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7th Grade Life Science

Resources: Interactive Science Life Science (Green book) Online textbook:
Quizzes & Tests:
Instructor: Janet Meadows, Phone: 276-821-5660


Course Goals: We are going to have a great time this year in science as we study
living things. We will have some fun labs including dissections and projects. You will
learn some concepts that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Develop a more complex understanding of change, cycles, patterns, and
relationships in the living world.
Test scientific concepts using observation, experimentation, models,
evidence, and systematic processes.
Follow classroom and school rules to insure the safety of everyone.
Give best effort on all assignments.
Evaluation: Grades will be calculated as follows:
50% homework, quizzes, and in class work
50% tests, labs, and projects
Help!!! If you need help or need to make up work, please let me know, and we can
work together after school. Progress reports will go home every 9 weeks, and they
may be signed by a parent and turned in for a homework grade of 100 points.
Grading Scale:
A ---93-100, B---85-92, C---75-84, D---70-74, F---69 and below
3 ring binder, paper, pencils, zippered pencil pouch, colored pencils, and dividers for
*Personal devices such as phones will not be used. They should always be
kept out of sight.

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