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The Lord of Beginnings

Lord of Hosts
Lord of Categories
Also Vinayaka: One
without a Master

Ganesha / Ganapati: (Gana + Isha; Gana + Pati)
Master of Hosts / Groups (Adonai Sabbaoth)
Vighnakarta: Obstacle Creator
and Vighnaharta: Obstacle Remover
Buddhipriya: fond of or Husband of Buddhi
Ekadanta: One Tusked (Danta from dantin, from the root dru- darshayati: to show)
Vakratunda: Straightens the crooked

The Child of Shiva and

Shakti (Parvati)
Leads Shivas Armies
(Lord of Hosts)

Lord Ganesha has the elephant-head as

that is the one figure in nature which is
of the form of Pranava (Aum). Sivananda

Has a brother: Kartikeya

(Subramanya, Skanda,
Murugan): God of War
Against the Ego

Horus and Set

Ganesha and Skanda

Abraham and Lot

"Neither shall thy name any more be

called Abram [], but thy name shall
be Abraham [ ;]for a father [ ]of
many nations have I made thee." Genesis 17:5
"When Abraham appeared, as he is the
secret of Chesed..." - Zohar

Buddhipriya: fond
of Buddhi or
Husband of Buddhi
Consorts / wives:
Buddhi: wisdom
Riddhi: prosperity
Siddhi: attainment

Buddhidata: Giver of Buddhi

Sarvatman: Literally, whole person

Buddhist images related to Ganesha

Ganapati, Maha Rakta (Tibetan:

Vignantaka trampling Vinayaka

tsog gi dag po, mar chen. The

Great Red Lord of Hosts


"Deity of Joy"
as known in China and Japan

Muladhara chakra

Without the grace of Sri Ganesha and

His help, nothing whatsoever can be
achieved. No action can be undertaken
without His support, grace or blessing.
- Sivananda

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