Overview (a short summary of the lesson or unit including assignment or expected or possible products)

The students are asked to create an element superhero/villain to be published in a comic book. The characteristics
that the superhero/villain possess are based on the elements properties on the periodic table. This assignment is
given during the Periodic Table unit but the project encompasses content from the entire semester
(chemical/physical, atomic theory, and periodic table). The assignment allows the students to show what they
have learned so far in chemistry in a creative manner.
Essential Questions
What gives an element its properties?
How does the composition of an element determine the placement of an element on the periodic table?
What are the particles that make up an atom?
How can the nucleus of the same element differ?
How do some nuclei change?
What are physical and chemical change in matter?
How do people evaluate information for accuracy, timeliness, and appropriateness?
What is a persons responsibility for using the internet?
How are digital tools able to improve collaboration and communication?
How can people use technology to create original, innovative works, and ideas?
Students will conduct research about their element. Once there is sufficient amount of research completed, the students will
create their superhero, write a story or comic strip, and create a presentation or video. There are checkpoints within the
assignment for me to check student progress (See table below). A copy of the assignment and rubrics can be found in the

Project Checklist: Check the

box when you have completed
the task.

Task to Complete
CHOOSE an element for your project. Only one person per particular element per class.
Examine the Periodic Table and do a little research. Get three or four choices in mind in
case your favorite is taken.
CHOICE DUE: Monday 2/9
COMPLETE My Element Worksheet researching the properties of your element.
RESEARCH DUE: Beginning of class Wednesday 2/11
WRITE your story (at least 1 page) or create 8 comic book squares telling an exciting story
about your superhero or villain, making use of 5 physical or chemical properties
(UNDERLINED) in the story.
DESIGN AND CREATE a COMIC BOOK COVER featuring your Superhero. Include 5
LABELED characteristics/properties/historical facts.
CREATE your Reference Page, using APA to cite at least 2 resources. 2/18

In this assignment, the students will use various technology tools to complete this assignment. Prior to this assignment all
students have used Google Docs and will be required to use the site to collaborate with one another. Below is a list of tools
that the students can use to enhance their project. During class sessions, I will work with students to assist them in using
tools that are new to them. Students have different experience levels, and whole class instruction will not be useful.

The students will use the internet to conduct research. They have been given guidelines as to what is an acceptable
resource. Also they must use multiple sources. The students will use Symbaloo to organize their sources. Additionally, they
must share their Symabloo page with me so that I can check their references easily.
The students can use any online resource to create their superhero/villain. I gave them a recommended resource of Hero
Machine or and their comic book cover.
Students who choose to create a comic book can use sites like Go Animate and Toondoo.
All students need to present their final project and have a choice between an i-Movie or screencast.
Instructional Plan
In order to complete this assignment, students will need to have a working knowledge of the Periodic Table. They will need
to understand the importance of the arrangement of the Periodic Table as well as identifying characteristics of the elements.
The foundational knowledge is determined on the previous unit test. Therefore, if the student did not have a strong
foundational knowledge, remediation would have been provided. The biggest difficulty would probably lie in the students
choosing an element that has many interesting characteristics.
The students will use multiple media for technology and students level of familiarity will differ. Every time a new technology
tool is used in class we will have a 15-minute session of Technology Talk. This is a time for students to work with me in
small collaborative group settings to learn the new tool. Students have a choice of coming to the session or not.
The students will work in groups of 2 and 3. They will utilize the laptops in my classroom. I can manage what sites they are
using a tool where I can see all of their screens at one time. The policy in the class is that you get one warning for being on
an unauthorized site and then you lose computer privileges for the week. Students will have many in class sessions to work
on this project as well as afterschool computer lab hours. Students are not penalized for not having computer access and I
work with students if technology use outside of class is not available.
The technical issues that may arise are insufficient Wi-Fi, not enough laptops, and nonworking websites. When the Wi-Fi is
not working I will have the students hardwire into the network. In an effort to ensure everyone has some technology source,
students can bring their own devices to class. Also groups can work in the media center on desktops as needed. Prior to the
assignment I will check all resource links to ensure links are working. In the event that the link does not work, I will redirect
students to other sites. For each site recommended, there are several alternate sites that serve the same purpose.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities
Through creative process and research, students will use the constructivist approach to learn about the Periodic Table. They
will construct a deeper understanding of the functionality of the Periodic Table and the arrangement of the elements.
Students are in groups of two and three throughout the room. Students work where they are comfortable. Students will work
at their own pace, but their work will be checked periodically to ensure they are completing the task. The teacher is the
facilitator ensuring that the tasks are completed and assisting when needed.
This assignment addresses many higher order thinking levels. Students need to evaluate the websites they are using for
research to see if the information is reliable and valid. Students have creative freedom to create their element
superhero/villain. The only requirement is that they have to incorporate the elements properties as the superhero/villains
characteristics. Their project will go through peer critiques so that they can revise the assignment based on feedback.
The technology used to create their superhero/villain and the story that accompanies it will enhance the project. The
technology will promote digital literacy, enhance research skills, and promote collaboration. The more students incorporate
technology into their learning task the more familiar they will become with using the technology. This will help them to
become digitally prepared for the future. In addition to digital literacy the students will collaborate using Google Docs. The
ability to collaborate is a necessary life skill. The students maintain a collaboration log and will rate their peers at the end of
the project.

