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Maria Elena Caldern Moncada

Dear donor:
I give thanks for supporting me in the most difficult moments of my life, thanks
to your support, now I can work and have some money to feed and educate my
I want to tell you that I am going to work with my travelling sandwiches stalls
to sell and with the help of God, everything is going very well, I sell all the food
that I prepare and I have earnings that could help me to cover our daily
Thank you for this gift, may God bless you.
Maria Elena Calderon Moncada
Ms. Sofia Diaz Monteza
Dear donor:
I write you this letter for thank you for the great help that you have given me, I
recover my health, I have LUPUS, for that I receive a monthly treatment, the
medicines are expensive and with my precarious economy was impossible buy
them, with your support I was able to do the treatment and its helps to give me
a best quality of life.
Thank you for your good heart with the people who need it most.
Kind regards.
Sofia Diaz Monteza

Ms. Giovanna Rivera Crdova

Dear Donor:
I greeting you, I hope you are in good health. I want to tell you that we are very
happy for your support, thank you for help us and achieve a smile and hope in
the people who have many shortcomings.
With this support we have been able to buy the necessary things to start with
our small business selling food to improve our economy and cover our
childrens needs. We said goodbye wishing that God spill many blessings upon
Kind regards.

Giovanna Rivera Cordova /Esmeralda Rivera Crdova.

Dear donor:
In name of the team of service educational "Life and Joy" formed by: Alicia
Mechan, Carmela Olivera and Teresa Diaz, greeting you with love and we
recognize the spirit of help and solidarity that guide your life, it produces life
and joy to us who has been benefited with your action.
The donation helps us to promote an educational program for children and
young people with different skills. We have seen materialised our dream of
giving to those children and girls and space for them because before they did
not have a place to develop their abilities as is their right. Now we can do this
job of stimulate their language, help them with their physical and psychological
development, art and creativity, providing a service with joy to overcome
difficulties and achieve a better quality of life.
We are very pleased by the experience that we will initiate and very grateful for
your generous support. We ask our God of life, bless your work with peace and
joy in your lives.
We said goodbye to you, with love and affection.
Kind regards
Teresa Diaz de Paredes
Team Life and Joy

Dear donor:
I thank you on behalf of the dining room "Rainbow", formed by 68 boys and
girls, who appreciate your generosity and solidarity by food donations that
allow them to be in good physical and intellectual conditions which will
facilitate them to have a better school performance and participation in the
You can be sure tat these gestures of love, are teachings of which we learn to
live better in our family and our community.
From here our community of sacred heart, we pray for you and ask God give
you a lot of forces to follow in this work to support those who have least.
Kind regards
Ruben Romero Batalla
C.E. 01015107

Dear donor:
I thank you for your immense solidarity with me, you put light in my life in a
moment in that I felt that all ended for me given the deterioration of my health
and my precarious economic situation. Then others joined together to help me
so generously, and that makes me think that there is God present in every
generous soul and as a result, today I am feel better.
Your support helped me to see the life in a different and more positive way, the
help provided to change many things in my life.
I say Goodbye hoping may God bless your life, your work, your family, as well
as you have supported me, God also will support you at all.
St. John 14.6:
Jesus said: I AM the way, the truth and the life.
Josemir Arteaga Mendoza
Dear donor:
Here by it receives my warm and affectionate greetings,
On behalf of my wife and my daughters, I want to express our deepest
gratitude for this valuable contribution that has allowed me to purchase a
sound system that I will serve as a means of working to improve my family's
This equipment will allow having an economic sustainability to my family,
because I will use it to work in different events enabling to increase my family
Thanks for all the support provided and may God continue to bless it.
Kind regards
Enrique Martinez Casusol.

Dear donor
I greeting you with love, I hope you are in good health with her beloved family.
My name is Marilu Tapia Diaz, I want to thank you of all heart for the helps that
you have provided to my family, donating us a gas cooker with which I can
cook more quickly and without compromising our health or contaminate the

environment, improving our quality of life.

May God fill you with blessings for giving us joy and hope that in the world
there are still generous hearts like yours.
Marilu Tapia Diaz
Dear donor:
I am writing to thank you for the donation that you made to my son, the truth, I
have no words to thank this great help, because the wheelchair allows me to
transfer my child to his therapies, the doctor says that there is possibility that
he regains some faculties - I dream that my son can recover their powers and
become and stand on his own feet, that fills me with hope and joy.
So although I don't know you I want to thank you wholeheartedly for your
support, God bless you always for being so good with people like my son, and
that God give you much more.
Juana Peralta - mother yordy Carlos Peralta

Dear donor:
With joy I am writing to you to express our greetings and gratitude on behalf of
the team of the Hope Centre for the donation received. Through it, it has
been possible to buy educational materials for the development of workshops
for training and meetings with the staff of our institution.
We appreciate your generosity and solidarity that enables institutional
strengthening and our commitment for the development and the fight against
Yolanda Diaz Callirgos
Centro Esperanza

