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The Entire Case History of Anna Ecklund: Americas

Most Famous Case of Possession

Surprisingly enough, the story of Anna Ecklund is not an easy one to come by,
especially since it is considered the most famous exorcism story in the United
States. There are different, varying accounts to the whole thing, and very few books
have been published about it. One of these books, however, is entitled Begone
Satan!, and was written by Father Carl Vogl approximately 80 years ago or so. It was
translated into English by Rev. Celestine Kapsner, and published in approximately
1973. The history of this book is that it was originally a very thick pamphlet that
was distributed amongst seminaries in the United States to familiarize priests with
the destructive powers of the devil through the process of possession, but in its
book form, its length varies. Depending on the multiple forewords and introductions,
it can range anywhere from 32 pages up to 48 pages. Obviously, this is not a very
long book. I prefer the version in which all of the unnecessary text is stripped down,
so below, through the creative commons law, you can download this book in PDF
format at the link provided here:
Annas story is not a simple one. It has been briefly mentioned in multiple
dictionaries or encyclopedias dealing with the demonic. I will post all of the
entries I have been able to find at the end of this article, for further reading if you so
choose, but basically, the story goes something like this:
To start it off, very much like the case of Annaliese Michael, Anna was possessed by
multiple diabolical entities, however, there were also additional entities which
resided within her which were at one time human, namely the spirit of her father,
Jacob Ecklund, and her aunt (as well as her fathers mistress) Mina. Also similar to
the Anneliese Michel case, Judas Iscariot was also one of the possessing spirits of
Anna Ecklund. Anna was born in 1882, but by age 14, she had already begin to have
severely strongly presented symptoms of possession, such as an intense aversion to
anything holy or sacred, including blessed objects or images. Very much like
Annliese Michel, she was unable to enter a Church because of some unseen force,
and she had an almost obsessive interest in deprived and disturbing sexual acts.
Many people attribute this to the fact that they truly believe that Jacob was
successful in his attempts of an incestuous relationship with his daughter, and these
actions imprinted themselves upon her, but this cannot be proven. It is believed
that by the time she was 26 years old, Anna had become completely and totally
The shocking thing here, at least to me, is that it was claimed that Father
Theophilus Riesinger, a Capuchin monk from Wisconsin, had successfully completed

an exorcism on June 18, 1912, but it was ultimately unsuccessful due to the fact
that both her father Jacob, and her aunt/his mistress Mina had begun to place
curses on Anna. They would curse the spices in the food which was given to Anna,
and around the community where they lived, while they were alive, it was
whispered quietly that Mina was actually a practicing witch with knowledge of the
Black Arts. During these alleged curses, the two of them actually called upon
assistance from the devil so that Anna could specifically suffer the torment of being
re-possessed again, because they knew that according to the Bible, if a demon is
expelled, but for whatever reason allowed to return, he will return with seven
stronger than him, and that case of possession will be significantly harder, almost
impossible to successfully correct via exorcism.
A full two decades later, Father Theophilus begane the process again. This is
actually where the book Begone Satan! opens, and you read about the verbal
exchange between Father Theophilus and a friend of his, Father Joseph Steiger, who
was a parish priest in the town where this possession is now known for, Earling,
Iowa. Father Theophilus had originally hoped that if he could remove Anna from her
hometown and perform these rituals elsewhere, then it would be unknown and it
could go on in complete discretion, but starting from the moment that the opening
prayers were recited, this was proven to be anything but the case.
It was agreed upon that a nearby convent would be used, maintained by Franciscan
nuns provided that the Mother Superior would sign off on it, which she did. Once
Anna had been transported to this location, strange occurrences began almost
instantly. Some of the nuns there had attempted to give Anna food, in which as was
their custom, they had already blessed. It was like magic, because from that day
forward, if anyone had attempted to bless any of Annas food, she would know of it
immediately and refuse to eat. She would hiss like a cat, and show great aversion to
this food, and therefore only unblessed food was prepared for her.
Since all of this information can be read freely in the PDF eBook I uploaded above, I
will not simply repeat this information all over again, what I will do is accentuate
and expand on significant presented within the details of this case.
Possessing Demons / Demonized Spirits:

InHuman: Lucifer

Inhuman: Beelzebub

Human: Judas

Human Jacob

Human: Mina

Additional: Many, many additional lesser demons.