Differentiation (How will you differentiate content and process to accommodate various learning styles and abilities? How
will you help students learn independently and with others? How will you provide extensions and opportunities for
enrichment? What assistive technologies will you need to provide?)
The assignment lends itself to many different forms of differentiation. The students have autonomy on how they present their
project. Thus they are using media that accommodates their learning style and interest. The assignment is student centered
and student paced. When students need assistance with the content or the technology I am available to help. Students who
need extension can incorporate other aspects of the Periodic Table that we have not addressed entirely in class (i.e.
electron configuration or electromagnetic spectrum). Since the students have to create a visual representation of their
superhero/villain they can use animation tools to create it. Students are not graded based on their ability to draw.
Reflection and Closure
The culmination of the assignment is the presentation component. It is evident when I receive student projects if they were
invested in the assignment and understood the purpose of the assignment. When a group is excited to share their
presentation, it is evident. This is a way for the students to show their hard work and a way for me to assess their level of
understanding of the content.
In science as a practice there is always a need for peer review. Thus my students practice peer review in all aspects of the
class. Throughout the assignment students will evaluate each others work to provide feedback. I give feedback as needed
while I facilitate. When students receive feedback, they have to decide if they are going to make the suggested changes or
leave it as they had it. During the presentations, other students are encouraged to ask questions and provide additional
I have given this assignment before, but it was individual and there was not a presentation component. The first time I
assigned this project, I found it online the night before and assigned it the next day. I received missed levels of products.
Some projects were amazing and more than I imagined and other were done the night before and their superhero/villain
was a stick figure. Throughout this summer I have improved the assignment by creating a grading rubric and incorporation
of technology. Additionally, the assignment is to be completed in groups of 2 and 3 instead of individually. I found that
collaboration and use of technology are important skills for students to possess in addition to the chemistry content
standards. I hope this enhances the learning process and the goal of the assessment. I am excited to see the final products
in the upcoming school year.


Element Superhero Project

You were hired by Marvel Comics to create the next SUPERHERO or SUPERVILLIAN for the comic book market. Like the
infamous Stan Lee, you will be creating a character with superhuman powers and using that character to write a story of your
choosing. The only guidelines: Marvel wants your Superhero to be based on an element of your choice from the Periodic Table.
You will choose an interesting element, research it (using the My Element Worksheet), write or draw a story, and create a Comic
Book Cover. Then, put the cover on the story and "publish" it!! Students will present their project for others to experience the
Purpose: To help students gain a greater understanding of elements and how they are used in everyday life.
You will conduct research using computers in our labs to find information regarding your element. You will then complete the
My Element Worksheet and then create an Element Superhero/SuperVillain which illustrates this information through a written
story about the superhero and a comic book cover for the story created. The worksheet will be turned in with the Superhero
comic book cover and story.
Helful sites to get you started
Element Superhero Project: (Staple these 4 items together)
1. My Element Worksheet
a. Complete using accurate research online.
2. Comic Book Cover
a. Create a cover for the story you wrote about your Superhero/Supervillain.
b. Drawing must include 5 LABELED characteristics/properties/historical facts of your element.
i. Ex. #1: if sulfur is your chosen element, the superhero's uniform, hair, or skin i s yellow since sulfur
has a characteristic yellow color.
ii. Ex. #2: if an element has a very high melting point, you may want to include that your superhero can
walk through fire to save people.
c. Here is a site that you can use if you wish to create your superhero/villain:

