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McKenney Intermediate School

1904 Huston St.

Marysville, CA 95901
(530) 741- 6187

English Language Arts 8

Mrs. Martinez
Room P2
Course Syllabus 2016-2017

What Will We Be Doing In This Class?

Welcome to 8th grade! This year will be filled with exciting new challenges intended to
prepare you for high school. This year, we will be focusing on reading, writing, speaking and
listening skills. You will continue to develop your writing in this class including writing
responses to literature, argumentative, and narrative essays. In addition, we will be working on
research, technical skills, vocabulary, and grammar.
We will be reading various stories and poems from the text, as well as novels. You will
also be expected to complete several projects and assignments that will contribute to your
success in language arts and beyond.
What Will We Need?
1. Binder with dividers for each class
2. Spiral notebook of paper for novel journals/portfolio
3. Loose-leaf paper
4. Pencils, pens and a highlighter
Classroom Rules a.k.a Martinez Style
Be Respectful
1. Do not talk while Mrs. Martinez is talking. Do not talk when classmates are sharing.
2. Stay in your seat, unless otherwise instructed. If you need to sharpen your pencil, get tissue,
etc., do so at an appropriate time (not during instructions).
3. Keep all hands, feet and materials to yourself. Do not take anyone elses things without
asking. Do not touch anything on Mrs. Martinezs desk.
4. Cell phones are off and away between 8am-3pm.
5. Be kind to one another.
Be Responsible
1. Bring all necessary materials to class every day.
2. Be on time to class every day.
3. Keep track of all assignments and turn them in on time.
4. Follow directions given to you. If you have a question or need help, ask!
Be Healthy
1. No food or drinks in class. Water must be in a clear bottle (i.e. no Klean Kanteens).
Classroom Procedures

Bell Ringers
Students are to come into class and immediately begin the Bell Ringer in their notebooks. Be
sure to date all entries and keep your binder neat and organized. Bell Ringers will be collected
each Friday.
Privilege Pass
Students will be given a Privilege Pass at the beginning of each quarter. This will have 4 Late
Passes, 3 Bathroom Passes and 2 Tardy Passes. If a student needs to use the bathroom they will
sign one of their Bathroom Passes and write it in the back of their planner. Teacher will sign
both before the end of the period(s). Student will take the class pass and will also sign out on
the sheet by the door. Any student leaving the classroom (called to office, running errand for
teacher, etc) will sign out/in as well. Any passes not used at the end of the quarter can be turned
in for EC.
Homework/Make-Up Work
1. Assignments are due during class on the date stated. Students will pass in their assignment
when called for. Students can turn in an assignment early but must use a Late Pass for any
assignment turned in after the due date. Homework will be assigned periodically throughout
the week. If an assignment is not completed in class, students should finish it for homework,
unless otherwise specified. Students will have vocabulary assigned on Monday which is due
2. If a student is absent, they have the same number of days as absent to make up an
assignment. It is the students responsibility to make sure they retrieve the assignment(s) they
missed from the Absent Crate that holds copies of assignments for each day of the month.
3. Students need to be reading independently at least 15 minutes daily a book of their choice
for the Accelerated Reader requirement.
Class Dojo
Students will have their own monster avatar that will be awarded points or have points taken
away. Students and parents can keep track of their own points through the app or website.
Points will also be posted during class periodically. Students can use their points to redeem
rewards or prizes. Students need to be aware and keep track of when they reach a point reward.
Remind is a free app and website where teachers can send out messages or pictures and
students and parents can receive them like a text message to their phone or email. It also has a
chat function where students and parents can send a direct message to me at any time. It works
similar to Twitter, but is only available for educational users, making it a safe electronic
communication tool.
Grading Policy
Accelerated Reader
Grading Scale







*Grades are typically updated in Aeries weekly for the assignments done that week. Projects or
essays may take more time to be graded and posted. Grades will be posted weekly in the
classroom listed by Student Number and ranked from highest to lowest percentage.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received and read the syllabus for Language
Arts and I will adhere to the rules and procedures.
Student Name

Student Signature

As the parent or legal guardian of the above named student, I acknowledge that I have
read the syllabus for Language Arts and I will ensure that my child adheres to the rules
and procedures of this class.
Parent/Guardian Name

Parent/Guardian Signature

As the teacher of the student listed above, I acknowledge that failure is not an option and
will do my best to ensure that he/she has everything that they need from me to be
successful in Language Arts this year.
Mrs. Martinez
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),
In order to better understand the needs of your student, in a million words or less,
please tell me about your student:

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