Judas, it was revealed, was only there because it was his assignment to tempt Anna
into committing the unforgivable act of suicide. Unfortunately, due to his history, it
is said that in the hierarchy of Hell, Judas Iscariot would be the equivalent to the
Patron Demon of Suicides.
Jacob, the girls father, was condemned to Hell because he cursed his daughter to
be defiled by demons because she would not commit incest with him. We do not
know if he was successful, but once in Hell, the devil gladly allowed Jacob to
continue his molestation of his daughter, despite the fact that he was no longer
among the living.
Mina, Jacobs mistress, was condemned to hell because she had lead a prolonged
immoral life with Jacob while his wife was still alive. Also, she had committed a child
murder. She killed four children in her lifetime. While this can not be confirmed, it is
believed that these children were her own, and they were killed during the process
of abortion, so I dont know how much you want to believe that, but it is up to you,
the reader.
Out of the entire group, it was claimed that both Mina and Judas were the worst
offenders against the Blessed Sacrament, as they were constantly attempting to
somehow destroy or defile it. To manipulate or mutilate it would represent
everything they had attempted to do in life, and would be in league with the
diabolical activity of attempting to taint anything Holy.
Some of the more intense paranormal phenomena that occurred during this 23 day
long exorcism were:

Anna exhibited inhuman strength, required sometimes up to six athletic

nuns to hold her down.

Anna levitated, completely off the ground, on more than one occasion.

Anna leapt from her bed in the lying down position, ONTO the wall above
the door, where she held on, and maintained her position of crouching,
apparently defying gravity, while holding on to the side of a wall.

While Anna was unconscious, voices would talk, blaspheme, and verbally
assault everyone present, but not through Annas mouth, they came from her
throat, but her lips never moved.

She vomited, spit, drooled, urinated and defecated inhuman

amounts/quantities of solids and fluids. It was reported that Anna was
urinating buckets worth of liquid, and this is at a time where she was not
eating hardly anything at all daily.

She would vomit items such as tobacco leaves and other debris which
resembled spices.

Her head physically elongated and swelled at certain times.

Her body also seemed as if it would expand to the point of severe bloating, to
where it appeared that Anna was almost double her normal size, and then it
would retract in size and return to normal.

Her lips reportedly on some occasions grew to the size of hands.

She exhibited signs of possessed gravity, to the point that while laying in
bed she became so heavy that the bed sank and the iron bedframe was
considerably bent.

She spoke many languages in which she did not know.

She displayed numerous instances in which she had hidden knowledge or

knowledge of the unknown.

Anna would verbally assault the nuns present and the priests present by
reciting sins they had committed in their childhoods.

She predicted that an almost fatal car accident would strike Father Steiger,
and that it was a warning for him to walk away from the exorcism and to
rescind his invitation to the priests.

There were inhuman and unbearable smells that would constantly assault the
senses of all those present. Hordes of flies and mosquitos would suddenly
manifest and then disappear just as quickly.

Most importantly, this is the only case of possession where the priests had a
lucid, vivid, waking vision with his sixth sense during the exorcism. Without
him stopping the exorcism, for the last half hour or so of the final exorcism,
Father Theophilus physically saw both Lucifer and Beelzebub standing in the
corner, confined there. The room was completely set aflame in this vision,
and Lucifer, described as being extremely tall, with matted black fur on his
lower, hooved body and wearing a crown was seething with rage at Father
Theophilus because he was confined by Gods law to be unable to cause
physical harm to a person. Beelzebub was also there, as his second-incommand, also seething in rage, but not quite as vocal.

Here are some noteworthy quote from the book, Begone Satan!:
[In regards to the discussions portrayed in the book]
The reader would undoubtedly be misled if he were of the opinion that these
questions and answers followed in regular order. It must be remembered that these
battles and encounters with the devils extended over a number of days. At times