Story (1 page in length OR 8 comic book squares): Include these characteristics below in your story (Use element sheet as
a guide). You may use or Toondoo to create your comic book.
i. History: how your hero came into being (the history of its discovery) who, when, how?
ii. Atomic Model Drawing: be sure to include the correct number of protons, neutrons and electrons.
iii. Super Power(s): his/her super power(s) including an explanation of at least 3 physical and 2 chemical
properties. e.g. If an element has a high melting point, you might say that your superhero can move through
fire to "save" others.
iv. Superhero appearance: Describe why you made him/her look the way you did. What colors are seen in its
costume and what symbol is on that costume? Use the physical properties to help your design its appearance.
The symbol should be an image associated with your superhero- for example a tungsten superhero might have
a light bulb or a W for their symbol.)
v. Influence for Good or Evil: your hero's influence for good or evil on plants, animals (humans) and the
vi. Additional Powers: What additional element(s) could combine with your superhero to make him/her more
vii. Fantastic Four: what three elements align with (your element to make a 4-element superhero team? What
would they be called?
viii. Arch Nemesis: Who is his/her arch nemesis and why? For example oxygen turns iron to rust.
ix. Additional interesting facts: cost, other elements it can combine with (sidekick), etc.


Reference Page: You will keep track of you references using Symbaloo. You must share your Symbaloo page with Mrs.
Holcomb upon completion of the project
a. Two websites or book resources cited using APA format. TYPED ONLY. Use NoodleTools or
to set up your Reference page.


Presentation: You will need to create a video using i-movie or a screencast using screencast-o-matic. This will be presented to
the class on the due date.

Turn this page in with your project

Project Checklist: Check the

box when you have completed
the task.

Task to Complete
CHOOSE an element for your project. Only one person per particular element per class.
Examine the Periodic Table and do a little research. Get three or four choices in mind in case
your favorite is taken.
CHOICE DUE: Monday 2/9
COMPLETE My Element Worksheet researching the properties of your element.
RESEARCH DUE: Beginning of class Wednesday 2/11
WRITE your story (at least 1 page) or create 8 comic book squares telling an exciting story
about your superhero or villain, making use of 5 physical or chemical properties
(UNDERLINED) in the story.
DESIGN AND CREATE a COMIC BOOK COVER featuring your Superhero. Include 5
LABELED characteristics/properties/historical facts.
CREATE your Reference Page, using APA to cite at least 2 resources. 2/18

Projects will be submitted the BEGINNING OF CLASS Wednesday 2/18

Date and Time Worked

Collaboration Task

Comments on Group
Member #1

Comments on Group
Member #2

My Element Worksheet (You will turn this page in with your project)





Atomic Structure
#of Protons:
#of Neutrons:
#of Electrons:
#of Electrons in Energy Level (shell) 1:
#of Electrons in Energy Level (shell) 2:
#of Electrons in Energy Level (shell) 3:
#of Electrons in Energy Level (shell) 4:

(if necessary)
(if necessary)
(if necessary)

Atomic Model Diagram & Electron Configuration

Historical Information




Common/Important uses


2. __________________________________________________________________________________



The final draft of the

story is readable, clean,
neat and attractive. It
looks like the author took
great pride in it.

The final draft of the

story is readable, neat
and attractive. It
looks like the author
took some pride in it.

The final draft of the story

is readable and some of it is
attractive. It looks like parts
of it might have been done
in a hurry.

The final draft is not neat or

attractive. It looks like the
student just wanted to get it
done and didnt care what it
looked like.


The comic contains

many creative details
and/or descriptions that
contribute to the reader's
enjoyment. The author
has really used their
Cover has a detailed
graphic, title, color,
barcode, and 5 labeled
characteristics (5
required elements)

The comic contains a

few creative details
and/or descriptions
that contribute to the
reader's enjoyment.
The author has used
their imagination.
Cover has a graphic,
title, color, barcode,
and 3-4 labeled
characteristics (5
required elements)

The comic contains a few

creative details and/or
descriptions, but they
distract from the story or
are off topic. The author has
tried to use his imagination.

There is little evidence of

creativity in the comic. The
author does not seem to
have used much

Cover page has the 3 of the

3 required elements
(graphic, title, color,
barcode, and 5 labeled

Cover page has fewer than

3 of the required elements:
(graphic, title, color,
barcode, and 5 labeled

Requirements of Story

All 9 of the written


6-8 of the written

requirements were

4-5 of the written

requirements were met

3 or fewer of the written

requirements were et

Element Worksheet

All 6 sections are


4-5 sections are


2-3 sections are completed

0-1 sections completed

Accuracy of Research

All facts presented in the

story are accurate.

Almost all facts

presented in the story
are accurate.

Most facts presented in the

story are accurate (at least

There are several factual

errors in the story.


All sources (information

and graphics) are
accurately documented in
the desired format.

All sources
(information and
graphics) are
documented, but a
few are not in the
desired format.

All sources (information

and graphics) are accurately
documented, but many are
not in the desired format.

Some sources are not

accurately documented.

Comic Book Cover

Rubric for Element Superhero/Villain Project

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