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Draw your name

Con un marcador dibuja tu nombre en una hoja de papel
2. Spelling colors
Con palabras grandes deletrear los colores aprendidos en las clases
3. Word poster

4. Basketball with prepositions

5. About my family
Hacer su rbol genealgico

6. Asking about profession

7. Describing nouns in context

8. Describing objects

9. Don t miss your question

10. Draw the picture

11. Expressing frequency

12. Find someone who...

13. Find the picture

14. Guess the profession

15. Guess the occupation

16. Guess what I am doing

17. Guess the owner

18. Guess whose it is

19. Helping the blind

20. Locating things

21. Speaking about location

22. Mario has, Mario doesn t have

23. Sentence chain

24. Talented animals

25. That is not happening

26. The answer to my question

27. Make the sentence from the bags

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