the answers were interrupted by hours and hours of howling and yelling, which
could be brought into submission only by prolonged prayer and persistent exorcism.
Often no further answers could be forced from the devils in any other way.
Countless brats of devils also interrupted the process of exorcism by their
disagreeable and almost unbearable interferences. As a result of these
disturbances, the womans face became so distorted that no one could recognize
her features.
Then, too, her whole body became so horribly disfigured that the regular contour of
her body vanished. Her pale, deathlike and emaciated head, often assuming the
size of an inverted water pitcher, became as red as glowing embers. Her eyes
protruded out of their sockets, her lips swelled up to proportions equaling the size
of hands, and her thin emaciated body was bloated to such enormous size that the
pastor and some of the Sisters drew back out of fright, thinking that the woman
would be torn to pieces and burst asunder. At times her abdominal region and
extremities became as hard as iron and stone. In such instances the weight of her
body pressed into the iron bedstead so that the iron rods of the bed bent to the
[In regards to the demon Beelzebub mocking the priests about Christs crucifixion]
This does not mean that we are now sure how the feet of our Saviour were
placed upon the cross, even if Beelzebubs statement tends to confirm the
description given by Catherine Emmerich. We do not give the father of lies credit
for being a reliable witness in such matters as the crucifixion, even if there is no
doubt that many devils were personal witnesses to the crucifixion of Christ. In like
manner I would have no one believe that we know for certain that Judas is in hell,
just because he claimed that he was one of the damned in the case of possession at
Earling. Holy Mother Church has never yet given a decision regarding this matter
even though the words of our Saviour about Judas are thought-provoking: It would
have been better if that man had never been born.
[In regards to the speaking of the AntiChrist]
Father Theophilus, basing his opinion on his numerous experiences with cases of
possession, believes that the hour of the Antichrist is not far distant. Lucifer himself
was present for about fourteen days in the Earling case. With all the forces of hell at
his disposal he tried his utmost to make this a test case. Once Father Th. Saw
Lucifer standing visibly before him for half an houra fiery being in his
characteristically demoniac reality. He had a crown on his head and carried a fiery
sword in his hand. Beelzebub stood alongside of him. During this time the whole
room was filled with flames. Lucifer was cursing and blaspheming in a terrible rage:

If I could, I would have choked you long ago. If I only had my former powers, you
would soon experience what I could do to you.
Through the powers of Christ he had been deprived of his original might as even
now through exorcism his influence was further diminished. Father Th. asked him
one time: What can you accomplish, you helpless Lucifer?
To which he replied: What could you do, if you were bound as I am?
This is where things get interesting. According to the book, Father Theophilus
believes that the time of the AntiChrist will be coming soon. He also believes that
through revelations shown during this exorcism and in conjunction with the visions
of Teresa Neumann halfway across the world, the spirit of Judas Iscariot will be the
one who is controlling this AntiChrist and guiding every action he makes. A false
prophet will arise, who will in reality be Lucifer himself, will perform miracles and
tremendous feats of healing. He will have the answer to all of our problems, and he
will be worshipped almost as a God.
Also a quote of this book, Father Theophilus claims:
He will not be born of a woman, but will construct a body for himself out of earthly
matter in order to plot as a man among men.
There was also severe opposition when confronted with the prayer of Saint Michael,
the Archangel who was promoted and given he power by God to expel Lucifer
from Heaven during the War in Heaven. The original, short version of the prayer is
listed below, and has been known to have extreme efficacy against all aspects of
the diabolical paranormal.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the
wickedness and snares of the devil. Restrain him, O God, we humbly beseech Thee,
and do Thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast him into hell
with the other evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Authors Additional Notes:
Protection of Saint Christopher: The Church has provided a special blessing under
the protection of St. Christopher against evil and disastrous influences. Therefore, it
is customary to put one of these blessed medals or medallions in cars for safetys
It was also claimed, in the section of the book entitled Speeches of Satan, that the
actual girl was not the one doing the speaking, for she was unconscious for most of
the time, but that he devil spoke from within her, not through her mouth. On many
occasions, her lips were open but not even moving during these audible events.

