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U N I V E R S I T Y, B A N G L A D E S H
CMN 203: Mass Communication Structure and Process

Assighnment Topic: Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer's Stone

Submitted To
Raisa Rasheeka
Junior Lecturer ,
department of media and communication

Submitted by


Md. Raihan Uddin


30 JUNE 2014


1. Choose one of the major character and write about that character, using specific details
from the book to support your analysis. What kind of person in this character? How does this
character fit into the action of the plot? Does this character seem real? If this character were
real, how would you relate to her/him?


Hermione Granger's is one of the major Characters of this book. Hermiones

character develops significantly over the course of the story and sheds light on Harrys
character as well. I analysis this character. There are,
Dominating: Because of her charming smile and wisdom she always tried to dominate the
environment where are she was.
Learned Person: She was the person with enormous learning ability. She always tended to
learn and her this attitude made her a learned person.
Half muggle and half magician: She was born in a family where both the muggle and
magician live together because of her parents Granger was half muggle and half magician.
Teen ager: In the story the character of granger was expose as a beautiful. explosive teen age
girl's character.
Memorizing Power: he was extra power. she could everything she touched, felt, or listened.
Friendly and helpful: She was very friendly and helpful in attitude. Her friendly and helpful
characteristics exposed in the story.
Ability to face danger: she was a courageous personality. she never feared of danger. she had
this supreme ability to face danger.
Good looking: Hermione Granger was a pretty lady with a nice face and bright beautiful
Intelligent: She was the most talented girl compare to the girls of her some age in her
Belongs Gryffindor House: she belonged to one of the famous house Gryffindor of Hogwarts.
In Hermione Granger all the characteristics of a extrovert, competitive, explosive,
intelligent and beautiful girl is found.

2. Choose a very exciting or significant event in your book and explain that event, telling
what happened and why that event was important in the book. How did the author help you
experience the event as though it were really happening? Be specific

Answer :

"The Sorting Hat" the event that has been selected by me.

The Sorting Hat : It is the process of choosing the community where one will stay and study.
One after one the friends of potter along with him experienced that.
First of them was "Abbot Hannah" and she was sent to "HUFFLEPUFF"
"Bones Susan" was the second one and he was also sent to "HUFFLEPUFF"
Then "Boot, Terry" came in and he was sent to "RAVENCLAW"
Then "Brocklehurst, Mandy" came and he was also sent to "RAVENCLAW"
Then "Brown, Lavender" came and he was sent to "Gryffindor"
Then "Bulstrode, Millicent" came and became a "Slithering"
Then "Finch-Fletchley, Justin" came and became "HAUFFLEPUFF"
Then "Finnegan Seamus" came and he was decided as a "GRYFFINDOR"
Then "Granger Hermione" came and also decider as a "GRYFFINDOR"
At last "Harry Potter" came and the hat shouted " GRYFFINDOR"
That's how the "Sorting Hat" decided all their communities.

3. Did you learn something new as a result of reading this book? Did it change your attitude
about people or life in general? Write about how this book changed your thinking or about
what this gave you to think about. Use specific incidents or details from the book to illustrate
your ideas.


I have learnt a lot of things by reading this book. Yes of course this changes

our attitude about people or life in general. How this book changed my thinking they are as
follows :
Understanding the meaning of friendship:

This book taught us about the true meaning of

friendship. And helped us to understand the relation friendship better than before.
Co-operation: This book gave us some specific examples where the word co-operation was
existed. Though we are getting more complicated and our feelings are getting narrowed after
reading the book we got to understand the actual meaning of co-operation and its importance
towards society.
Improving Mutual Understanding:

This booked helped us a lot to understand the actual and

true meaning of mutual understanding. How we can respect one-another ideas and through
negotiation we can achieve a best possible solution of any problem. This book shows us how
to implement the mutual understanding in activities.
Being United: We all know unity is strength. But it seems that we have a tendency to create
sub- group in within a group. This activities reduce our actual power. But reading this book
one can easily understand the importance and motives to be united.
Not leaving anyone in danger:

It shows us not to leave anybody in danger which is a

common task in our everyday's life. Whatever happen we need to prove that "A Friend in
need is a Friend indeed"
Story vs. Reality:

Here in the story many problem were solved by the help of magic

which can't be possible in our real life. We need to give our efforts and willingness to solve
the problems that come by.
This is how the book changed my thinking about people and that how we can relate
the book to reality.

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