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September 2015


The event is named after myceliuma
vegetative part of a fungus that consists of a
mass branching, thread-like hyphaebecause
no matter how small it is, its roots can penetrate
the soil deeply and reach far places. This also
symbolizes that if we are deeply rooted in Christ,
we can reach more lost souls. Navs Campus
Ministry has reached out to many students in the
past. The current generation of Navs would like
to look back and celebrate Gods faithfulness.

This 2,400-acre (9.7 km2) site in eastern

Oregon had a contiguous growth of mycelium before logging roads cut through
it. Estimated at 1,665 football fields in size
and 2,200 years old.

Mycelia is the first fruit of Ateneo and
UP Dilimans collaboration. It was held last
September 18, 2015 at Balay Kalinaw, UP
Diliman. The attendees were the previous and
current batches of Navs Campus Ministry. The
goal of the event was to trace back the roots
of Navs Campus Ministry by inviting previous
batches to get to know the current batch and
share their experiences with them. Of course, to
also have a glimpse of what Navs was like before!

I commend Irene, Jasmine, and Paul


We werent able to flash the lyrics on the

projector because the venue had no more
extensions left. Kuya Genesis had to run to
his dorm to get an extension cord. It frustrated
us but we just lifted everything to God.
Gok Dominisiac, one
of the current leaders
of UP Diliman Navs,
delivered his message
on the Gospel. He also
shared his testimony
on how the Gospel

Navigators are known for being good at
scripture memorization so we had a game where
people had to mention as many Bible verses as they
can. We also played FREAK where participants need
to showcase their unique talents!

Today, reaching out to students can be really
tough. It takes time, effort, and genuine care to lead
them to Jesus Christ. There are times that the devil
would whisper discouragements to my ear, but God
would always send in His trumpets of encouragements.
Mycelia was a booming encouragement to me.
Seeing the alumni and hearing stories about them
give me hope that the current generation will also
grow to be like them.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

A week after Mycelia, someone from

Korea came home! Kuya Marlon Capuno
treated us all to dinner at Chocolate Kiss.
(From left to right: Irene, Inah, Kuya
Genesis, Kuya Tim, Kuya Marlon,
Winona, and Kyerisse)

Admittedly, I was not planning to watch Heneral

Luna because Ive always stereotyped historical films
as boring and pretentious. After reading a couple
of reviews online, I have decided to finally watch
it. Viewing the movie was extra special because my
brother was with us (the last time we watched with
him was around six to seven years ago). Originally,
we planned to watch the movie at Fairview Terraces,
but when we got there the movie was already sold
out. Wow, that alone says a lot about the movie
already. In spite of that, we were able to buy movie
tickets at SM Fairview.

Technically speaking, the film has it all
from the well-written script, cinematography,
production set, actors, editing, to sound design and
other technicalities. I applaud the whole production
crew for crafting a brilliant film. The film has bridged
the history of the Philippines to its current state and
has drawn my nationalistic spirit out of me. A lot
of things has crossed my mind while watching the
movie but one thought stood out, What if Christians
were like Hen. Luna? Brave enough to fight for Gods
kingdom, compassionate enough to care for the
welfare of others.

I, too, am guilty of being a coward. I have
stepped back from a lot of battles because of my
selfishness. I would keep quiet about my faith
because I was afraid to be scrutinized. Sharing God
to those who need Him is hard if we make it about
ourselves. That was my ultimate mistake. Heneral
Lunas companions had their personal interests
which make it hard to agree with him. My fear of

sharing God to others can be traced down to my

personal relationship with Him. Continually seeking
the Lord through prayer and Bible-reading helped
me feel Gods great love towards me. I have always
looked at Gods love collectively when what He wants
is a personal relationship. We can only share God
with others if we are convinced that we have truly
experienced His greatness and love. Evangelism is
an outflow of our personal relationship with God.
Will you share a piece of cake to a friend if you think
it tastes bad? I also believe that the greatest gesture of
love we can ever make is to share God.

Heneral Luna loved the Philippines and his
countrymen greatly that he was ready to sacrifice
even his life. Heneral Lunas only source of strength
is the love he had for the country; but for Christians,
we have God. We have an infinite source of strength,
which means we can also bring positive change to our
society. Seeing Heneral Luna did not just challenge
me to become a better citizen of my own country; it
also challenged me to become a better Christian.

Leading a Bible study group is one of Gods greatest surprises to me. Who would have
thought that I would ever lead one? Or maybe Im the only one who never thought of that. I was
scared to lead a Bible study group because of what ifs. What if I say something theologically
incorrect? What if I cant answer their questions? What if Im making things awkward? Above all,
what if I make them feel like they cant share things to me because they see me more as a leader not
an ate? I worked out that I am vulnerable to committing mistakes when I trust my own strengths.
Leading a Bible study is hard when we make it about ourselves. So every time I lead a Bible study,
I always pray that I will not lean in my own understanding.

Its a joy to me to see students grow in their faith. I thought they would be learning from me
because Im older, but its the other way around. I am humbled by their thoughts on our weekly Bible
study topic. I pray that they do not lose interest in meeting together.
Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up
meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the
more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10: 24-25

Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests

I thank the Lord for the people who do not get tired of supporting the Navigators Campus
Ministry, and those people include you! I am so grateful that a lot of people are praying for the
ministry. Knowing that there are people who are praying for us encourages us to keep serving the
Lord. I am also thankful for the students who are continually serving the Lord. I hope that they will
continually grow in their faith.

Students are getting sick because of stress from academic requirements. Pray that they
will find time to rest so they can get well soon. Please, pray for us as we strategize and plan in
addressing students needs and concerns. May God grant us the wisdom that we need as we come
up with new activities to help them grow spiritually, and may we not lean on our own understanding.

Thank you so much. God bless you!

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