Dear donor,
We are five brothers and sisters of Zrates family. Thank you for your
wonderful solidarity, which has enabled to build not only a roof, but also

combine efforts to build environments that protect us from the rain and allow
us live with dignity without overcrowding.
Your donation has made possible to find solutions and it has given us light to
live with dignity and good human relations between brothers and sisters.
We are very grateful for this blessing.
Sincerely, brothers and sisters.
> Delicita Maribel Zarate Regalado.
> Rosa Amelia Zarate Regalado.
> Gumercindo Zarate Regalado.
> Daniel Zarate Regalado.
> Gilberto Regalado Zarate.
Dear donor:
I want to say thank you in name of all my family by this donation that us has
benefited, thanks to this we have start a small business for sell fast food in the
street. This business will help me to have a source of work for me and my wife,
improving our family income. When I received this gift I have given thanks to
God because he has heard my prayers! We wish with all our heart that you
continue helping people, and that the love of God and the power of his word
continue blessing you.
I say goodbye to you wishing you many blessings,
Jos Rodrguez Chilcon
ID: 16793687
Dear donor
Thank you, by allow with your generosity that my children have all their school
supplies , also their uniforms and attend to their school very happy, that helps
them to feel well. I am sure that they will improve their performance school
because they are very dedicated and responsible children my eldest despite
our precarious economic,has joined the public University.
I say goodbye, thank you again for your support
Teresa Eneque Samame
Dear donor:

I am pleased write you to express my cordial greeting and thanks for your help
with the ' volunteering and action solidarity ', a program of Hope Centre, which
seeks to strengthen skills and abilities of college students from the different
houses of study of Lambayeque - Peru. Thanks to your donation we could buy
material for our trainings and instruments that will facilitate the work of the
The volunteers can share their knowledge and talents with many girls, children
and adolescents in the most vulnerable areas in our city.
I say goodbye, but not before reiterating my consideration and gratitude
Kind regards
Walter Martin Lopez Zono
Volunteer and solidarity action

Dear donor:
It is a pleasure write you to express my cordial greeting and appreciation for
your collaboration with "Art evenings", organization that unites different artists
from Lambayeque - Peru, for the promotion of art in public spaces, thinking of
the training of children. Thanks to your donation, we have been able to
purchase new materials that will strengthen our work, and also continue with
the murals in different districts and streets of the city.
We now continue with our "art festivals," performed in the children Park in our
city, thank you for your solidarity, which helps us to continue with our projects.
No other particular I say goodbye, but not before reiterating my consideration
and gratitude
Kind regards
Jack Requejo Aldana
Coordinator evenings of art Chiclayo

Dear donor:
It is pleasure write you to express my cordial greeting and appreciation for their
collaboration with "Caaris IS NOT alone", an initiative that arose to make
visible the potential and the problems of the indigenous community of Caaris,
Lambayeque - Peru. Thanks to your donation we can improve our audiovisual
products, as Spots and documentaries that we continue performing
for the community's well-being.
For now, we have been working jointly with the municipality, who is also
supporting our projects.

No other particular I say goodbye, but not before reiterating my consideration

and gratitude.
Kind regards,
Cynthia Guevara Jimenez
"Caaris IS NOT alone"

Dear donor:
It is pleasure to write you and express my cordial greeting and thanks for your
collaboration with "Biciteca, culture on wheels - Chiclayo", organization that
joins communicators from different universities of Lambayeque - Peru, for the
promotion of reading in public spaces. Thanks to your donation we have could
acquire new books, Tales children's and material to keep them in good state.
From february of the last year, we have being organized and now with this
donation we will start a volunteer work with girls and children. In addition we
continue going out to squares and parks every friday, where people of any age
can lend books.
No other particular I say goodbye, but not before reiterating my consideration
and gratitude
Kind regards
Anthony Pena Flores
Coordinator Biciteca Chiclayo
Dear Donor,
This letter is to say hello and also to thank you for the donation that has come
to the "Association of organized women by the good treatment in Chosica ", in
the District of La Victoria, province of Chiclayo.
The women who make up the Association are very happy, because after
coming walking together for seven years, finally we have been able to establish
ourselves as an organization with our own laws and members of our Board of

Directors for which were made before the notary procedures and public
The formalization as Association helps us to be recognized by our authorities
publicly and thus be able to work together and organized projects that have an
impact on our personal, social and economic development and our community.
As women members of the "Association of organized women by the good
treatment in Chosica we had felt valued by the public recognition retrieved
and the possibility of make public life.
Many thanks again, with affection,
Association of organized women by the good treatment in Chosica

Dear donor:
"Thank you for the donation of water tanks and accessories, my children and
my family are eternally grateful. Thanks to your generosity we have in our
home, clean water that contributes to the health of my children. "My God that I
serve, give you prosperity in abundance"
Marine Banda Peralta
"Thank you for the donation because it has improved my life and my family is
Nelva Diaz Silva

"I want to give you all my heart appreciation because the donation has allowed
us have water in our house and also has strengthened us as family, never
change the kindly heart that you have"
Tarcila Garca Vsquez

"The Putpaa Choquehuanca family are very grateful for the donation of
accessories for water tanks, we will have water all day and it will be a great
help for good hygiene when we preparing food and also it helps to have good
health." "May God bless you."

Andrea Choquehuanca

"My family is very grateful for this donation that allows us to improve our life
and our housing".
Sofa Daz Monteza
"Thank you for the donation of tanks and accessories to have water, liquid
element that is life and benefits my whole family "."I ask God continue touching
your humanitarian hearts and bless you with love".
Janet Arteaga Prez
"I thank you for your donation that has served to have water. I am happy
because I have take a shower. It is a complete change in my family."
Medalit Huamn Zurita

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