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Pre- Observation Notes for Lesson 1

Lesson Focus: Basketball/Dribbling

Objective for Cognitive Learning Domain: At the end of class students will be able to
categorize (identify and use) at least five out of six skill cues for dribbling* in order to earn
an acceptable rating on the written assignment. (in order to show their understanding of
the necessary cues.)

Looking carefully at the objective what is it that you want the students to be able to
accomplish by the end of the class? To be able to dribble? Or to be able to identify the
cues? Which seems more important?
I: I believe that I want them to be able to dribble using the cues taught to help
them be successful.
S: The objective may need to be tweaked a little bit in order to show that the
main goal is for the students to dribble using the cues taught.
I: I do see the difference in the way the objective is written. I was following the

model that we were given.
Looking at the class that you are going to be teaching, what difficulties do you foresee and
what are you doing to be prepared?
I: The students will struggle to dribble and move at the same time, the students
will struggle to look where they are going as they dribble, and some students will not
be able to keep a rhythm will they are dribbling. I have planned activities that move
the students through the dribbling process where they begin dribbling while
standing still in order to help them get a rhythm. Then give them opportunities to
walk around and collect flags from others. To do this they have to focus on their
classmates and not the ball they are dribbling.
Objective for Psychomotor: During class the students will be able to perform at least two out
of the three skill cues for dribbling a basketball* in order to earn an acceptable rating on
the teacher checklist. (in order for the students to be/become skilled dribblers.)

I struggle a little with the wording of the objective. Is all the students need to strive
for is an acceptable on the checklist. I think it needs to be written to challenge the
I: I like this much better. It pushes the students to think that they will be successful.

How do these goals support Alleghany Countys curriculum and the content
I: I pulled the standards from NASPE (National Association of Sport and Physical
Education) as well as the Maryland State Standards.

S: Great job! The standards you pulled fit nicely with the content you are teaching.
Walk me through the lesson that you will be teaching. Explain as you go why you chose the
activities you did. Also explain what you will be doing with students that are struggling
with dribbling. (Followed along with the lesson plan.)

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