In the section Satans knowledge can be embarrassing, it is also once again

mentioned, in conjunction to what Ed Warren had said in the Demonologist, the
diabolical entities made the startling revelation that they only knew the sins in
which you had not confessed. If you had confessed them to a priest, they claimed to
have no knowledge of those sins.
From the book The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine
Warren, by Gerald Brittle, ISBN 0-595-24618-4, pages 203 & 204, this is what Ed
Warren had to say about the status of sins revealed:
As the exorcism progresses, continues Ed, the possessing entities usually pour
forth vulgar, blasphemous language crude, filthy, gutter talk. Speaking in a gross,
inhuman voice, these things will also challenge the Scriptures being read, and
sometimes even correct the exorcist should he happen to omit a phrase or
mispronounce some word-Latin or English-in the ritual. These insults and
slanderings will later change into a demoralizing personal assault directed against
all those present. These spirits, you see, not only know the Scriptures, they also
know the life of everyone in the room. Theyll try to drive the exorcist and his
assistants away by bringing up hurtful incidents in these peoples lives, recounting
their personal tragedies with perverse delight. Theyll reveal personal things that a
person may feel terribly guilty about, or dredge up events that provoke great pain
and sorrow. When that doesnt work, theyll humiliate each and every person
present by reciting all their mortal sins in front of everyone, dwelling on those sins
that are likely to be the most embarrassing to a particular person. For Catholics, this
latter problem is avoided through confession: strangely enough, the demonic has no
knowledge of sins that have been confessed!
According to the priest attending to the exorcism, during the final days of the ritual,
Lucifer himself as well as his right hand, Beelzebub were present, in the room,
threatening and watching the priest continue the Ritual Romanum.
From the book The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine
Warren, by Gerald Brittle, ISBN 0-595-24618-4, pages 185 & 186, this is what Ed
Warren had to say about the Earling possession case:
Lonnie to expel the invading spirit. As the possessing entity itself admitted, it was
weak, but it also declared there are others stronger, referring to the diabolical
hierarchy. Though devils order the possession of a particular human being, Ed
says, a devil will almost never participate in the possession itself. Instead, the
demonic spirit possesses people. There are exceptions, of course.
We know that Lucifer himself was involved in the possession of a woman in Iowa in
1928 named Anna Ecklund because witnesses at the time reported that he showed
himself and remained present during the latter part of the exorcism standing in a
circle of fire wearing a crown.

According to Ed Warren, diabolical possession is meant as a challenge to the

authority of God, because in such cases, the devil, in violation of cosmic law, has
actually done the forbidden and taken on incarnate form. When this happens, there
is no alternative but to perform major exorcism.
And regrettably, there is no proof so clear of the Devils existence than that which is
gained during a major exorcism of the possessed.
In the book Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five
Contemporary Americans, by Father Malachi Martin, ISBN 978-0-06-065337-8, page
13, possessed gravity is explained as:
In the records of Christian Exorcism from as far back as the lifetime of Jesus himself,
a peculiar revulsion to symbols and truths of religion is always and without
exception a mark of the possessed person. In the verification of a case of
possession by Church authorities, this symptom of revulsion is triangulated with
other physical phenomena frequently associated with possession the inexplicable
stench; freezing temperature; telepathic powers about purely religious and moral
matters; a peculiarly unlined or completely smooth or stretched skin, or unusual
distortion of the face, or other physical and behavioral transformations; possessed
gravity (the possessed person becomes physically immovable, or those around the
possessed are weighted down with a suffocating pressure); levitation (the
possessed rises and floats off the ground, chair, or bed; there is no physically
traceable support); violent smashing of furniture, constant opening and slamming of
doors, tearing of fabric in the vicinity of the possessed, without a hand laid on them;
and so on.
In the book The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology by Rosemary Ellen
Guiley, ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-7314-6 & ISBN-10: 0-8160-7314-7, pages 71 & 72, here
is the entire entry of Anna Ecklund, and the case of Earling, Iowa:
Earling Possession (1928)
One of the best-documented demonic POSSESSION cases in the 20th century. The
possession of Anna Ecklund also is unusual for the combination of demonic entities
within one victim.
Anna was born in the Midwest about 1882 and was raised a devout and pious
Catholic. She first began showing the symptoms of possessionrevulsion toward
holy objects, inability to enter church, and disturbing thoughts about unspeakable
sexual actsat age 14, finally becoming totally possessed in 1908. In the account of
Annas travails, Begone Satan!, written in German by the Reverend Carl Vogl and
translated into English by the Reverend Celestine Kapsner, O.S.B., Annas aunt Mina,
a reputed witch, caused her possession by placing spells on herbs used in Annas
food. Father Theophilus Riesinger, a native Bavarian and a Capuchin monk from the
community of St. Anthony at Marathon, Wisconsin, successfully exorcized her on

