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Fine Arts Committee Meeting

March 9, 2016
Partner Updates and Project Information
Mary Callis--GLAF
April 5 Army Field Band and Soldiers Chorus 7:30 p.m.
Free concert at the CARC
Students from SHS and NHS will be participating with the concert.
8 musicians and 8 chorus members total
April 24 and 25--Maryland Ballet
All 4th and 5th grade students will travel to see this production.
2 p.m. Sunday public performance and Monday is for students
NHS and SHS traveled to see Carmen (the opera)
The lead roles came out and talked to the students and gave pointers and tips on how to further
their career.
Tickets to see the MD Symphony will be provided to students as requested. This will be in
Joan Lyon--GCAC
State Arts Council level--last fall and this spring--First Lady Hogan hosted a K-12 student arts
exhibit in Annapolis at the State House. Joan was asked to be a Juror for this event. Joan
found out at the end that there were no submissions from Garrett or Allegany county. In the
past, Ronni Digioia has submitted work, but was unable to coordinate it this year. Joan
suggests that art can be selected at the end of this spring semester to be saved to submit for
next fall, and work from next fall for the following spring. That would allow teachers to have an
entire semester of work to choose from. All participation has to go through Jane Wildesen (the
fine arts supervisor). Joan/the Arts Council is willing to be part of the delivery process. Jane is
suggesting that maybe the board purchases 1 piece of art per school level. That way the BOE
will have it ready for entry into state level shows. The Fine Arts Committee will select their
favorite Elementary, Middle School, and High School art piece. Each member will write down
the identifying information and submit their favorites to Jane. The piece of art with the most
votes will be purchased. Christmas Art work to be submitted to Annapolis (ornaments) could be
rotated. Virtual gallery of the artwork that is already displayed at the high schools. Joan will be
contacting a photographer that will be able to take pictures of the artwork and display this virtual
gallery at the board office.
GCAC turns 40 this year and is reviewing all of its programs and projects. An on-line survey
has been created for artists, GCAC members and the community at large to voice ideas for the
future. GCAC is still searching for a permanent location for a retail Gallery; ideally finding a
location that would support workshops, classes, studios for artists in residence, etc. Possibly
will operate a retail pop-up location this summer.

GCC Technologies will be having a reception this Friday and artwork will be displayed for the
next month there. Artwork was all created by GCAC members who are veterans, active military,
or who have a loved one who is a service member. The public is invited. The exhibit runs
through the end of the month.
Rock Creek Steel Drums are performing March 29 and 30. 2nd and 3rd graders, middle school,
and high school will be attending this performance. GCAC and county funds provided this
Congressman Delaney has requested that the high schools submit a work of art to be part of a
Mr. Carr mentions that central office desperately needs artwork to display.
Joan suggests maybe the county courthouse would display artwork as well.
SHS--Cindy Ringler
Melissa and Cindy are worried there may not be 2 art teachers next year. This is Cindys final
year to coordinate the arts fair. Jane mentions that the schedule is created based on student
BF--Bonnie Frederick
Right now, its Narnia in the art room. They go through the wardrobe to enter the art room.
Suggestion has been made to move Narnia to the arts fair.

****Next year, the high school level will be responsible for creating artwork for the board
Christmas Card.
Middle School--Jenny Wampler--3-d art and some crazy sculptures for the Arts fair. Taught the
entire staff to screenprint t-shirts as a team-building activity.
Elementary Music--Kendra Rinard--Video was created as advocacy to present to parents. Mary
would like the video to be shown at their annual meeting in November for GLAF. Joan asked for
the video to be presented at their annual meeting in June at GCAC. Enrichment programs at
each elementary school. STEAM lab at YG.
High School Music--Duane Salisbury--NHS has begun a Saturday music academy. This will run
for 8 weeks and will end May 14. Mary asks if it would be good to provide a professional group
to celebrate the end of this academy. This academy is for elementary and middle school kids
taught by high school musicians. Both high schools should submit their temporary contracts for
colorguard for the same amount as last year. (36 hours x 25 hours split between each high
school equals $900 per school.)Some 7th and 8th graders have requested to come up to the
high school to march and compete. TOB is on board with this request.
Duane is suggesting for performances (he was a guest clinician at FSU honor band). Dr.
Reddin is the new chorus director for FSU. GLAF will provide support to either bring FSU
chorus and band here, or bus our kids there.

Joshua requested African Drums and GLAF is working on that. Mary mentioned that the drums
will service the whole county. Crellin students want to go to STOMP and she is working on
funding for that too. NHS has been invited to next years inauguration. They will travel to D.C.
for this event.
Middle School Music-Chris Jones-Band is every other day and sectionals are once a week at
Kenneth Skrezese--supervisor of Fine Arts MSDE-will be visiting on April 1st. He will attend the
rehearsal at the CARC and then will attend on Saturday, April 2nd Arts Fair.
Maney Gale--Set-up will begin after 9 a.m. CARC. Clavinova will be provided in the holding
DVDs will be sold for $10 through the ticket office.
Mr. Thomas Carr--Garrett County Foundation (GCPS-Teets-Foundation)
Money coming into the system to provide supplements to co-curricular activities.
They are requesting a student to create a Logo for this foundation. Money can be donated to
specific products, or just in general. This logo creation can be a contest with prize money
associated and can be opened up to the public. A release in the newspaper will be submitted
open to all k-12 students. Specific parameters would be included. This will ultimately be
reduced to an official seal.

Elementary Music Video link:
Cindy asks if the 3 large sculptures can be displayed somewhere safely. Maney will work on
that aspect.
GCAC Fine Arts Awards--Theater, Chorus, Band, and Visual Arts. Each high school will select
one student from each category. Each student will receive a certificate and a monetary award.
Submit the names for each award to Karen Reckner, GCAC Executive Director by March 18.
Send names to Karen Reckner at this email address:

Pizza will be provided for lunch on Friday, April 1st at the CARC for all art and music

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