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Kristina Marie Perea

2125 Madeira Dr. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110 | 575-910-2764 |

JUNE 22, 2016

Student Employment Office

1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Mesa Vista Hall North 1st floor
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am very interested in applying for one of your Office Assistant with
DOE found on UNM.JOBS.COM. I have three years of experience in this field
at Sandia National Laboratories while holding a security clearance. With this
experience I feel that I would be a perfect fit for this job.
I am a very hard working individual and I love to help people and help
them succeed in whatever they need. I am very skilled in Microsoft
Applications, in my previous job I had to complete multiple projects at a time.
Due to this I have developed a strong set of time management skills and get
complete tasks in a timely manner.
This job posting really caught my eye due to the fact that I can not only
further my skills as far as Business goes but as well as further my
communication skills with a variety of people rather than one specific group
of people like I worked with at Sandia National Laboratories. I can be
reached by phone at (575)910-2764 or by email if you
have my question or concerns. Thank you for your time.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Kristina Perea

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