June 18, 1912, only to have her fall prey to the Devil again after her father heaped
CURSEs on her and wished her possessed. In 1928, when Anna was 46 years old,
Father Theophilus tried again.
Seeking a place where Anna was unknown, Father Theophilus approached his old
friend, Father F. Joseph Steiger, parish priest in Earling, Iowa. With great reluctance,
Father Steiger agreed that the exorcism could take place in the nearby convent of
the Franciscan Sisters. Anna arrived in Earling on August 17, 1928. Trouble started
immediately; sensing that someone had sprinkled holy water on her evening meal,
Anna threw a fi t, purring like a cat, and refused to eat until unblessed food could be
served. After that, the devils within her always knew whether one of the nuns had
tried to bless the food or drink, and they always complained.
The ancient ritual began in earnest the next morning. Father Theophilus had several
of the strongest nuns hold Anna on a mattress laid upon an iron bed, and her
clothes were bound tightly around her to prevent her from stripping herself. With
Father Theophilus first exhortations Annas mouth clamped shut and she fell
unconscious, followed almost immediately by an extraordinary feat of levitation.
Rising swiftly from the bed, she hung onto the wall above the door like a cat, and it
took great effort to pull her down. Although Anna was unconscious and her mouth
never moved throughout the sessions, voices issued from within her, accompanied
by screams, howls, and unearthly animal noises. Earling citizens, alarmed by the
outcries, gathered at the convent, ruining Father Theophilus hopes of keeping the
exorcism secret. Totaling 23 days, the exorcisms covered three sessions: from
August 18 to the 26, from September 13 to 20, and from December 15 to 23.
Through it all, Annas physical state deteriorated to the point of death. She ate no
food but only swallowed small amounts of milk or water. Nevertheless, she vomited
enormous quantities of foul-smelling debris, often resembling tobacco leaves, and
spit prodigiously. Her face became horribly disfigured and distorted, often suffusing
with blood as her head swelled and elongated, her eyes bulged, and her lips grew,
reportedly, to the size of hands. Her abdomen would swell to the point of bursting,
only to retract and become so hard and heavy that the iron bedstead would bend
under the enormous weight.
In addition to the physical changes, Anna understood languages previously
unknown to her, recoiled at holy words and objects, and revealed clairvoyant
knowledge by exposing secret childhood sins of the other participants. The nuns
and Father Steiger were so frightened and troubled that none of them could stay in
Annas room throughout the entire exorcism but instead worked in shifts. Father
Steiger, taunted by the devils for having agreed to the exorcism in his parish, was
especially harassed and suffered an auto accident that the devils had predicted and
apparently arranged. Only Father Theophilus, confident of his powers, remained

Hordes of lesser devils and avenging spirits, described as like a swarm of

mosquitoes, possessed Anna, but her principal tormentors were BEELZEBUB , Judas
Iscariot, and the spirits of her father, Jacob, and his mistress, Annas aunt Mina.
Beelzebub revealed himself first, engaging Father Theophilus in sarcastic theological
conversations and acknowledging that the curses of Jacob, Annas father, sent the
devils into her at age 14. Father Theophilus tried to reach Jacob, only to be
answered by a spirit identifying himself as Judas Iscariot, who admitted he was
there to torment Anna to commit suicide and thereby go to HELL.
Jacob eventually spoke and said that he had cursed Anna for not submitting to his
incestuous advances, calling upon the devil to tempt her with every unspeakable sin
against chastity. In Begone Satan! the author describes Jacobs life as coarse and
brutal, taking Annas aunt Mina as a mistress while he was still married and
repeatedly trying to seduce Anna. At his death, a priest had administered extreme
unction, but Jacob ridiculed him. The author continues: In the judgment after death
even all that was pardoned him, but (because) he had cursed his own daughter . . .
that ultimately was the guilt of his eternal damnation. And so he was still scheming
in hell how he could torture and molest his child. This Lucifer gladly permitted him
to do. Whether Annas virginity really remained intact, even at age 46, or whether
she had repressed her sexual contact with her father is unknown.
A high, falsetto voice, present from the beginning among the other voices, revealed
itself as that of Mina. God had damned her for living with Jacob and for murdering
four children. Begone Satan! suggests that the children were Minas own, but they
may also have been multiple abortions. The author describes Mina as any devils
equal for malice and hate, filled with spite and blaspheming the Blessed Sacrament.
The author remarks that the truly amazing aspects of Annas possession were her
basic virtue and pious disposition throughout her ordeal, because the devil has no
power over the free will of a human being. Sensing his eventual triumph, Father
Theophilus continued to exhort the devils to depart, and by the latter part of
December 1928, they began to weaken and moan, rather than scream, against his
efforts. Father Theophilus demanded that when they returned to hell, each should
call out his name as a sign of his or her departure, and the devils agreed.
On December 23, 1928, at about 9:00 P .M ., Anna suddenly jerked up and stood
erect in bed, looking as if she were about to rise to the ceiling. Father Steiger called
for the nuns to pull her down, while Father Theophilus blessed her and roared,
Depart ye fi ends of hell! Begone Satan, the Lion of Juda reigns! Anna crumpled
back onto the bed as a terrible shout of Beelzebub, Judas, Jacob, Mina followed by
Hell, hell, hell filled the room, repeated several times until the sound seemed to
fade into the distance. Anna opened her eyes and smiled, while tears of joy ran
down her face and she cried, My Jesus,
Mercy! Praised be Jesus Christ!

