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EDAD 693 & 694 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 3.0 Management

Element 3.3 Safety of Students & Staf
Activity: General Safety Procedures in the classroom/practicing school
safety drills with students
Time: 10 hours
Artifacts: Route 40 Elementary School Safety Plan, GCPS Universal
Emergency Response Procedures
Description: In addition to practicing the emergency drills, teachers spend a great
deal of time teaching and reinforcing safety procedures in the classroom. In my
classroom we go over the correct exit to use for fire drills (since its different than the
one the students would use in their own classrooms) and where to assemble for
lockdown and severe weather drills. We practice each one until it is a routine, so that
in the event of an emergency, students will still know what to do even if they are
scared or panicked. We also have safety rules for the music classroom. In addition to
following general school safety procedures, I have specific rules for dancing/moving
safely and using instruments safely.
Reflection: The safety policies and procedures in our schools are so important,
today more than ever. As administrators its imperative that we make sure our
teachers can implement every drill as effectively as possible. Though practicing a
fire drill in the middle of winter is never fun, its essential to always be prepared.

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