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New Market Middle School

History of the Medieval World- 7th Grade

Ms. Felix
Welcome to the 2016/2017 school year at New Market Middle School! This year in social
studies your child will be studying the Medieval World, The course will include the study of the
Fall of Rome, Medieval Europe, Medieval Middle East, Medieval Africa, Medieval Asia,
Medieval America and Exploration. In addition we will be developing geography skills.
Classroom Expectations:
As seventh graders it is expected that students know what is appropriate and
inappropriate classroom behavior and I hold all of my students to high expectations. Every
student is expected to follow classroom rules so that they and their classmates and learn in a
positive and enjoyable environment. Failure to follow our class rules will result in appropriate
disciplinary measures. In order to create awareness and ensure a positive educational experience
for all students, I have included a list of rules and consequences.

Respect yourself.
Respect your peers (including their thoughts and questions).
Respect your teacher.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Stay on task.
Keep all body parts to yourself.

1. Warning
2. Lunch Detention and Reflection
3. Contact Home
4. Referral
** These consequences are based around the NMMS Positive Behavioral Interventions.
Levels can be skipped based on severity of offense.

Grading Policy:
Students will be graded on a variety of aspects within this class. Classwork/quizzes,
homework, warm ups, tests/long term projects will be the categories used to create a final grade
for the student. It is very important to complete all work and come to a class every day with a
positive attitude toward learning.

Here is the breakdown:

Tests/Long Term Projects: 40%
Classswork/quizzes: 40%
Homework: 10%
Warm Ups: 10%
Each assignment given to students is allotted a point value. Therefore, the points you earn
out of the total points possible will reflect the grade you receive. Points are recorded in TAC at
least once a week, though I strive for much more often.
90-100%= A
80-89%= B
70-79%= C
60-69%= D
50% and below= F
New Market Middle School encourages parents to regularly check their students grades
on HAC. The following list of codes in provided to help parents better understand the Home
Access Center (HAC) grading program.

An E is issued to excuse work. (This will neither hurt nor help a students grade)
A Z is used by teachers to let parents know that an assignment has never been turned
in. (The Z counts as a zero in the students grade in order to give an accurate reflection
of what the grade will be if the assignment is never turned in.)
An actual 0 in a gradebook signifies that a student earned a zero on the assignment.

Absent/Make Up Work/Late Work:

Students with excused absences have the opportunity to make up work for full credit.
Students are held accountable for obtaining the materials needed to complete missing work and
responsible for following the procedure after being absent. Work is expected to be made up
within two days for the full credit, or it will be subject to late grading. Please speak with Ms.
Felix for outstanding circumstances and extended absences.
Missing assignments will remain a Z until the end of the marking period to indicate to
parents throughout the marking period the assignment has never been turned in. those Zs may be
turned into 0s at the end of the term. The lowest grade fully completed late work can receive in
a 50%
Every assignment can be handed in late. Everyday an assignment is late the student will
lose 10% of their grade.

**FCPS policy will be followed regarding make up work for excused/unexcused absences**
Tutoring is available upon student request during ELT (extended learning time). ELT is
held Monday through Friday for a half hour each day. Students need to speak with Ms. Felix to
be signed up.
Class Supply List:
Students are responsible for holding on to notes (either digital or paper) and classwork.
Below is a list of materials students will need every day.

Journal (spiral or composition)

Writing Utensils (Dark Colored Pens or Pencil)
1 inch binder OR a section within binder OR a folder
Chromebook (this is very important as we will be on GoogleClassroom everyday!)
A donation box of tissues is not necessary but would be greatly appreciated

Class Website:

Only students have access to GoogleClassroom and I wanted a place where students and parents
can access documents, links, and any other vital classroom pieces! Feel free to check it out!
Students and parents are welcome to join my Remind! It is a texting system where I am able to
send out messages and reminders about assignments, tests, quizzes, project deadlines, etc.
Though it is not required it is a great way to stay connected and up to date on what is going on in
the classroom. I will not have access to your number, and vice-versa. You also will not get
involved in one long group message! No one is able to respond to the message!
Directions to sign up:
Phone Number: 81010
Message: @2ke884

First and foremost, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for trusting me with your pride
and joy. I cannot wait to work with your child and have a great school year! If you at any time
have any questions or concerns arise please feel free to contact me via email or phone. I look
forward to a wonderful year!
Childs Full Name:___________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:______________________________________
Relationship to Child:________________________________________
I have read the above information and understand that my student is responsible for following
these expectations.
Parent Signature
I have read the above information and understand it is my responsibility to follow these
Student Signature
Parent Email:
Parent Phone:
Does your child have access to the internet at home? (Circle One)



Do I have permission to post pictures of your child working in the classroom on the class
website? (Circle One)

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