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Trabalho de Ingls


Gustavo Marinho - n 10 / Lucas Alves - n 16 / Marco Aurlio - n 20

Natasha - n 23 / Pedro Henrique - n 26

Geographic Analysis
Population: estimate: 5,347,600; Density: 67.5/km2
Area: Land: 77,933 km2. Capital: Edinburgh. Largest city: Glasgow
Is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and covers the northern third of the island
of Great Britain. In addition to the mainland, the country is made up of more than 790
islands, including the Northern Isles and the Hebrides.
Geology: From a geological perspective, the country has three main sub-divisions.
The Highlands and Islands, The Central Lowlands and The Southern Uplands.
Climate: The climate of Scotland is temperate and oceanic, and tends to be very changeable.
As it is warmed by the Gulf Stream from the Atlantic, it has much milder winters than areas on
similar latitudes.
Scotland has a strong intellectual and literary tradition, which is represented by big names
such as: The poet Robert Burns, Novelists writers Robert Louis Stevenson and Sir Walter
Scott, and the philosopher David Hume.
When it comes to culture, the capital Edinburgh will host one of the most important cultural
festivals in Europe. When it comes to culture, the capital Edinburgh will host one of the most
important cultural festivals in Europe.
Of course, the whiskey is an integral and important part of Scottish culture. Also known as
"water of life", this traditional and unique drink in the world.
Cuisine: The Scottish cuisine is well differentiated and is rich in dishes based on potatoes,
sausages of pork and fish. The Haddock is one of the traditional fish from Scotland and can
be enjoyed in several restaurants in the country. However, HAGGIS is the most characteristic
dish Scotland. The city of Dundee is famous for his contribution to Scottish cuisine.

Scotland is the "Home of Golf", and is well known for its courses. As well as its world
famous Highland Games (athletic competitions), it is also the home of curling, and shinty, a
stick game similar to Ireland's hurling.
Scotland is a country sought to exchange ? Because?
Exchanges of students are attracted to the country by the quality of the courses and be a
peaceful place to live. The charming Scottish capital, Edinburgh and Glasgow are among the
favorite cities to study English.
With impressive places, numerous castles rich in history and tradition, Scotland is marked by
beliefs and Celtic legends. His landscapes are among the most beautiful in Europe. Even with
great influence of England, Scotland is very different, the country preserves the medieval
tradition and its own culture.
The Scottish education system has always remained distinct from education in the rest of the
UK, with an emphasis on a broad education feature.
Secondary Education in Scotland: Education in Scotland tend to focus more broadly
matters than in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Superior: Superiors are entry qualifications at university and are offered in a wide range of
materials. Although students can enter a university at the end of Secondary 5 many remain to
Secondary 6 for more Higher courses or improve the Upper Advanced Level
Almost all Scots speak English, and in 1996 the General Register Office of Scotland
estimated that 30% of the population is fluent also in Scottish. Gaelic is spoken mainly in the
Western Isles, where most people still speak the language, but at national level its use is
limited to only 1% of the population.

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