Begone Satan! describes the end: During the first thrills of joy they were not even
aware of the terrible odor that filled the room. All the windows had to be opened,
the stench was something unearthly, simply unbearable. It was the last souvenir of
the infernal devils for those they had to abandon upon the Earth.
Vogel, Rev. Carl. Begone, Satan! A Soul-Stirring Account of Diabolical Possession in
Iowa. Rockford, Ill.: TAN Books and Publishers, 1973.
And, even further, in the book The Dark Sacrament: True Stories of Modern-Day
Demon Possession and Exorcism, by David M. Kiely and Christina McKenna, ISBN
978-0-06-123817-8, pages 354-356, they describe this story as well. Through direct
private correspondence with author Christina McKenna, I had asked her why she
referred to the case as Mary X instead of Anna Ecklund, and she responded that it
was an attempt to retain the privacy of her relatives in the United States (McKenna
is an Irish author). I do not intend to cause Ms. Ecklunds relatives any heartache
either, so if any of that results from this article, I do apologize. But, here is an
excerpt from the above referenced book:
One of the most notorious cases of alleged possession had its roots in the closing
decade of the nineteenth century. The victim was a girl of fourteen called Mary who
was born and raised in an undisclosed location in the American Midwest. She began
hearing voices that made obscene suggestions and developed a distaste for
anything religious. She could speak in languages she had never learned and
manifested many other signs that could indicate demonic possession.
Strangely enough, however, it was not until 1928, when Mary was forty years of
age, that she finally agreed to an exorcism- we do not know what happened in the
intervening twenty-six years. She was taken to a convent in Earling, Iowa, there to
await the arrival of an exorcist. The man appointed to the task was a GermanAmerican priest named Theophilus Riesinger, a member of the Capuchin order. He
enjoyed a reputation as a successful banisher of unclean entities. Yet Mary would
prove to be the greatest challenge of his career. Begun on the first day of
December, the exorcism was to last for a grueling twenty-three days. Father
Riesinger was assisted by his friend and fellow monk Father Joseph Steiger. The two
were to experience terrible resistance from a number of demons who appeared to
have taken control of the woman, chief among whom was one who identified
himself as Beelzebub.
As the days wore on, certain details about Marys past emerged. The priests
discovered that her father, Jacob, had attempted an incestuous relationship with
her. We do not know for certain if he succeeded. It also came to light that Marys
mother had killed four of her own infants. It seems that for these crimes the

parents, on their deaths, were damned. Among their infernal tasks was to
demonize their daughter and to curse her.
A fearsome array of demons presented themselves; among them was one called
Mina, who, it seems, in life was Jacobs mistress. The demons used many
stratagems to thwart the exorcism: Father Steiger had a freak auto accident but
survived, and the entities unsuccessfully attempted to drive a wedge between the
Again and again, the Rituale Romanum was enacted, without any outward sign that
the victim was responding. Demons continued to speak out of Marys mouth, at
times divulging information that she could not have known. At times the voices
could be heard even when Marys mouth was shut.
But the entities left in the end, two days before Christmas. At their leaving, the
priests heard a piercing scream, followed by a raucous cacophony of voices filling
the room where the victim lay. Evidently they were those of the demons, including
her father and his mistress. Their parting words were, Beelzebub, Judas, Jacob,
Mina hell, hell, hell! The curses had been lifted. Mary regained her own
Her first words were in praise of Jesus.
From the book Dictionary of Demons: Names of the Damned, written by Michelle
Belanger, ISBN 978-0-7387-2306-8, here are the entries for:
Lucifer and Satan
From the book The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, written by Rosemary
Ellen Guiley, ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-7314-6 & ISBN-10: 0-8160-7314-7, here are the
entries for:
From the book The Routledge Dictionary of Gods Goddesses Devils & Demons,
ISBN 0-203-64351-8, here are the entries for:

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