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NARCAN Can Save A Life

The Problem

The Solution

Abuse of Heroin and Opioid Prescription Medications

7.9 & 9 Rate of Opioid deaths per 100,000, in 2013, 14

63% increase in Heroin use from 2002 to 2013

Medication Assisted treatment (MAT) =

NARCAN + Behavior Therapy

26% Increase in heroin overdoses from 2013 -14


9% increase in drug overdose deaths from Opioids from 2013-14

100% increase in drug overdose deaths
45% proportion of heroin users who also abuse prescription opioid painkillers
400%, 265%

increase among women, compared to men who overdosed on prescription pain relievers between 1999 2010.

Overdosed on Opioids, April 2016, Jane Hoback, Retrieved from

You Can Help Save A Life:

If you are a legislator

If you are an educator

If you are family or friends -

Stop Sharing - 55% of

abused medications are received from a friend or relative (CDC, 2011) and

Fight for funding of education and access

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