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July 28, 2016
Summer Block
AGSD 4085

Within the Discipline

While attending Tarleton State University, I took a plethora of classes that I have
considered very beneficial to the success in my life. My degree is a Bachelor of
Science in Agricultural Services & Developments.
Lab Techniques

I took lab techniques in the spring of 2015. This class is one that I could

consider an agriculture mechanics class. Much of the class, we went over simple and
complex skills in the area of concrete, electricity, and planning. While in the class I
learned many skills relating to concrete forming and setting. During the same
semester I worked for a professor that was building a new shop for his family
business. When it came to laying the foundation of the building, the skills I learned
in the class helped tremendously.

Welding was one of the first AGSD classes I ever took at Tarleton. With metal

fabrication in my background, it seemed like a good fit. Along with learning the
actual physical skill of welding, there was quite a bit of metallurgy to go along with
it. I learned some key characteristics about different metals that one should know
when wanting to get into the metal industry. I learned the difference in properties

between steel, aluminum, and other materials. My internship is with ONeal Flat
Rolled metals, a leading supplier in many types of materials. I was able to take the
knowledge about metal properties and characteristics from Welding and apply it to
my internship virtually every day.
Ag Mechanical Services

I took this class with Dr. Langley in the fall of 2015. During this class we

learned all sorts of fundamentals for running an agricultural mechanics program or

industry. One of the major themes of the class was project planning. We had
multiple assignments where projects or building layouts needed to be created, right
down the list of materials and cost. Out side of school Ive worked on several jobs for
the company my father works for. Before any new project could take place I have to
create a step by step plan, drawing and materials and cost list. Taking what I learned
from this class benefitted me enough to be able to draw and plan projects for the
company and to secure a job for me in the future.

Beyond the discipline

While at Tarleton I also had to take many classes that werent related to my
discipline. Being a young college student I often got irritated that I had to take these
classes, not understanding because they werent my major. Looking back as an
older adult I can see just why the classes were meant to be taken.
Technical Writing

I took technical writing in the spring of 2016. Before then I was a decent

writer, but there were several themes and skills I did not know. During the class I
learned how to create a professional resume and cover letter, along with working on

professional proposals, reports, and studies. Being able to prepare these documents
is something that I will always carry with me. The resumes and cover letter format I
learned will be used in every job application I apply for. Once in a job, simply
knowing how write professionally will secure me with a career in the field of my

I took algebra my first semester in college. I cant say I was very excited for it

at the time, not knowing some of the topics I will use for the rest of my life. I learned
several equations ranging from figuring taxes, all the way to some geometry for
building. Learning the steps and equations to solve for financial problems has
benefitted me greatly. While on my internship I balanced my budget I was earning
from ONeals to keep track of checks and taxes. Being able to do so will ensure
myself to be responsible in financial situations in the future. On the building side of
things, I use those skills every time I take on a new project for my fathers company.
Building projects is all bout math and physics, and being able to account for lengths,
weights and other things that go into the project. If not for algebra I probably
wouldnt be as efficient as I am today.

Speech was definitely one of the most important classes Ive taken at

Tarleton. We speak every single day in the workplace, home, and just about
anywhere else we go. Knowing how to speak properly and being able to
communicate thoughts to multiple people is a skill that I hold to a very high

standard. Not being able to do said things can severely diminish someones chances
of being successful in a career and in general.

Beyond Academics
While at Tarleton I was involved in many different organizations and had a ton of
experiences thats added to my education.
Collegiate FFA-

During my time at Tarleton, I was very involved in CFFA. My freshman and

sophomore year I served on Tarletons officer team. Along with the chapter team, I
also served as the Texas CFFA State President my sophomore year. CFFA had a
major impact on my life in the theme of service. I was always very involved in FFA in
high school but I soon learned that CFFA wasnt the same. Instead of competing in
the competitions, I was helping run them. It was a nice thing to be able to give those
kids a chance at success like those before gave me. Ive been very fortunate to have
learned as much as I have from Tarleton, I think CFFA has showed me that serving
others with the knowledge Ive learned is very important.

Growing up, school was never my favorite thing to do. I always struggled

with the motivation and action it takes to be successful in education. Through my

time at Tarleton, I truly learned what it meant to buckle down and get things done,
even when I didnt want to. It taught me that life is hard, but Im stronger. I learned
determination at Tarleton. I can honestly say I will take that newfound skill and
confidence and apply it to whatever comes my way in the future.


I can say the last few years have been a wild ride. Ive learned so much material,
experienced so many situations, in and out of my comfort zone, and can honestly say
have really found out the person I am. These three topics interconnect more than I
previously thought they would. I really think they all come together to truly teach
you what you need to know to be successful. The first is what you learn for your
major. This will be the bread and butter of what you will be doing in your career.
The class lessons you learn outside of the discipline help shed light on lessons you
might not always have on your mind but need to be successful in life. Thirdly are the
experiences you had that tie all three together. Identifying and analyzing all three
show a perfect lesson to be able to move forward through life and to be successful.

Global Awareness

I grew up in a very small town in the rural area north of Tyler. Not a lot has

changed in that area like a lot of old towns. Old fashioned values are seen everyday
and you just have the iconic small town feel. Everybody knows everybody and your
word is everything. Fast forward to me taking an internship in the heart of Dallas. I
can say I definitely went in with several stereotypes in mind, not knowing fully what
to expect. A major one in mind was the difference between the hospitality of the
small town versus the hustle and bustle of the city. Boy, did my thoughts come out to
be completely wrong. I went into the internship ready to face a natural rudeness
that I thought all folks from urban areas had. I was gravely mistaken. I was greeted
with open arms and taken in under everyones wing like I had always worked there.
Ive made friends at ONeals that I will probably carry for a lifetime. Having this kind
of experience has definitely opened my eyes to see that not everything is what it

seems and that folks that dont see eye to eye may have a lot more in common than
they think.

Broader Implications

My time at Tarleton has shown me a side of the world and myself that I could

never get anywhere else. I believe since I have been here that Ive learned more life
lessons than I can count. Ive learned that education is key to success and education
is tested by experience. Weather the experience is work, school, free time, social
doesnt matter, everything you do has a way a making yourself who you want to be.
My time at Tarleton hasnt just been learning facts from a book. It has grown me into
the person I am today. The combination of experiences, knowledge learned, and
how to apply the both is the key to creating a successful person. I will always cherish
the things Ive learned during this time and will always be proud to be a Tarleton

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