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BSC Student Name: Emily Hicks

Date: 11/24/15

Bluefield State College

EDUC 200 Child Adolescent Growth and Development
Case Study

General Information
Name: Grayson Marshall
Age: 5
Grade: 1
Birth Date: 12/04/08
Resides With: Parents
Siblings: 1
Physical Description: Gray/Blue Eyes, Brown/Blonde
Hair, 59 LBS.,


Background (Interviewed Mother )

Birth Weight: 7LBS. 11OZ.,
Pregnancy and labor: Normal but with C-Section
Age for Development First
Crawling: 7 MOS.
Sitting: 5 MOS.
Walking: 10 MOS.
Talking: 6 MOS. (Whole Words)

Toilet Training: 2 YRS.


Pre-School History (Name of Person Interviewed)

Mother, Casey Hicks
Grayson adjusted very well to school. His father
took him his first day and he was ready to go. He
did not shed one tear and tried to hurry his dad to
leave. He started Pre-K at the age of four and he
excels in school subjects. Has been well beyond his
grade level in academics since his beginning in
school. He is a very hands-on child who likes to
touch what he learns and wants you to show and
explain to him things that he does not understand
rather than just telling him what to do.


School History (Name of Teacher Interviewed)

Mrs. Hatfield, Graysons first grade teacher says
that he is very bright. He is a very strong reader
and that his behavior is very typical for a boy his
age. If he gets bored, he tends to talk or get off
task. He is very social and gets along with other
students very well. He enjoys science and more
hands on activity. He is a joy to work with!


Observations of Child

The day started off with the teacher reading books to

the class to get their brains moving. Grayson was
very interested in the teacher reading. He started out
the day and reading very calm. He stayed quiet, but
became fidgety as the time passed. The teacher read
a total of four books, but after about half of book
three Grayson seemed to be very unfocused and
uncomfortable, but remained quiet in the process.

The last book was very action-packed and caught his

attention and he became much more focused and
interested. After a short bathroom break, the teacher
sat the children back down at the carpet in front of
her. She began to work on phonics and it was like a
light glowing in the room from Grayson. He was very
aware of the sounds, both singularly and when
blended together to make words. He could identify
the words asked of him as soon as, if not sooner than
he was asked. Where other children struggled,
Grayson was ready to excel and answer the question
in their place. A daily reader from the school
library/media center came in and Grayson was excited
and amazingly excelled again. As the teacher read the
book, Grayson was able to make inferences and
answer inference questions asked by the reader
about the pictures and what the children thought
would happen next. I believe that the theorist that
fits this child the best would be Vygotsky. Grayson is
a very social and hands-on learner. He wants to talk
about the questions, answer them out loud and he
wishes for you to not only tell him what he is
supposed to do, but he wants you to explain and
show him physical examples. He wants to have that
communication with both the teacher and the other



Grayson is a very bright and very smart child. He

was very close to the average birthweight of seven
and a half pounds and his mother had very little
trouble other than the C-Section birth. He was very
excelled in some of his life milestones as he was
growing up. Most children do not toilet train until
they are ready to start school at around age four
and it is a requirement. Grayson was ready to go on
his own at the age of two. Also, he not only began
to talk early, but his formation of whole words
began at the age of six months. It was not all just
baby talk and coos. He adjusted very well to school.
Most of the time, children will cry, scream, or hold
on to their parents leg and beg them not to go
when they go for their first day. However, Grayson
has many older cousins who were in school so he
wanted to go to school like them. His mother
believes that this made the transition easier for
him, even though it was not easy for her and his
father. Grayson has always had a great experience
with school. He has excelled in every subject and
always tries very hard to do things on his own. He
likes to have things hands-on and social. He is a big
fan of science and working in groups. His teacher
says that he is a very bright child who always
excels. He is easily bored if he is beyond the other
children and can get out of sorts, but is easily
brought back down to the level he needs to be with
extra tasks or reading. Grayson most fits into the
category of Vygotsky. He is a very social learner,
who likes to get touchy with his work. He does not
want to write things down and watch the teacher.
Grayson is the type to want to go ahead, get his
hands dirty and feel all of what he is doing.

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